And I thought it was a healthy choice

One of my favorite quick go to snacks is a piece of provolone with turkey, rolled up. I always thought it was a good heathy choice, the fact that I was eating it without bread and mayo made it feel all that more healthy.

This morning was the first time I ate it since I have been using MFP. Yesterday was a very emotional, binge day. Too many pb&j sandwiches and too much mt dew.

I woke up this morning wanting to approach the day differently.

I started the day off with a bottle of water, my regular cereal and then just now I had two provolone/turkey roll ups.

I put in the numbers on my food diary and just feel stunned, not so much by the calories but by the amount of sodium. More then half my sodium for the day was just consumed in those two roll ups, the protein levels were ok and the calories were minimal but the sodium off the charts.

I'm going o focus some time right night looking up info on sodium and trying to understand how it affects my diet and overall health. I hate to think of giving up that go to snack.

More then anything i have found myself most surprised by all the sodium in the products I consume. I mean really, how does sodium get in orange juice? This 'ingredient' has me more baffled then anything else I have learned since joining MFP.


  • eekface
    eekface Posts: 44 Member
    I'm sorry. I know deli meat is packed with sodium =( I think they might sell some low sodium ones at the deli in the grocery store. (hug)
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    I think pretty much any processed foods are packed with sodium. . .it's just not fair :frown: This is just my opinion & I'm for sure not an expert but I think if you drink lots of water and "limit" the sodium, as in not going WAYYYY over EVERY day, then it will kind of all even out.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    I often buy the Jennie-o low sodium turkey. It is just as tasty as the higher sodium varieties, but only has 240 mg per 2 ounces if I remember right.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    The sodium was what surprised me the most when starting MFP as well. I've learned throughout this journey that the amount of sodium I consume has more impact on my weight than the actual calories. I've also learned that as long as I drink a minimum of 64 oz. of water a day, the sodium has less impact than if I didn't drink all that water. It's been a huge eye opener and once I started tracking the sodium and being careful about it, I saw results. Best of luck to you!
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    First off, bravo to you for reaching for a healthy lean snack, low in carbs and other crap most of us reach for as a snack. Personally, unless you are really high on sodium daily, I would not be concerned.

    DH and I keep kosher and kosher meat is by much higher in salt than non-kosher, there is not much we can do so I drink lots of extra water.

    My advice would be to NOT have canned soup, a frozen dinner or the like on a day that you have the provolone and turkey rollups and to drink 2 cups of water with that snack to help flush.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Boar's Head has a low-sodium chicken breast, but it is almost always sold out at my grocery store.
    I was eating a turkey sandwich with very thin slice of cheese for lunch almost every day and then a few weeks ago I changed it up. Amazingly I lost more weight the weeks since quitting deli meat!

    Darned hidden sodium.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    They have been using sodium as a preservative for hundreds of years, mostly in meats. Any meat product that is pre-cooked and relatively shelf or fridge stable for more than a week is going to have tons of sodium. Frozen is slightly better. Get yourself a fresh turkey breast (not injected or with broth added) and cook it slow in a crock pot. You can freeze half and use half thru the week for roll ups and such.

    As for frozen dinners, canned soups and most other easy to fix prepared foods they usually do not use much in the way of spices. They also cook at such high temps to kill any bacteria that they cook out the flavor of the raw ingredients as well as nutritional value. They add salt and MSG to make them taste better.

    Explore your spice rack! Use fresh meats and vegies. You get better flavor, nutrition and you get to eat more of it!

    Good Luck!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Sargento makes a low sodium provolone cheese too that is really tasty. I know sodium gets me too from time to time. Like the other said if you are not going WAY over all the time you should be ok.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    It's incredible the amount of sodium in some stuff. Once you're aware of it you can look for lower sodium options. Sara Lee has a good low-sodium lunch meat, maybe you could try that for your roll-ups instead?
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    I always liked turkey or chicken deli meats too, but I finally found a better alternative.
    I either roast a chicken myself or buy one already roasted from someplace like COSTCO.

    Then, I remove the legs and wings to keep for other meals or to freeze.
    I make sure to remove all the skin and visible fat from the breast and then slice it into thin slices.

    Put that in a Tupperware and voila, you have the most delicious sandwich meat without any of the added salt or preservatives.
    It easily last four or five days ( if you can keep the kids from demolishing it when they find it :) )

    Hope this helps.
  • DwightJenkins
    DwightJenkins Posts: 58 Member
    It's incredible the amount of sodium in some stuff. Once you're aware of it you can look for lower sodium options. Sara Lee has a good low-sodium lunch meat, maybe you could try that for your roll-ups instead?
    We've found that even the 'low sodium' products aren't that low.. try getting a fresh turkey breast and baking it your self, then slicing it thin with a good sharp knife, or invest in a slicer... then use those vacuum seal bags to freeze it in one pound portions and stick in the freezer. I know it's a lot of work, but it will save you money and sodium in the long run.

    I cook up a large pot of dry pinto beans and freeze it in containers and use it in place of canned refried beans.

    Since I've been looking for fresh alternatives, I've always kept under my daily sodium.
  • Dianeb412
    Keep an eye on the sodium- I have the same problem- maybe limit yourself- dont have it everyday
  • Amarea
    Amarea Posts: 91 Member
    You've gotten lots of great solutions so I just wanted to say, Great job for making positive choices today. Don't let it get you down. It takes time to figure it out all. One thing I do though, is input any food I'm going to eat *before* I eat it, then I'm not taken by surprise. There've definitely been times when I had to change my mind after finding out the nutritional content. Keep exploring, you're doing wonderful!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    My husband used to eat a low sodium Boar's Head turkey sandwich everyday. Then he started tracking his sodium. He has since switched to the Boar's Head (you get it from the deli counter) low sodium roast beef. That one switch was enough to bring him back down into the "safe zone" of sodium levels. Oh, I think he also switched his brand of cheese?
  • velvetechos
    I used to do a lot of deli meat as well, until I began tracking my sodium. I have found, at Costco, Columbus brand reduced sodium turkey meat is delicious and not so bad sodium wise. 330mg for 3oz :)
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I think it still can be a "healthier" choice than what else is out there. I mean if you really want a nice savory snack low in calories and that will do it for you, it's much better than eating a bag of chips or some other actual junk food. At least you are getting protein and dairy in with lower calories. IMO salt can be the lesser evil in food choices, just don't make it your everyday go to snack, drink lots of water when you want it and ENJOY!!!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I was SHOCKED at the sodium levels when I first starting using MFP. For years my blood pressure has been high, even as a teen and all through my 20, 30's, and finally at 40 my Dr put me on HPB meds. She would always ask me "do you eat a lot of salt?" and I would honestly answer "No, I don't use salt and if so, very sparingly." And that was an honest answer. Until I reallized after I started using MFP what the heck she was talking about. I may have well been sucking on a salt lick all day for what my past daily consumption of soduium was. Restaurant food - FORGET IT! And I've completely cut 100% of deli meats out of my diet. My only deli vice now is cheese, and I'm slowly trying to cut that out too. I always get the low sodium cheese now.