How is it possible to NEVER lose weight?!?!

I have been on MFP for around 7 weeks. I started at 1200 and seen 2 kilos drop, but was hungry and cranky. I worked out my TDEE, -20% and felt much better. I have lost 3 inches in my hips and 2 in my waist in the last 2 weeks. I upped my water and weights. So I know it's working and I'm doing well. What I don't understand is how the scale NEVER moves! I k ow about water weight and DOMS, but surely the scales have to drop eventually?!? No drop in weeks is a little depressing. I'm happy with the inches :) but confused about the scale still :(


  • CatMcCheesey
    CatMcCheesey Posts: 143
    If you know it's working, then why are you worried about the scale?
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    i was in the same place as you - but I discovered that I understimated my TDEE so I was under eating. Upped my caloric goal to 2000 gross calories per day and started right back on the losing trail. Maybe your TDEE is understimated too...
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    broken scale?
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    If you're losing inches, who cares if the scale never moves, or even goes up?

    Sounds like you're making great progress.
  • jodiegarnett
    It's not so much I'm worried, I just don't understand it I guess. I know the fat has gone. I certainly didn't gain it in muscle, so how can I weigh the same? I'm on 1750 a day so not undereating.
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    If it's working, why pay so much attention to the scale? It will show eventually.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    It will go down eventually, but if you're losing inches that's what matters. Has it only been 2 weeks?
  • jodiegarnett
    I have access to 4 different scales lol and they are all different. But none of them move lol
  • Charlottesmama
    Charlottesmama Posts: 36 Member
    My scale isn't moving but I was able to get into my pre preg jeans today. You are more then likely gaining muscle. It takes up less space hence the loss in inches.
  • jodiegarnett
    Nope, lost in the first two, then nothing in the last 5 weeks. I upped my water, I know I don't drink enough. Does anyone know WHY the scales don't move for some people?? It's the not understanding that's getting to me.. I must be nerdier than I thought lol
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    The way I've seen it explained in another thread was basically that fat isn't all that heavy so you can lose a bit of it without seeing a noticeable difference in scale weight (your weight fluctuates anyway).
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    Loosing inches is more important than loosing weight!!! You may be turning fat into muscle and muscle weights more than fat!! As long as you are getting smaller why does weight matter?
  • jodiegarnett
    5 weeks. Not very long I know lol.
  • jodiegarnett
    Angel, that's makes sense. I guess a few inches isnt very heavy, so not a drastic weight change.
  • jodiegarnett
    Charlottesmam, that's great! :) I can't wait to fit I to anything pre preg, I've had 8 little cherubs lol
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    You make it sound like you think you could be at your goal, so you shouldn't be worrying about losing more, esp. if you're losing inches. You might not be putting on the muscle IF you're not getting enough protein. So your body might not have anything left to lose & is trying to hang onto what's left. It would help to know your height, current weight, & be able to view your food diary (if you want to open it up).
  • violettatx
    violettatx Posts: 230 Member
    You said you upped your weights. That could have your body hanging on to more water. Don't sweat it! I had the same thing happen for three weeks or so, and then boom, I lost 2 pounds. Just keep doing what you're doing!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You could have put on a tiny amount of newbie gains if you've just started lifting, but other than that you're right that it isn't muscle. I do agree that you may be retaining more water if your weights have gone up, even if you don't have noticeable DOMS.
  • pattya925
    pattya925 Posts: 398
    I wouldn't stress about the number on the scale, if you are seeing inches disappear. In the past, it took me over a year to lose 14 pounds but in that same time period I went from a size 12 to a size 4 - 6. The scale wouldn't budge for months at a time... No worries!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    You look too thin to lose weight - you are changing your body in other ways. If you're exercising too much to lose muscle and bones stay bones and you don't have fat, you're consolidating.

    How did you set your target weight?