Got knocked down but am getting up again. Need support!

In the fall, I lost about 12 lbs. using I had a pretty good set of habits going - regular exercise, mostly healthy eating, gradual but steady weight loss. I was enjoying cross-country skiing and was feeling great. In January, however, I ended up in Emergency from blood loss due to some perimenopausal craziness (will spare you the gory details). I had to spend a few weeks laying low, rebuilding my iron levels and trying different meds to keep things under control.

Then, as I was starting to feel better and was getting back into a routine, I received the terrible news that my nephew, a much-loved and incredibly promising young man, had committed suicide. This has been a tough one to deal with - I guess I finally understand the meaning of the old cliche "I feel your pain," because watching my brother and his family endure the almost unendurable has been really hard.

However, I have much to be thankful for - a great family and friends, pretty good health (apart from my rogue uterus) and a job that I enjoy (most days). So, I've realized it's time to stop dwelling on misfortune - and the regaining of 9 of the pounds I lost - and get back on the horse. I am turning the theft of my somewhat antiquated heart rate monitor from my car (seriously? go find something you can actually pawn, you bottom-feeding burglar) into an opportunity, and have ordered a FitBit One as a replacement. Not sure if it will meet all my tech geek fitness needs - may still need to spring for a new HR monitor - but am unduly excited about its arrival next week.

It is the FitBit connection that has brought me to myfitnesspal. Am looking forward to getting the two to work together. So far, am enjoying the interface of myfitnesspal compared to - entering food seems to be much easier. However, I'm sans friends here and am thinking that connecting with a community will help to keep me accountable. Plus, I am really inspired by others' stories. Hope to connect with lots of you. So far, it looks like a great place to hang out!


  • Chickyjd
    Chickyjd Posts: 136 Member
    Hi there,

    You have been through a tough time, but are coming through it! I'm loving MFP and enjoying getting fitter and healthier with the help of friends and support through here, and like to think I am giving the same back :) Please feel free to add me for friendship and support xx
  • Tamm04
    Tamm04 Posts: 182 Member
    Welome! Such a sad story, but it's great you're on your way. Good luck!
  • 09NewMe12
    09NewMe12 Posts: 18
    I was knocked down and am back at er again as well.
    I am here ready to be your cheers leader and need "you go girl' motivation myself.
    Add me if you wanna be on the cheering squad!
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    Hi, A friend request has been sent.
    Welcome to MFP. I am sorry for your loss and your families loss my condolences to you all.
    I can hear that you are ready for this change and ready to fight for your happiness. Everyone deserves to feel and be happy. Just wanted to lend my support and tell you that this is the right place for support on your journey. I love this place because everyone is on the same mind frame to reach their goals of fitness and health.
    My name is Yvette and I am a teacher and I teach 1st graders.
    I am striving to meet my goal and lose the last 14 lbs of my weight. I am on here a lot to keep myself motivated and give support and encourgement. Lets encourage and help one another on this weightloss and fitness journey to a healthier us.
  • LReter
    LReter Posts: 3 Member
    I am new to MFP also - I sent you a friend request - Wish I had joined MFP a long time ago - This is such a great place to be encouraged!

    I use the Jawbone UP fitness band - It's just good to be able to track sleep and activity - two things I need to improve.. Maybe one day UP will link with MFP on Android platform like FitBit does : / But, it has really helped me - Some nights I have to go out and walk laps to get my 10,000 steps in...

    WELCOME TO THE JOURNEY!!! Together WE CAN DO IT!!! :smile:
  • karen19711
    karen19711 Posts: 99 Member
    That's what makes u K
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    So sorry for your loss...

    I would LOVE to be part of your support (and anyone else who needs support, please friend me). I was doing SOOOO well last year. In July I was down 40 pounds, feeling AMAZING, and then I got a big promotion at work, and have put it all back on...I've learned that I need a better way to deal with stress, and the importance of setting boundaries at work (I was working 70 hours a week for quite a while).

    I AM BACK though!!!!!!!

    Bless you!
  • paulaann67
    paulaann67 Posts: 145 Member
    Would love to be friends on this journey! I am on here everyday & love giving support as well as receiving it! I know your loss/pain as a cousin/best friend of mine was taken from us instantly & without any notice. We can either live where the pain is or grab our life we still have in front of us & live it to the fullest in their memory. If anyone else needs support feel free to add me! To new beginnings & friendship!! :smile:
  • davidleewilson
    davidleewilson Posts: 29 Member
    I am sure that was devastating. I lost a niece to an overdose of prescription meds that end up causing her to have a fatal cerebral hemorrhage. My thoughts and prayers are with your and your family. Be strong.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    It's not how many times you get knocked down it's how many times you get back up that counts.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    So sorry for your loss. I know it's not an easy thing to deal with.
  • nana6799
    nana6799 Posts: 262
    Under your circumstances It is very understandable about you gaining back what you lost, etc. I did the same several years ago. I had 3 surgeries in one year and the same year my husband had a sudden death. So, I know where you are coming from!

    I am on mfp every day ! I like to think I am a good supporter of my mfp friends! I certainly am happy to be there for you if you would like.

    I am on my second BodyMedia tracking sensor with the wrist core viewer. However, I did order a Fitbit Flex but it is back ordered for a few months. It has really helped me so see how much I have burned throug out the day. It has been an education.

    Welcome to mfp! I have been a member since January of 2011, however, I did not get real serious about it until September 2012.

    You will love being on mfp, you will learn, and you will be supported!

    Friend me if you like!
  • jmlf4
    jmlf4 Posts: 28 Member
    sent you a request ...would love to be support for you...this is a great place to make tremendous strides