unhappy & hiding

I use to think I was over weight, what I wouldn't do now to weight what I weighted then! I need to lose 30 plus lbs. I see myself in a full length mirror and I think it must be someone else or there must be something wrong with the mirror....that can't be me!! I'm miserable. I don't want to go anywhere. I think about it 24/7. I dress in layers to hide myself but its not working anymore. I'm extremely unhappy with myself yet I can't get myself to do anything about it. What is wrong with me? Where do I begin???


  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    Think big, start small. What is a small change you can make that will get you going in the direction you want? Eliminate one "junky" thing from your diet? Exercise for 10 minutes. Start, make it routine, and the add as you go. Make "friends" (add me if you like) to help you feel accountable
  • nrz242
    nrz242 Posts: 76
    This is a good place to begin! Good people here and lots of motivation. Struggling to live healthier everyday gets a little bit easier with the accountability and encouragement this site provides - at least in my opinion. Good Luck!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    30lb isn't that much, you can do it!
  • xLoveLexi
    xLoveLexi Posts: 29 Member
    If you want to look and feel good, you have to work hard. Eating right and exercising is the only way to reach your goals. And you are in the right place (:

    If you feel ashamed to leave your house (which you shouldn't! Im sure that you look a lot better than you think) , you should exercise at home. Look up some cardio videos on youtube, there are tons! When I first joined the gym, I thought people would look at me and that made me feel unconfortable. But in reality, people at the gym are looking at themselves more often than they look at others! If you can Id suggest joining a gym, or if you cant do that go outside and run!

    Another important ingredient to the new you is eating healthy! You cant expect to lose weight if all you eat is junk. Lots of fruits and veggies! Also, dont forget to hydrate yourself - that means water!

    Please feel free to add me, I can help motivate you to make healthy choices(: And please dont beat yourself up too much. Im sure youre an amazing person inside and out!
  • HeatherRyann
    HeatherRyann Posts: 36 Member
    This is a great place to start. Try and track everything you put in your mouth. You might be surprised. I know tracking helps me a lot. I don't know your lifestyle or eating habits but when I first started I stopped eating out. Would bring food from home instead of stopping on the way to work or going out for lunch. I also cut out soda. It was hard at first but once I was in the habit it wasn't bad and saved me a lot of $$$. I lost 20lbs just making those small changes. Not counting calories, exercising or any other changes. I am much more overweight then you so obviously you aren't going to have the same results but little things like swapping soda for water or packing a lunch instead of going out can really help. Good luck!
  • CrimsonDiva7
    CrimsonDiva7 Posts: 171 Member
    Been there... done that. The easiest thing to do is to just move. Start slow like take the stairs instead of elevator or park furthest from the door at the mall so you have to walk and yes it will be hard at first but stay with it. Walking is a great way to clear your mind while adding great movement for your whole body.
  • marvae6
    marvae6 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey unhappy & hiding,

    I feel, hear, and understand, every single word you expressed and it is natural because you want to already be there! Like you, I, too, felt the same way everyday, every minute. I was constantly worried about my weight, but continuing to eat whatever whenever! One day (not too long ago), I decided to reactivate my gym membership and learn to eat properly. I was determined to put my mind to it - knowing it was going to be a long process. Whether or not you take advantage of gym or not, be sure to incorporate some form of exercise at least 4 times a week, along with your changed eating habits. Remember, just remember, you already made one decision to take charge of how you want to look. Use your calorie tracker on this site everyday because it is important to realize exactly what you eat and how often. Take full advantage of these tools to update your progress - 30 lbs. is not a lot in the grand scheme of things! :smile:

    Trust me, your consistency will be rewarded!
  • FixItDuck
    FixItDuck Posts: 112 Member
    Small changes - I find if I try to make too many changes at once, it's all too hard and then I give up! I've just started doing the 30 day shred, because I wanted to get back to exercising more consistently, and I'm trying to be sure to log my food (even if I've completely gone off track for the day). Logging my food makes me think about what I am eating.

    Will send you a friend request.
  • jandjcassidy
    jandjcassidy Posts: 143
    I am also looking to lose 30 lbs!! I will add you!
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    I know exactly how you feel - I've got more than 30 to lose but I looked at a picture of myself from a high school dance (back when I thought I was fat) and I looked HOT! I was like "Why didn't I realize the kind of body I had back then! If that was fat, I want to be fat again!"

    Well, I'm not sure if I'll get down to that size (not 17 anymore) but I'm trying for at least a 12. If you'd like a motivational pal, add me. :)
  • KeisterButton
    Give thanks to your body for supporting you, for helping you enjoy life. With gratitude comes acceptance, with acceptance arrives the strength and motivation to change. Until I got to the point where I believed change was possible I was in a lethargic stew. I know of one woman who was 250lb+ for most of her adult life, hated her body until she grew to accept it, and then she lost weight, over 40lbs last I read.

    Take your body someplace with a remarkable view, or somewhere you really love. Tell it thanks, and you accept it and yourself here and now. Keep at it. And welcome!
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    30 pounds is not a lot of weight to loose! You just need self discipline! You need to eat healthy, drink a lot of water, and workout! A very affective workout is 30 Day Shred and its free on YouTube. If you do it 30 days straight and give it your all, you can possibly loose half if not more of the 30 pounds. I lost 20 pounds doing it. Good luck!
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    You need to start exercising in some way and keep with it every day. It will be hard the first few weeks but after that you will be in a routine and you will start seeing the positive changes in the way you look and feel. The key is to start, and keep with it.

    You can do it.