27 years old, over 150 lbs to lose...



  • Welcome! I also have about 150 lbs to lose. It's a scary number to me. It's good to know there are others out there on the same journey.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, Jacinda, I am glad that you lost those 8 lbs. so far. You are doing great going to the gym and getting a trainer. I wish that I could afford a trainer. I have been married to my current husband for almost 11 yrs. and married to my deceased husband for over 16 yrs. I was never able to have children because of my health and my weight. I am from Illinois. Feel free to add me. My name is Kimberlee.
  • wcugirl04
    wcugirl04 Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome! I have been on here for about 3 months. I have 100 lbs to lose. Well, I've lost 32 so far. I'm also from NC and this year my hubby and I are also celebrating our 7th anniversary. I think the support from everyone on here really helps! :)
  • IndiaElite
    IndiaElite Posts: 2
    Hey im 24 and Im looking to lose 160lbs myself. i had lost 15 but due to some medication i gained it all back. :-( but not to worry i can do it again and you can too!! Were rooting for ya!!
    I'm so glad you decided to tackle your health issues. I BELIEVE IN YOU GIRL!!! "One Day At A Time" has been SO overdone, but it's the only approach! You take good care of YOU, and before you know it, you'll be taking care of a sweet little BABY. Peace and Love to you. I am honored to be your Fitness Pal!
  • Grace4DebraAnn
    Grace4DebraAnn Posts: 124 Member
    Hello Jacinda, you can do this! I have faith that you will successfully complete your journey. Remember this is not a diet, it is about a lifestyle change. I can tell you that it isn't always easy, but remember anything worth while is worth fighting for. Please also remember it is not just about the scale, it is imperative that you also take measurements. There will be times as you get further along in your journey where it will appear that the scale isn't moving. That is because your body is catching up, if you take your measurements you will see that your body is still changing. As you work out too, you will gain muscle.

    I log on daily and would be willing to encourage and support you along your journey. Please feel free to add me, I lead Challenge for Life Support Group at my Church. I know that anyone can accomplish weight loss if they set their mind to it and are committed. I have medical conditions that make it harder for me to loose weight and my dietician is truly amazed at how far I've come. My goal was to loose 100 lbs in 1 year. I started my journey on 09/13/12 and I only have 17.6 lbs to go to meet my goal.

    MFP is an awesome website and I highly suggest it to my friends who want to start their weightloss journey. It really makes you think about what you put into your body. Jacinda, you go girl you got this.
  • angiinkc
    angiinkc Posts: 24
    Don't be afraid of weights. Be truthful with your calories, and rock it when you are at the gym. I used to say I never sweat, but I found out I can sweat like no tomorrow. I just never worked out hard enough and I never knew. I use a trainer too. I highly recommend for people even if you can only go a few times so you can get an idea for how hard to be working out. I have 130 to lose and just passed half way mark after seven months. You can do it. Read lots of books about it. Jillian Michaels is very good, Al Roker (I realize he had the surgery, but his book is very honest and very good for addressing how we got where we are), also Jennifer Hudson, and Shawn Weeks book is good. The first part of the power of habit is also good for understanding willpower. I read while doing cardio, and listening to music. If you fall down, pick yourself up the next day.

    I have a few rules I set for myself which helps me. If I cheat or know I am going to be going out for dinner somewhere bad, I must spend an hour and a half busting my butt that day even if it means going at the crack of dawn or near the close of the gym. I try to drink 3 large classes of water by 11:00 every day. I set goals daily, weekly, and monthly (Jillian's idea.). Make sure you listen to music. Studies show you work out 15 percent harder.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! Just believe!!