Postpartum Stomach

I had a c-section about two months ago and gained 70ish lbs while pregnant. I am down about 40lbs but I still have a belly that hangs over my pants :( Ive read almost everywhere that this is really hard to get rid of without surgery. Im really needing some motivation that it is possible to get rid of the belly hang after a c-seciotn because Im starting to lose hope.

This is my stomach now:


  • bump
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    it shrinks more on it's own. then you can do other things to help it along. but it will be better after 6 months than it is a 2 months.
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    It will get smaller with exercise and watching what you eat. you will have a little bit left though from the stretch marks it wont go completely back to normal but almost. i have a little bit to
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    It'll go down even more the more weight you lose. It is possible :flowerforyou:
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    It will take time, way more than it took to get that hang, for it to go away. Though I would say it won't entirely disappear but it can get nearly unnoticable.

    I had overhang after VB because I had gained so darn much (120 -> 207 [day my baby was born] -> 214) and I have sucessfully managed to nearly rid myself of mine, still have strech marks like a dayum tiger but I actually am not embarassed of my stomach anymore, and that says a lot considering I was embarassed of it when I was 120 lbs :laugh:

    Don't worry too much yet, give it time and lose the weight you want to lose and then come back to it then and see if it really did go away or if you might need a tummy tuck to assist with the rest left over. I will warn you that if you get a tummy tuck it will be one big across the bottom of your belly scar, like a smiling face lol.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Do your best to workout and eat well in the next year. If that does not work, then think of surgery. Some things take time. You want to fix a 9 months change in 2 months? At least give your body more time.
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    It'll shrink in time.
    I was big-ish before kids, but never had sag. After kids, it sags, big time.

    From what I hear, surgery is the best option for the loose skin, but in time, it'll get a bit better too.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I joined MFP after my son was born last year. My c-ssection looked pretty much like yours. All I did the first 7 months was walk.
    Excuses, excuses.... the weather was too bad to get out, couldn't afford a gym membership, too tired working nights to exercise etc...

    A lot of it has gone away. I'm starting the 30 day Ab workout program and a c25k this month so we'll see if that helps any. Someone told me it takes time to work it off. ( like muscles I guess)
  • J3nnyV
    J3nnyV Posts: 114 Member
    Congratulations on your baby!!

    You're going to be okay! Your body has been through so much in the last year, including major abdominal surgery just two short months ago. You've done an incredible job to have already lost as much as you have!

    Yes, you will have stretch marks, but they will fade significantly over time. It is very possible to lose the over hang...there are many awesome success stories from moms on here. Don't lose hope!
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    It will take some time but it will go away a good bit as you lose weight etc... Mine started out looking like yours and now it looks like



    My daughter is 6 now but I would say that after the first year, my belly hasn't really changed much. You can see that I still have loose skin and stretchmarks (maybe not, my phone has a terrible camera) but it doesn't look any different with clothes on than before I had a kid and even without clothes on, the worst part are the stretchmarks and a little bit of wrinkly looking skin.

    I'm not at the end of my weight loss yet but I'm getting close and just wanted to show you what it will end up (at some point before or after you get to your goal) looking like.

    ETA: The hang is about a centimeter and you can see the worst of it in the side view picture
  • ezramedic
    ezramedic Posts: 119
    I am 4 months PP after a c-section (my 2nd c-section) I gained 14lbs this pregnancy, and I carried my baby on my back, so I was quite small - HOWEVER:
    My stomach still had some loose skin, but it's tightening up every day. I think we just have to stick at it. Keep eating right and exercising our cores (along with the rest of our bodies, LOL)
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    My stomach looks line yours too. I'm hoping for it to tighten up with strength training.
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    Hi! I totally understand the extra skin and big belly issues. I have 7 children. I gained 80 with my first. My last pregnancy a little over a year ago was twins. My skin got stretched to the max! I also ended up having a c-section for baby b. After they were born, I was wondering if my stomach would ever not be disgusting. It really is not bad now. I wouldn't say it's perfect, but it is pretty good. I still have a little extra tummy low down, but considering where it was it is worlds better. Since the babies were born I have lost about 78 pounds. When you are ready for it ( and for the record I wasn't until they were around 8 months) plank exercises do wonders for the tummy. I am still seeing improvement in my stomach. It will take hard work, but you can do it. There are some amazingly inspirational stories on here from various ladies who worked hard to get back in shape after babies. Congratulations on your new baby! Two months is really not that long. Do what you can, but listen to your body. It may not be ready to do major abdominal workouts yet. Best wishes!

    I tried to go back and add in a pic of my tummy then and now, but can't get it to work right. Feel free to look through my profile pics.
  • startheory
    startheory Posts: 63
    It will definitely shrink with the more you lose. I've lost quite a bit off mine. Granted my tummy will never be what it was but its definitely better than it was =)
  • BrandiBoo84
    BrandiBoo84 Posts: 110 Member
    I have had 2 babies. The most recent is 3 years old, and it took me about a year to feel normal about my belly. I wasn't working out or focusing on fitness though, so I think had I actually cared, it would have been a couple months sooner! Hang in there and give yourself time. It's only been 2 months ;)
  • greenihlonde
    greenihlonde Posts: 337
    Here's mine after baby #3, 90lb gain and a c-section:


    Here's mine now:

  • missshyeviolett
    missshyeviolett Posts: 310 Member
    Ugh I hate it. I don't want my belly to smile at me anymore! It IS going away though after 5 weeks of Bar Method (5x per week)
  • Hiya
    Was wondering is there anyway of getting rid of this belly in my profile picture 3months after c section jus wanna get in my clothes again n feel sooo depressed I actually look at it everyday I can't help it it does hand a ill over my leggings but when I sit down seems to look much much bigger also wanted to nah if the belly button goes back In mine hasn't gone back in properly yet n I seem to try n pull it up like breathing in sorted please can anyone help
    Thank you xxxx
  • i use to be a big work out freak before i got pregnant. I swear it is the hardest thing to lose the baby weight. I've been working out for three months and still haven't lost any weight. Although I have been losing inches. You just have to keep at it and keep motivated. Good Luck new momma.