New and looking for some college friends

I'm looking for some extra support! I'm going solo on this all summer and also balancing classes and work.
Any extra motivation would be great. Feel free to add me.

- Lulu


  • singmyheartout4you
    Hey Lulu! I actually just got my b.f.a in theatre performance but Im still going to school for my double major. When I first started on here, it was super hard cause I only had one friend and they mever logged in, so if you want to add me, feel free :) Im super supportive
  • ellenasl210
    ellenasl210 Posts: 95 Member
    Feel free to add me(: I log everyday and stay active with my friend's activities and support. Happy logging(:
  • AFilmer
    AFilmer Posts: 22
    umm im new to this site, if anyone can tell me anything I need to know or tips that would be great. feel free to add me. idk how this works yet
  • katieelizabeth827
    Feel free to add me! Anyone can :)
  • Lulu1605
    Lulu1605 Posts: 7
    This has been such a big help. I love seeing how everyone is doing!