Calling all Vegans!

Hello everyone!

I just watched the most enlightening, yet disturbing documentary on Netflix called "Vegucated". It really displays the horrible treatment of animals, practices of slaughterhouses, and the negative health effects of animal products on our bodies. I am actually pretty physically ill after watching the entire thing, and it makes me think about going vegan.

I guess my question is, what made you want to switch to vegan? Did you find it difficult to switch? Tell me about your experience. :)


  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    I know we must have some vegans on this site!
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    Can't believe I only just saw this question now!!! I LOVE talking about this!!!!
    I have been vegan for over a was a process for me.

    I hadn't ever really eaten dairy..always found it gross as anything..and I never liked meat. I grew up in the contryside in Ireland so I always knew what meat was and where it came from, unlike a lot of city slickers! ;) The last and hardest thing for me to stop eating was fish and shellfish as I loved those ...and in the end it was for moral and also for health reasons, with mercury and the pollution of our waters being hard to ignore.
    I am very strong and healthy and happy to provide nutritional info if you like.
    I dance about 9 hours a week so fully understand what I need to fuel my body.
    I feel happier morally as I am not at all involved in the torture and hurt of animals. I don't buy leather but still wear what I already own as otherwise it's terribly the por animal died for nothing. :(

    I strongly believe that dairy and meat is very bad for our bodies.
    Watch videos from Dr. Michael Greger for a lot of super information.

    It is great to be able to help animals rather than support their slaughter for our own selfishness...there is just so so much great food out there :) Ask me anything and congrats for starting on this journey :)
  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    Can't believe I only just saw this question now!!! I LOVE talking about this!!!!
    I have been vegan for over a was a process for me.

    I hadn't ever really eaten dairy..always found it gross as anything..and I never liked meat. I grew up in the contryside in Ireland so I always knew what meat was and where it came from, unlike a lot of city slickers! ;) The last and hardest thing for me to stop eating was fish and shellfish as I loved those ...and in the end it was for moral and also for health reasons, with mercury and the pollution of our waters being hard to ignore.
    I am very strong and healthy and happy to provide nutritional info if you like.
    I dance about 9 hours a week so fully understand what I need to fuel my body.
    I feel happier morally as I am not at all involved in the torture and hurt of animals. I don't buy leather but still wear what I already own as otherwise it's terribly the por animal died for nothing. :(

    I strongly believe that dairy and meat is very bad for our bodies.
    Watch videos from Dr. Michael Greger for a lot of super information.

    It is great to be able to help animals rather than support their slaughter for our own selfishness...there is just so so much great food out there :) Ask me anything and congrats for starting on this journey :)

    Thanks for the info!

    I guess my biggest question would be how do you get your protein. Do you take multivitamins for other things you could be lacking in?
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    That is the most common question...and you are not alone in worrying about it... but our western world is a little obsessed with protein ;) It's VERY rare to get too little the Dr. Greger info video on protein.

    I actually.. most days get a little OVER my protein allottment though stay below my other calorie count.
    I eat lots of lentils, beans, some healthier mock meat products, lots of veggies which also have protein, tofu, nuts,seeds, vegan protein powder in my morning shake....etc..

    I take B12 and also eat nutritional yeast which is yummy and has B12 in it also and D which most folks, vegan or not should take when they don't sun bathe ;)
    You are welcome to look at my diary :)
  • JustineMarie21
    JustineMarie21 Posts: 438 Member
    I am a nutrition junkie ! I love hearing about it, reading about cooking, giving and getting advise. I was oogling on Netflix and found this documentary and this gave me more information on how and why vegans are who they are. PROPS. Im not vegan and probably never will be but I kinda call myself a vegetarian because of the amount of fruits and veggies I eat. But I do love chicken,turkey and fish. So in all I guess im just a person who stays away from red meat lol
    Things in our diets are so modified soon they`re going to say veggies are bad.
  • Becky_Smith72
    Becky_Smith72 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm a vegetarian. Went Vegan about a month and a half ago, did great for about a week.. and fell off. I just went into it too fast and it was hard. So, I'm slowly backing away from things to make the process easier. Would love to connect with others to learn tips and nutrition ideas!
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member
    Another great vegan documentary on Netflix is "Hungry for Change". I am a nutrition junkie as well - not completely vegan, as I still do eat a bit of goats cheese and eggs, but I will get there eventually.

    Vegucated was pretty good, but I am less interested in the "cruelty to animals" vegan videos (just personally, not my biggest concern) and more into using food as medicine and Hungry for Change was GREAT!
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member

    Thanks for the info!

    I guess my biggest question would be how do you get your protein. Do you take multivitamins for other things you could be lacking in?

    A well balanced, healthy vegan diet shouldn't have to supplement with any vitamin except B12 as that is the only vitamin that you can only get from meat products. I track my protein and iron here on MFP and I am ALWAYS over my daily recommended intake. I am usually at around 150 - 175% iron and around 80 grams of protein (and I don't even eat a whole lot of soy products).
  • Papayamaya5
    Papayamaya5 Posts: 45 Member
    I've been vegan for the past 3 years - I eat mostly local, organic, and gluten free!

    my skin has never looked this good and my allergies are under control so I'm not looking back - I watched Food Inc and was disgusted with the meat industry and corporate farming so I took myself out of that equation!

    feel free to add me and check out my recipe blog at xx