"Get 'em to the Greek" fitness challenge

I am starting a group fitness challenge starting June 1 that will go until September 14. I'm going to be calling it the "Get 'em to the Greek" challenge. It will be a team fitness challenge where the team names are Greek God's and Goddess'. Here are the details on the challenge:

Weekly Challenges (posted on Mondays): water, food, exercise, "at random challenge"
Monthly: fitness test

Weigh In's: They are required but will not count towards team point total. Basically, the weigh in is just for keeping track of your progress throughout the challenge. Weigh In's will be on Monday.

Measurements: We will also be keeping track of our measurements also and will be due on the 1st of each month. This is also not counted towards the team points. Again another way to keep track of your progress.

Some ways to earn points for your team:

~ Being active in your team forum
~ Completing the challenges (food, water, exercise, "at random", etc)
~ Being the individual most improved on fitness test
~ whole team checking in on time
~ Being under calories for a whole week

and many more ways to be posted later when I set up the actual group page.

Anyone game!?

Here is the link to the challenge group page..... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/14286--get-em-to-the-greek-fitness-challenge
