Hard to eat 1200 Calories

Hi Everyone!
Just wanted to throw this out there. I feel like I am eating a lot. I am not hungry, I am drinking a ton of water.
I have read about your body going into starvation mode if you don't eat enough calories. Right now it is after 8:00 PM.
I have had 839 calories today, and I am not feeling like eating anymore! Plus, I really am trying to get into the habit if not eating anything after 8. I just feel like 1200 calories is a lot. Does anyone else ever feel like this? I had an English Muffin for breakfast, a Chicken Sausage and Veggie Burger for lunch, a taco for dinner, watermelon, 2 Weight Watchers ice cream bars, a couple of mugs of green tea. I don't think that is starving myself. Any thoughts on this? With my workouts it seems like I should be eating a lot more according to the calories I gain from them.
Thanks in advance!


  • thesexybitch
    yaaah your def not starving yourself. did you just start this 1200/day cal thing? bc i know when i first start its actually pretty easy and i never need the full 1200 cals i mean it lasts for like 2-3 days then im like in psycho hunger mode. so i dont know if thats just me.. but anyway be happy your not tearing heads because youre hungry..haha
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    I do not usually eat all of my calories either. I still have energy so i am not too concerned. Good Luck!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    If you've been eating very little for a long time, your body adjusts and you find you don't feel hungry for more...that doesn't mean you shouldn't be eating more. Sometimes "hunger" isn't the best indicator. Try upping your calories slowly - aim for 900 or 1000/day for a week, then 1100, then 1200, etc.

    If you log your exercise on MFP, you'll notice it adds your calories to your food log - you are supposed to eat at least some of your exercise calories. If you're having trouble reaching 1200 cal (plus some of your exercise calories) - try eating high-calorie, healthy foods like nuts, avacado, milk (not too high calorie, but I find liquids don't fill me up as much), etc. Most of those have healthy fats, which you need. High protein foods are especially good post-work out. Sometimes I'll make a fruit smoothie with a milk base. The calories can really add up with the smoothies and it's super healthy.

    This is a little beside the point, but it sounds like you're not eating many fresh veggies/fruits - the veggies won't help fill you up too much, but they are essential for healthy eating.
  • kandi007
    kandi007 Posts: 17
    i dont ever seem to have a problem either...i think my reason is because i love veggies, i could eat them all day every day and be happy...so 80% of my diet is veggies.
    the only time i do have a problem is when i eat brown rice, i never knew it had so many calories
  • Angiepackmom4
    I think that is great that you aren't hungry and okay if you are only 839 calories for the day because this probably won't happen everyday. As long as you don't consume too little everyday because then you risk slowing your metabolism down which then makes it harder to lose weight because your body tries to hold on to calories because it thinks your starving. I wish I had this problem. I keep going over my daily caloric intake each day. I'd love to hear what you are eating that helps you feel "not hungry" because I need to intake less.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    You're not eating enough, and your diet is far from healthy. If you eat a balanced breakfast alone, you'll consume at least 300 calories, When people begin a lifestyle change they usually find they can't eat enough, this will change as your body adapts to your new healthy lifestyle choices, once you factor in exercise, there will be no way that your body will be able to function on such little food. I would like to see you eat a heck of a lot better, fruits, veggies, protein. An english muffin is offering very little nutritional value and very little calories to start your day with.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    If you aren't going to eat all 1200 calories, you really need to be eating more nutritious calories. An english muffin is not NEARLY enough for breakfast! Where is the protein? So many studies have shown that a good breakfast leads to a healthier weight. Try to balance it out with some eggs whites, a protein shake or something heartier! Also, just one taco for dinner? How about a grilled chicken breast and a big side of veggies? Those foods are going to have a lot more protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals than an english muffin and a taco.

    Changing up your nutrition is really tricky. I would recommend making smaller changes every once in a while. But definitely get more protein and fruits and veggies!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I can never understand how people have a hard time getting to 1200. I can barely stick to my 1700.... Why don't you add more bulk to your meals? You could use peanut butter or something to top english muffins. If your using lower calorie bread or regular, maybe look into another brand of wholewheat bread that is better and higher calorie. There are a lot of little things you can do to your meals that won't make it feel like too much to eat but will give you more calories.
  • eastcoaster
    Thanks everyone for you great suggestions! I do eat veggies and fruits. This was just what I had today. Every day is different for me. I agree, I should eat more for breakfast. I will make a point of adding a fruit, and an egg with it. That will up my calorie intake in the morning. I would rather eat more in the morning than more at night.
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Bumping for later
  • moosenbratsmommy
    personally i'm like you and i never thought i'd be! before i cared about calories i was probably eating 3000 a day but now that i am eating right i realize that have days where i don't hit 1000 and mfp wants me at 1400! i personally think if you aren't hungry, don't eat! my calories for the day were 551... popcorn for breakfast, chicken and green beans for lunch and brocolli, tomato and ground turkey breast for dinner. stuffed! plus i worked out hard! do what you think is best for you!
  • dragonfly_beach
    dragonfly_beach Posts: 5 Member
    I just saw my nutritionist last week and she said 1200 is the absolute minimum anyone should be taking in. She reviewed my food diary day-by-day. I had a few days that were just on either side of 1100 and she said my body will go into a hypo-metabolic state and reduce my metabolism thereby reducing my daily caloric needs. If you're exercising, you should be eating a little extra, as well.

    The recommendations given to me were:

    5-6 servings grains
    1 fruit
    2 milk
    4 non-starchy vegetable
    4 meat or meat substitute
    3 fat

    And each meal should be relatively balanced. Therefore, no more pasta fests at Macaroni Grill or Olive Garden. I need to add at least a side salad and a protein and decrease the amount of pasta I eat....bring some home. :-)

    Good Luck!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    personally i'm like you and i never thought i'd be! before i cared about calories i was probably eating 3000 a day but now that i am eating right i realize that have days where i don't hit 1000 and mfp wants me at 1400! i personally think if you aren't hungry, don't eat! my calories for the day were 551... popcorn for breakfast, chicken and green beans for lunch and brocolli, tomato and ground turkey breast for dinner. stuffed! plus i worked out hard! do what you think is best for you!

    You're going to do harm to your body if you keep eating such a low number of calories on a regular basis. Unless you are VERY short and petite, 1200 should be your minimum calorie intake, plus extra if you are exercising. Read some of the links I posted above in this thread, especially the 1st one and the one about 700 calories and not losing. They explain why its important to eat so much and why you may need to eat even if you aren't hungry.