Confused About Calorie Intake

Hi fellow.. fitness pal members :)

I'm new here.. Confused.. And would greatly appreciate some feedback!! :)

I am a 20 years old, 5'4 and currently weigh 127-ish. Currently I am trying to eat 1200-1300 calories a day and trying to follow the general protein/carb/fat guidelines.
All of that being said, although I would like to lose around seven pounds, it is more* important to me that I become more toned. Realistically, I would be perfectly happy even gaining a few pounds, as long as it is lean muscle and I am well toned.

So my question would be...
Would eating 1200-1300 calories a day, cardio 5-6 days a week (apparently burning 400-600 depending on the day), and 4 days of weights/toning exercises allow me to accomplish gaining lean muscle/toning? Or am I completely off with my calorie count? And lastly, does anyone have any exercises that they would like to recommend?

Thanks so much!!
And good luck to everyone with their goals!! :)


  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    Probably not enough calories. You are near your goal, so you should be eating near maintenance- not more than 500 calorie deficit (from what I've found from reading a lot of info). I'd think more like 1500-1600.
  • xcassiiex
    xcassiiex Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you for your input! :)
    I must admit, I am a little scared to up my calories.. But I'm willing to see how it goes.

    Thanks!! And congrats on your weight loss so far! :)
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    If you up your calories avoid the scale for awhile. Sometimes the change can cause temporary gains and if you're easily discouraged or get freaked out when the scale goes up it's best to just not weight for 2-4 weeks.
  • ttcbelieve
    ttcbelieve Posts: 181 Member

    I would recommend that you first calculate your daily required calories based on your target.

    I am also posting a link of an old site, i don't think the writer updates it anymore, but the information is still relevant on getting lean. . In summary eat more protein than the others. Hope this helps
  • xcassiiex
    xcassiiex Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for the heads up! I generally don't pay much attention to the scale anyways just because I never remember.. But I will definitely make a conscious effort to avoid it; I am definitely a person that would freak over something like gaining a few pounds..

    So, Thanks!! :)
  • xcassiiex
    xcassiiex Posts: 27 Member
    That was a really interesting read, thank you for that!

    I wrote down that I want to lose 1.5lbs per week.. realistically I expect to lose less generally. Anyways, it ended up telling me that I should eat 1200 calories a day. This being said, although I would like to lose a little more weight, toning is much more important to me at the moment. So I will attempt to generally follow his guidelines on when to eat, eat more protein, more calories on workout days then not, and still up my calorie intake overall..

    Thanks for your help :)
  • xcassiiex
    xcassiiex Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for the heads up! I generally don't pay much attention to the scale anyways just because I never remember.. But I will definitely make a conscious effort to avoid it; I am definitely a person that would freak over something like gaining a few pounds..

    So, Thanks!! :)
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    We are close to the same size, and I set my calories at 1350, eating back most exercise calories, to reach my goal. I'm now maintaining around 1600 calories.
  • xcassiiex
    xcassiiex Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you for the link!! Much appreciated :)
  • xcassiiex
    xcassiiex Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for you input, it really makes me feel better up-ing my calories knowing that others have succeeded doing so as well!

    Thank you everyone for all your help and feedback!!
    I will definitely try a variety of all your advice, work hard, and hope for the best.

    Thanks!! :)
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Good luck! You got lots of good advice here:). It really does work. The last pounds may take longer to lose. Enjoy the process:)
  • Txracy
    Txracy Posts: 78
    I'm 5'3" and one of my big goals was to gain more "tone" and muscle definition. I have actually gained 8 lbs, but my waist is 1.5" smaller and my hips are 1" smaller. I'm actually thinner than before. What made the difference for me to actually start seeing my abdominal muscles is heavy weight lifting. I'd still like to have more definition in my abs (a tall order, since I've had 4 kids), and even though I was always an avid runner, I was always a bit squishy until I started lifting. Once I added that in, I've noticed a difference. My husband noticed too. My waist at last measurement was 24.5 inches. When all I did was run, my waist was 26.

    I only lift 2-3 times per week, but I go as heavy as I can, with low reps. I bought a weight set off craigslist for 30 dollars (with bars, free weights, a bench... it was a pretty sweet deal), and then I also go to the gym for interval training (that also use weights). Then, I just keep up with my usual running (alternating days).

    My calorie intake is approximately 1900-2000 by the way. I "eat back" my workout calories (unless I am just REALLY not hungry that day... but then I go over on other days, and it balances out at the end of the week, I've noticed). I also pay attention to my protein intake a lot more now.
    This is what works for me, and it may or may not work for you. I had to do a lot of tweaking to find what worked for me and my individual body. Good luck! :)
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    I'm 5'3" and one of my big goals was to gain more "tone" and muscle definition. I have actually gained 8 lbs, but my waist is 1.5" smaller and my hips are 1" smaller. I'm actually thinner than before. What made the difference for me to actually start seeing my abdominal muscles is heavy weight lifting. I'd still like to have more definition in my abs (a tall order, since I've had 4 kids), and even though I was always an avid runner, I was always a bit squishy until I started lifting. Once I added that in, I've noticed a difference. My husband noticed too. My waist at last measurement was 24.5 inches. When all I did was run, my waist was 26.

    I only lift 2-3 times per week, but I go as heavy as I can, with low reps. I bought a weight set off craigslist for 30 dollars (with bars, free weights, a bench... it was a pretty sweet deal), and then I also go to the gym for interval training (that also use weights). Then, I just keep up with my usual running (alternating days).

    My calorie intake is approximately 1900-2000 by the way. I "eat back" my workout calories (unless I am just REALLY not hungry that day... but then I go over on other days, and it balances out at the end of the week, I've noticed). I also pay attention to my protein intake a lot more now.
    This is what works for me, and it may or may not work for you. I had to do a lot of tweaking to find what worked for me and my individual body. Good luck! :)


    I think this is the best advice you were given. Muscle tissue is so important and you can not do that well if you totally focus on losing. You can lose weight and reduce lean tissue damage (by lifting hard and eating enough protein), but it is really hard to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. Many trainers say either you are "gaining muscle" or "cutting fat". So I would encourage you to focus on one and at your weight I think the healthier option is to go for strength gains.

    However with an Intermittent Fasting approach like Lean Gains you supposedly can do both. You just eat 20 % above your TDEE on strength training days (lift heavy, not girly) and eat 20% below TDEE on cardio/rest days...that is the formula supposedly for being able to gain muscle while reducing fat tissue. I know I am gaining muscle and losing on this approach but I am not as close to goal as you are so the fat is peeling off pretty fast at this time

    Since muscle takes up less space you will achieve what you what, though you might not lose weight . But you will get smaller, MUCH smaller. (And so much stronger, which is even better)

    I would increase your protein calories (needed to retain and build lean tissue) and focus on serious strength training. You will get where you want to go. The fat will come off as needed (if needed) but the "leangains" will be so worth the strength and the tone you will get. You will be sexy and tone and lean...really better than thin imnsho
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    If i were to up my calories to maintenance after being in a caloric deficit, i would up it by 100 calories a week till i hit my maintenance instead of going straight to maintenance. Transition phase.
  • KateUpton-2012SportsIllustrated2012Bikini-20-560x834_zps4a6436bc.jpg
  • xcassiiex
    xcassiiex Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you!! I'm trying, so hopefully it works out :)
    That being said, these last few days have not been successful... fatty foods put in front of me and a busy couple of days are getting the better of me.. but yup, it is definitely a process! :) and an interesting one at that!
  • xcassiiex
    xcassiiex Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story and experience Txracy!
    Hopefully I have an experience similar to yours! Maybe I should start taking measurements too..
    That's really interesting. I was always afraid to go with heavier weights but I've decided to go with everyones advice and get heavier weights (my weights were really light before and I could do up to 30 in a row pretty easily). Now with the new weights I got, I actually feel more of the 'burn,' so to speak! lol. The protein intake also seems to be key and I'm curious as to how people have time to prepare and eat so much protein in their daily lives. I'm finding it quite difficult, due to my lack of a set schedule this summer as well as finding protein--fulled meals I could prepare ahead of time. All that being said, that was some great and informative advice! Thanks so much! :) And congrats!
  • xcassiiex
    xcassiiex Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks so much for you input SarahSmilesCA!
    Ya, I'm a little bit nervous about the whole weight gain thing.. Seeing as I was almost 200lbs before, I'm somewhat afraid to gain weight again.. But hopefully if I measure myself and notice gains in in gaining lean muscle it will offset my worries of gaining weight..
    It's really interesting to hear that it is possible to still lose weight and tone. I was always under the assumption (like many other people I know) that you have to lose weight before toning really.
    Thank you so much! That was really informative and it's great to hear that approach is working for you!!
    I will definitely attempt to take your advice! Foods probably my biggest struggle (My family is somewhat the stereotypical italian family that you would see on tv.. except they also think I'm crazy when I refuse to eat the fatty foods because i'm already 'skinny'.. they don't understand the whole toning thing) So ya.
    Thanks for your input! I will definitely try to put your advice to good use!! :)
  • xcassiiex
    xcassiiex Posts: 27 Member
    That makes sense! I don't want to be sending my body into a state of shock. Thanks j6o4! :)
  • xcassiiex
    xcassiiex Posts: 27 Member
    Ya! I've been doing the same weights for the past few years or so despite the changes in my body. I never gave it much thought, but you guys are clearly helping me figure that out!!
    And yes, I ended up changing my calorie-aim-intake to 1350 like that website recommended, thanks!!
    On days where I actually get to cook for myself I have a hard time reaching that calorie intake. But it's definitely more realistic when I am spending time with family :)
    That is some great advice on the weights and I actually bought new weights for this reason alone (the amount of reps I could do with my old weights was ridiculous and not difficult at all)
    Thanks for all your help Pu_239!