Insanity Not Losing Like I'd Hoped

I started Insanity about a month or so ago. I got 3 weeks in and gave up because I didn't have a good support system. This time around though I have tons of support not only from my family but also from MFP and Beachbody. While I'm seeing my love handles shrink and my belly is a little smaller I haven't budged the scale. Just wanting to know if anyone else has experience with Insanity and weight loss. No matter what I'm finishing this time!


  • MoosieMooMama
    The scale is a tool. I wish more people would rely on pictures and measurements instead of the number on the scale. It is JUST a number. People are so hung up on it. If weighing 20lbs more meant I would be smaller and leaner, I would take it all day long.

    If you are seeing your love handles and belly shrink, that should be enough motivation. Please, please just focus on that instead of the number.

    I can point you to where she compares her pictures .... all at 160 lbs and the huge difference in her size.

    You are building lean mass while losing fat. Even though insanity is HIIT, you are doing a ton of body weight stuff that does in fact build lean body mass.

    edit : I have done Insanity twice and still do it as part of my cardio here and there. In my full two rounds I didn't lose one single pound but the first round I lost 15" overall and dropped two jeans sizes.
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    I finished insanity earlier this year. I loved the challenge, but like you was dissapointed that the scale didnt move much. I did however shirnk around the waist and hips and even in my upper thighs.

    I say go with the measuremesnts, it is so much more important. As long as you are seeing change stick with it. I am so proud of myself for finishing it.
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    Insanity will put on a good amount of muscle that will offset a large amount of the fat lost during the program. I did not lose a pound until the last week of the program then suddenly I dropped 9

    The scale only tells you your relationship with gravity, not your body composition.
  • KaraAnneMcD
    KaraAnneMcD Posts: 11 Member

    I can point you to where she compares her pictures .... all at 160 lbs and the huge difference in her size.

    This is a great website!
  • rachelwarner32
    rachelwarner32 Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks for the advise. I checked out GoKaleo and wow that is crazy! I just finished my Plyometric Cardio for today and feeling accomplished in that :-)
  • sherrifoster123
    sherrifoster123 Posts: 21 Member
    I have been doing Insanity for about 3 weeks and I'm in the same boat. I gained 2 lbs the first week, lost 2 lbs the second week, and lost 2 lbs the third week. So my overall loss is 2 lbs, but I have dropped almost an inch in my waist. I try to stay motivated by that.
  • MoosieMooMama

    I can point you to where she compares her pictures .... all at 160 lbs and the huge difference in her size.

    This is a great website!

    I can't find the exact page with all her 160 lb pics but will keep looking.
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    I've learned (from this site) that although the scale may not go down, you body is still shrinking in inches, I assume this is due to muscle gain (muscle weighs more than fat). A lot of people on here tell you not to go by the scale, but rather measure yourself every week. Hope this helps :)
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Don't look at the scale.. or take it to heart if you do.. I am on my last week.. I have only 6lbs.. 2 of them just last week.

    the magic happens in the 2nd month. I took weekly pictures and so very little progress.. then all of a sudden in a was like whoosh...there was a big change..

    Just keep going and don't give up or pay attention to the scale..

    Here is my latest photo

    the 1st when I started.. the 2nd after recovery week...the last was just this past Saturday..


    and I have scoliosis so my back fat look odd with crooked spine.
  • stacw1987
    stacw1987 Posts: 206 Member

    Try not to get discouraged hun! Your doing awesome! I am totally expecting to put on weight during the next few months because of Insanity but I am going to try and go by the pictures. I am also measuring my body fat % and I hope this goes down even if my overall weight goes up!

    Keep going :) x
  • katmelb
    katmelb Posts: 2
    Thanks for all the good comments that are motivating me to keep going... i am 3 weeks in and have seen little changes in the mirror or on the scale. but notice how much more i can accomplish i am now able to do moving push ups and jumping jack pushup when 3 weeks ago i couldn't even do one normal push up.

    I know for me diet is the hardest thing. i live on small Mediterranean island so eating properly can be the biggest challenge... but 1 more week and its onto month 2 and the really hard stuff and i have to say i'm actually a little excited!
  • andreamaym
    andreamaym Posts: 179 Member
    From what I understand, working out can cause the numbers on the scale to fluctuate. A lot. I'm currently doing the 30 Day Shred and am not weighing myself because I don't want to feel discouraged. All that matters is that you notice a difference and you feel great! :)
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    It's easy to forget that losing weight is simply a matter of a calorie deficit. No matter how much you work out, if you eat too much, you will not lose weight. Many of us have been there. Pay more attention to your calorie intake.