Exercise + calorie count but no weight loss, suggestions?



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    That's what I'm referring to. If you look at her Diet Diary she is eating a lot of fried foods and sugar, too much to reach her goals. I love fried foods and sugar but I eat them in moderation, not every day.

    Eating 1200 calories of veggies will not net her better luck than eating 1200 of friend chicken. You can eat Swiss Rolls all day and as long as you are at your target deficit it won't matter. To claim otherwise simply doesn't make any logical sense, unless you think your body looks at veggies and does "Hey, these calories are clean, best burn them!" and looks as chocolate and goes "Oh no, dirty calories, better hold on to these." or something.
  • That's what I'm referring to. If you look at her Diet Diary she is eating a lot of fried foods and sugar, too much to reach her goals. I love fried foods and sugar but I eat them in moderation, not every day.

    Eating 1200 calories of veggies will not net her better luck than eating 1200 of friend chicken. You can eat Swiss Rolls all day and as long as you are at your target deficit it won't matter. To claim otherwise simply doesn't make any logical sense, unless you think your body looks at veggies and does "Hey, these calories are clean, best burn them!" and looks as chocolate and goes "Oh no, dirty calories, better hold on to these." or something.

    sorry but professional physiologists will disagree with you all day long on this.
    This MIGHT be truer IF her protein levels were met, but they clearly are not.
    A calorie is not a calorie.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    That's what I'm referring to. If you look at her Diet Diary she is eating a lot of fried foods and sugar, too much to reach her goals. I love fried foods and sugar but I eat them in moderation, not every day.

    Eating 1200 calories of veggies will not net her better luck than eating 1200 of friend chicken. You can eat Swiss Rolls all day and as long as you are at your target deficit it won't matter. To claim otherwise simply doesn't make any logical sense, unless you think your body looks at veggies and does "Hey, these calories are clean, best burn them!" and looks as chocolate and goes "Oh no, dirty calories, better hold on to these." or something.

    sorry but professional physiologists will disagree with you all day long on this.
    This MIGHT be truer IF her protein levels were met, but they clearly are not.
    A calorie is not a calorie.

    A calorie is nothing but a unit to measure energy; to suggest that one unit of measure is different from the same unit of measure is nothing short of illogical.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Hmm, i dont have one. How do you know what your target heart rate is?

    There's a formula that you can easily find on the web and most heart rate monitors allow you to set an alarm if you are outside of your target rate. As with everything else, you have to use your judgment. My heart beats faster than the larger, middle-aged men who probably were used to create the average. After talking to my doctor about it, and getting a stress test, I exercise at a level that is far above the supposedly safe rate for a woman my age. When I stayed within the prescribed range I couldn't break a sweat.

    Ignore the "fat burning zone" unless you are planning on exercising for hours. Try to stay within the aerobic zone after warming up. That is the most efficient way to exercise.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    That's what I'm referring to. If you look at her Diet Diary she is eating a lot of fried foods and sugar, too much to reach her goals. I love fried foods and sugar but I eat them in moderation, not every day.

    Eating 1200 calories of veggies will not net her better luck than eating 1200 of friend chicken. You can eat Swiss Rolls all day and as long as you are at your target deficit it won't matter. To claim otherwise simply doesn't make any logical sense, unless you think your body looks at veggies and does "Hey, these calories are clean, best burn them!" and looks as chocolate and goes "Oh no, dirty calories, better hold on to these." or something.

    sorry but professional physiologists will disagree with you all day long on this.
    This MIGHT be truer IF her protein levels were met, but they clearly are not.
    A calorie is not a calorie.

    Weight loss and health are more complex than calorie in calorie out. A diet of unhealthy food takes its toll.

    A calorie is nothing but a unit to measure energy; to suggest that one unit of measure is different from the same unit of measure is nothing short of illogical.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    That's what I'm referring to. If you look at her Diet Diary she is eating a lot of fried foods and sugar, too much to reach her goals. I love fried foods and sugar but I eat them in moderation, not every day.

    Eating 1200 calories of veggies will not net her better luck than eating 1200 of friend chicken. You can eat Swiss Rolls all day and as long as you are at your target deficit it won't matter. To claim otherwise simply doesn't make any logical sense, unless you think your body looks at veggies and does "Hey, these calories are clean, best burn them!" and looks as chocolate and goes "Oh no, dirty calories, better hold on to these." or something.

    sorry but professional physiologists will disagree with you all day long on this.
    This MIGHT be truer IF her protein levels were met, but they clearly are not.
    A calorie is not a calorie.

    Weight loss and health are more complex than calorie in calorie out. A diet of unhealthy food takes its toll.

    A calorie is nothing but a unit to measure energy; to suggest that one unit of measure is different from the same unit of measure is nothing short of illogical.

    Weight loss is simple; use more than you take in. How you manage this is irrelevant to the the basic principle.

    I wasn't aware we were discussing health, but whether or not the OP has to switch to a "clean" diet to lose weight, which she most certainly does not.

    I'm not saying the OP shouldn't eat clean if she wants to; if she wishes to go full on organic vegan well that's groovy and more power to her, but I'm very much opposed to "you must eat like this to see results" when is simply isn't true.
  • GeminiBridget
    GeminiBridget Posts: 99 Member
    It seems to me that some of you are on threads to argue and prove that your way of thinking is right. I'm not about that. If someone asks, I share what I've learned and what works for me on my journey to better health, if you don't agree with my information that is perfectly fine, but I won't get into any type of argument over a difference of opinions.
  • Maybe you are gaining muscle but losing fat as well. I found that my body was changing and my clothes were getting loose but it wasn't showing on the scale.
    It is more about what you eat. Exercise is good, but you can blow it by just eating the wrong things. Stay away from whole wheat bread, anything with high fructose corn syrup, orange juice, artificial sweeter. Eat natural things, like fruits and veggies, nothing frozen. I recently watched a really helpful information video!!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    It is more about what you eat. Exercise is good, but you can blow it by just eating the wrong things. Stay away from whole wheat bread, anything with high fructose corn syrup, orange juice, artificial sweeter. Eat natural things, like fruits and veggies, nothing frozen. I recently watched a really helpful information video!!
    What product were they selling?
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Amandaj 1966 - Its a plan :) I'm not really a breakfast person but i had been eating raisen wheats everyday for a few months, but stopped when i started calorie counting because of the milk. Maybe i should start again.

    Why avoid milk if you're not avoiding chocolate, Haribo, chewiness etc?
  • sexymuffintop
    sexymuffintop Posts: 636
    Maybe you are gaining muscle but losing fat as well. I found that my body was changing and my clothes were getting loose but it wasn't showing on the scale.
    It is more about what you eat. Exercise is good, but you can blow it by just eating the wrong things. Stay away from whole wheat bread, anything with high fructose corn syrup, orange juice, artificial sweeter. Eat natural things, like fruits and veggies, nothing frozen. I recently watched a really helpful information video!!

    Gaining muscle on a diet like that? Not likely!!
  • xina86
    xina86 Posts: 12 Member
    Amandaj 1966 - Its a plan :) I'm not really a breakfast person but i had been eating raisen wheats everyday for a few months, but stopped when i started calorie counting because of the milk. Maybe i should start again.

    Why avoid milk if you're not avoiding chocolate, Haribo, chewiness etc?

    Because you only have so many calories to use. I preferred to use the calories on choc/sweets rather than milk and cereal.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    While it doesn't matter for weight loss (barring certain medical conditions), you certainly aren't meeting your nutrient levels with the diet you've been recording. That will adversely affect your health over time. I'd also say that eating so few calories that you're concerned about a little milk... Well, you might wish to rethink that too, because it certainly doesn't sound sustainable.
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    Your not giving your body much to work on, your protien is consitantly down everyday, most of what I see are snack foods that offer very little nutrition, and your calories are up and down... try to balance your intake more, and Keep it more consistant... You don't have to give up the foods you love, just make sure they fit along with the foods that help your body run :( The good for you food should take up the majority of your food log, and then a treat here and there... If your serious about loosing weight you'll choose healthier options :(
  • xina86
    xina86 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello everybody!

    Just wanted to say thank you for all your ideas and help. I try to drink around 8 cups of water a day and exercise 5 days a week. I still don't eat breakfast and i still have a few sweets in the evening. I am staying under my calorie goal most days (birthdays etc can't really be helped) and usually have about 100 or more saved.

    Since i posted this topic i have lost 6lbs! Also 0.5 inches off my hips and 1.5 inches off my waist. I am hoping to lose at least 10 before i go on holiday in the first week of August so am going to try green tea twice a day.

    So thanks! I'm getting there hehe :)
  • SJcook40
    SJcook40 Posts: 5 Member
    hi all,

    Any help would be gratefully received.i am getting pretty desperate , i have been using this app for the week (i no that is not alot of time but happened loads in the past ) i havnt lost an ounz ! i have been weight training at the gym aas well and swimming , i have bought a activity monitor and my BMR is set for 1942 ,i have reduced my calorie intake to 1400 ??

    am i doing any thing wrong i just want to see some results to keep me encouraged!! : 0 any suggestions plzzzzz