Dinner, anyone else have this problem?



  • MrsBling
    MrsBling Posts: 28
    Well i come from scotland regarded as one of the most unhealthiest places to stay in the world eating and drinking wise! I have a daughter who is 17 an will make the occassional dinner. If im cooking what i try to do is make them something i know they like but im not that bothered about missing from my diet. I then make my healthy dinner. They happy, me happy !
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Personally, I made my husband start cooking what I want to eat, LOL. Not much of a cook here. But we do lighten down our meals. When he does make a meal he just has to have, craving it madly I eat small portions and a large salad.
  • ChristineLeary
    I hear you loud and clear! We're a family of 5 and my 16 year old son is the only one who will eat almost everything I put out there. This is purely because he's always hungry!

    Somebody mentioned Cooking Light and I totally agree! I love many of the recipes there and so does the family. I find that if things are 'healthy' I really need to get the cooking done when no one's looking! If they see it, they complain. If they don't, they're none the wiser! :)

    Also, when I know I'm planning a meal that is not my idea of healthy, or if they want take-out, I watch my calories the rest of the day so that I can enjoy and be guilt free. If I'm cranky about eating with them, then I've defeated the whole 'healthy = happy."
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Wow, thanks so much for the replies :happy: I appreciate every one of them :flowerforyou: Got lots of great ideas! I should clarify that I don't eat a separate meal....I do eat what I cook for everyone else, I just use portion control and try to eat more of the veggies than the rest of the stuff. The kids do eat cereal if they don't like what I cook, lol....there are many nights that at least one of them doesn't like what we are having :grumble: I guess it is just not easy having a hubby that is a bit on the picky side! :tongue:
  • moosenbratsmommy
    Being a Southern Girl myself, I'm pretty sure the Southern Husband will notice the difference between traditional foods and those sneaky healthy ones. But the Southern Husband also instinctively knows that If Mama Ain't Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy. I'm sure his own Mama taught him that. (I have a kitschy sign hanging near the stove to remind my Yankee husband.)

    His Mama probably also taught him to Eat What He's Served or cook for himself. His Mama likely also fed him plenty of greens and vegetables to go along with the less healthy stuff.

    Don't let him fool you into thinking he's the King of the Castle. A Southern Boy grows up knowing who runs the house, and it's not him. :wink:

    ha! love it and its so true!!!!

    what i do on nights that dinner isn't that healthy is... i'll eat what everyone else is eating that is healthy- like the veggies (that's usually it) and have myself a chicken breast or turkey burger or ham steak that just needs to be heated. i usually cook a pack of breasts or burgers one night and then keep them in the fridge for nights that everyone else is eating something not so healthy... or have a smaller serving of the meatloaf (or whatever the case may be). fill up more on veggies... my kids will have mac n cheese and i will have double the brocolli and salad. thankfully my other half eats WHATEVER is made and its only the kids that are picky but a lil extra mac n cheese or rice and it helps fill them up!
  • moosenbratsmommy
    oh can i add that if i make spaghetti i add in zuchinni in my sauce and i just eat the sauce sans the pasta!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Cooking the same things but with better choices works here too. And when they just have to have something that there's no way to lighten up, I add a salad so that I can eat the parts I just have to have (the steak and fried mushrooms), skip the high fat carbs, and fill up on veggies.

    I find that if I make good choices the rest of the day, I have enough calories left to eat basically whatever everyone else is eating for dinner. I eat small portions of the high fat things and fill up on fruit and veggies.

    Also, if your family is willing to eat pasta, remember that a lot of pasta sauces can be served over lettuce or spinach for a weird but delicious salad. Your family can eat their familiar carbolicious treat, and you can enjoy the sauce but without the carbs.
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Good idea about heating up some chicken or turkey burger for yourself! :smile:
  • missjo113
    my husband does most of the cooking in our house. He's home from work before I am so he gets things started. he's actually become quite possessive of the kithchen! On the rare occasion that I'm home before him, I'll start and he comes and takes over whether I want him to or not. But i can't really complain because he's a WAY better cook that I am.

    My problem is trying to get him to cook on the lighter side. So I eat a smaller portion and load up on fresh salad and water.
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks hemlock! That is what I try to do mostly is eat really well all day so I can have a good dinner, in moderation. missjo....hey, dinner being made for you is a good thing!
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    I absouletly love this comment! :laugh:
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    There may be a bigger issue here. When I started to loose weight when married to my last husband he would do things all the time to sabatoge my weight loss. I think that, if you haven't already, you should talk to your husband and let him know how important it is to you and the family that you start cooking healthier meals, that your weight loss will help keep you around longer, etc. - make it so that it is to everyone's benefit not just yours.

    Then you can start modifying the current unhealthy meals into healthiers options, and introducing straight healthy meals. Involve the family in the preparation of the meals too - helps engage them and buy off on the diet changes as well.

    Good luck!
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks! I really don't think he is trying to sabatoge my weight loss...he is just a picky eater....lucky me! :laugh: He has been supportive...we have a great relationship....we will have our 19th anniversary in October :love:
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    I'm in the same boat with you in that I have 5 children and a husband who doesn't want to be on a healthier "diet" just because I am. My feeling is, though, if it's not healthy enough for me to eat, why feed it to them? I make one meal, that everyone eats, with no exceptions. The kids don't buy the food, nor do they cook the meals, so they have no say. This is what I am making, so this is what you're eating or you're going hungry, LOL. IMO, you are teaching them habits for life when they're little. I don't want my kids growing up with the same struggles that I had or the issues that I face. It's tough love, but they will learn to accept it eventually. That goes for your hubby too. Think about his health and his heart when you're preparing the food. Husbands are resilient. Rest assured he will find something else to complain about when he gets bored of complaining about the cooking ;)
  • mrscourter2010
    Actually, I have stopped eating beef and my husband has been really supportive. I cook the SAME meals (chili, shepard's pie, meatloaf) with ground turkey and he can't tell the difference, but it is SO much healthier!!!!
    I have a great recipe --made it Friday--for meatloaf if you want it :)
    Just message me!
  • mrscourter2010
    In response to Kim and the husband sabotaging....just an idea....what if you cut a gorgeous body out of a magazine and glued your head on it and put it on his bathroom mirror???? Maybe that could provide some encouragement for him to help you!!!!!
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    Actually, instead of doing that I cut him out and found myself an awesome, wonderful, supportive husband. : )