please...i need help

so i am almost 18 and im 4"11 and weigh 111 pounds. This time last year i weighed 95. I ate kinda healthy but no where near as healthy as i do now. I am a dancer and im very active. Im very strict about what i eat and i make sure to exercise enough. But in the past 6ish months i have put on about 15 pounds and no matter what i do i cant keep one single pound off. What am i doing wrong?! I hit an all time low today :*( please help!!


  • justrun52
    justrun52 Posts: 74 Member
    Just from the information you've posted, it's hard to say, but could it be because you have more muscle now than you did last year? I wouldn't worry if you fit the same sizes- I know the number on the scale and either make or ruin your day, but try to ignore it when you are doing everything right, after all it's only a number and measurements and sizes are more reliable.

    Sorry if that wasn't very helpful- I know exactly how you feel- but it's definitely one of those things where you have to go by sizes and how your clothes fit vs what the scale says. I know I've had several scales that all said different numbers so it could be that too.
  • abbsofsteel4real
    Thanks for your help! And i know i have gained muscle but its mostly in my legs. I am the same size on top but i cant fit into my zero sized pants anymore. im not trying to be skinny but toned and in shape :-) its just soo frustrating and i dont know what to do anymore :/
  • justrun52
    justrun52 Posts: 74 Member
    Toned legs are great- and I can promise you that if you are a dancer like you say- you have amazing legs! I don't remember one girl in high school to danced and did not look great.
  • abbsofsteel4real
    Awh thank you :)
  • amitglinkedin
    amitglinkedin Posts: 223 Member
    Try eating mostly fruits and raw food. That would help you feel less hungry and fill with less calories

    Also keep a log of whatever goes in your mouth.. yes every thing..

    Only then you would be able to know where are you going wrong..
  • ZooQueen80
    ZooQueen80 Posts: 16
    Just from the information you've posted, it's hard to say, but could it be because you have more muscle now than you did last year? I wouldn't worry if you fit the same sizes- I know the number on the scale and either make or ruin your day, but try to ignore it when you are doing everything right, after all it's only a number and measurements and sizes are more reliable.

    I agree with this completely! You have probably gained a lot of muscle in your legs and that will make you go up in pant size just due to hip and thigh muscle. Most dancers have amazing bodies. I understand and can relate to the number on the scale bothering you but all in all you have to look at the measurements and heck check out your body fat % if you think that will help you feel better about the number. Muscle weighs more than fat!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Being very active and very strict with what you eat maybe you're not eating enough.
  • abbsofsteel4real
    Thanks for your help everyone :-) i eat a very clean diet and because im a dancer i exercise a lot. i know a lot of the weight i have gained is also water weight. It flucuates so much!! i weigh myself everyday...sometimes multiple times a day. Should i just weigh in once a week? :-)
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    Yeah, try to just weigh in once a week, otherwise you will drive yourself mad!
  • susieoj
    susieoj Posts: 181
    You're so young too, your shape is still changing - when I was 18 I had no hips and I was a size zero too, but as I got to my 20's my body changed a bit again and it wasn't fat, it was just no longer teenager shaped lol I dunno what this is... But it happened with most of the women I know, your metabolism and body shape tends to change in the late teens/early 20's - I'm 30 and a size 2, I'd like to get back to a zero but its hard because I have hips now lol, maybe part of it is just life? Especially if you work out and eat cleanly I wouldn't beat yourself up about it. I wasn't a dancer but I was a gymnast and a swimmer so I was working out a lot too.
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    I'm 100% not being condescending here: You are still young. You'll keep growing. Your hormones will be changing throughout your life. Dance is great exercise (and art!). Your body's requirements for food- no, fuel are different from someone 10, 20, 30 years older because of your activity level and your age.
  • abbsofsteel4real
    But i havent gotten any taller since i was 14 so even though i weighed 95 i didnt look super skinny. Just very petite. I just want to look toned and in shape for some auditions i have over the summer...but my body refuses to coroporate with me lol
  • orange_you_glad
    orange_you_glad Posts: 38 Member
    How much does your mom weigh? Strange question, but I think other people are right: you're young, you've been a serious dancer, and I think it's likely your body is still growing and changing.

    Given how active you are, I think you should talk with your doctor before proceeding.
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    But i havent gotten any taller since i was 14 so even though i weighed 95 i didnt look super skinny. Just very petite. I just want to look toned and in shape for some auditions i have over the summer...but my body refuses to coroporate with me lol

    I stayed the same height from 13 through 19, grew an inch in a year. Then grew again at 22. And again within the last 6 years. I was 5' even at 14, now I'm 5'3" at 28. Not saying the same thing will happen to you- my point is that you're young and physiologically your body is not done growing yet. Not to mention, all the exercise you do works your muscles really well, especially stabilizer muscles. That helps strengthen your bones, which are heavy too!
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    But i havent gotten any taller since i was 14 so even though i weighed 95 i didnt look super skinny. Just very petite. I just want to look toned and in shape for some auditions i have over the summer...but my body refuses to coroporate with me lol

    Hi Hon

    I'm 4' 11" too and at 21yrs old (nearly 20 years ago) I weighed in at about 101lbs, was convinced I had huge thighs and looked awful. Looking back now I'm pretty sure I was a BABE and pretty sure you are too.

    It is good to keep an eye on weight and not let it get out of hand but you need to look at the bigger picture too. Have you actually grown a tyre or have you just got more muscle on your legs. If you have then fantastic, people work really hard to get that athletic look. It is NOT all about being a size 0, it's about eating well, exercising and getting 'toned'. Hell, who wants to be just skinny!!!

    If you want a more toned look then consider adding some more upper body exercise into your routine and knock em dead in those auditions.

    Good Luck.
  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    I just think you're adorable because you are upset you can't fit into your size 0 pants anymore. :bigsmile:

    I can't even fit my arm into the leg of those pants :laugh: :laugh:
  • abbsofsteel4real
    Haha well my sister who is 33 us only an inch taller than me :o
  • abbsofsteel4real
    I remember being at 100 pounds around 6 months ago and thought i was huge too! But i actually looked really great! i dont think i look bad now its just that i eat sooo much more healthy now and ive started to get muscle which i understand makes me gain weight but i also think ive put on some fat which i think is why my old pants wont fit :/ i just cant figure it out haha