Mad at myself...HELP

millesun Posts: 209 Member
:mad: So I started this "diet" over a year ago...lost 75lbs. But over the last month I have been eating WAY more calories than I should. I know better...but I just keep putting crap into my mouth. Also I haven't exercised in about 2 months. I DO NOT want to gain any weight I would like to lose a few more lbs to be honest...but just can't seem to get myself back under control. Any one with any advice or good suggestions?!?!?


  • Pinky_Calhoun
    Pinky_Calhoun Posts: 125 Member
    Take steps toward getting your caloric consumption in check... after you've mastered that, then get back to getting a fitness routine in. 

    Good Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • 125gal
    125gal Posts: 3
    Baby steps. One change a day can make a big difference over the course of several days.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Not real sure I have any magic know what you have to do, and you know it takes some real work to eat the right stuff, ya know choosing fruit over a candy know as well as I do the candy bar rocks...but eventually the fruit grows on ya (well not literally). 10 years ago I lost 65 lbs, I gained 110 lbs back within 1 year doing EXACTLY what you are doing now . I am 2 people. So, although you have not been working out or eating well for only a month or 2.....please rest assured, that you WILL gain those long gone 75lbs back and likely more. You know what to do. Kick yourself in ur own butt and get going again.....You have what it takes to do this....take it one day at a time. :noway: :flowerforyou:
  • Amarea
    Amarea Posts: 91 Member
    I actually think it helps to do something more physical first. I started walking and that made me want to lessen the calories. First just try taking a nice long walk every day. I had to force myself, but it helped. Make a standing date with yourself every day and follow through. One small step will lead to more until you're on the right track again. You can do it!
  • st27
    st27 Posts: 101
    Start all over again and write your real goals down. Keep a food diary and exerices log. Write what's really bothering you now. You could be under alot of stress which could be triggering this food out break. Look deep and search what's really going on. You have to understand it . To stop it.Try yoga and meditation and work your way back to working out again. Then focus on clean foods to eat. Take charge .You are in control. You have to want this more than food. good . hug.
  • goldspaula
    goldspaula Posts: 161
    Yeah You! 75 pounds! Everyone slips up now and then. Don't beat your self up, you are a smart cookie. You came here seeking help, support, and encouragement and I see you are getting great advice. Every day is a new day and a new chance. Nourish, Count, Move, and Report! You are going to be fine. And wow, Yeah you!!!
  • GingerZEST
    SUPPORT!!!! Get a trainer for a few sessions. Get a workout buddy.
    THESE HELP ME OUT A GOOD BIT. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • jasonsplan
    I think the support idea is a great one. When my wife was having some discouragement, she looked to me (her husband) and to a friend we met at church. We established a time where the kids were taken care of and she could go out walking. Soon walked led to doing workouts on the Wii. She is doing much better and having someone there helped with the stress. Ease into it and you will get back to where you want to be.
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Yeah You! 75 pounds! Everyone slips up now and then. Don't beat your self up, you are a smart cookie. You came here seeking help, support, and encouragement and I see you are getting great advice. Every day is a new day and a new chance. Nourish, Count, Move, and Report! You are going to be fine. And wow, Yeah you!!!

    Great advice, Don't beat yourself up, you did screw up, now get back on track, you can do it, we know it, and you know it, look you proved it you lost 75 FREAKING pounds :bigsmile:

    Today is a new day and a new opportunity to get back on track, now just do it :happy:
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    Wow, so much of what you said here makes sense to me. I have been on the same journey. About 4 years ago, I lost 60 pounds. I felt great, I looked so much better, I was finally successful, but I lost my motivation. Slowly, the weight came back... five pounds at a time. I kept telling myself that it was only 5 pounds, I had still lost 50...45...40....

    For me, it was about what was easy. It is so much easier to grab fast food after a meeting than plan ahead in the morning and get something in the crockpot. It was much easier to say I will work out when I have time, and never find that time. I kept every appointment with everyone else, worked really hard at work and went to every sports game of my son. It was good for my spirit, but bad for my body. I have had to learn that I need to keep my promises to myself just as much as I do to everyone else.

    What has got me back on track is friends, and accountability. I love tracking my calories and my exercise ... it has become my TA DA list!! TA DA!! I did it! I also found that if I share what I am doing with others, I get more and more excited about what I am doing. If it will help you, please feel free to add me as a friend, to keep us both motivated and back on track.

    Truth be told, if you are eating the way you did when you were fat, you will find your way back there at some point. Maybe something else is going on ... instead of what are you eating... how about what's eating you?

    And most importantly, be proud of yourself and who you are. You have already proven to yourself that you CAN DO IT!!! You can. When you are ready, you will continue. Beating yourself up about it WILL NOT HELP YOU. Those negative feels breed with each other. Look at yourself. See how far you have come. Embrace the you that YOU WANT TO BE! Those thoughts will multiply too!

    Hang in there.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Stop looking at it as a diet, and more of just how you live your life. A diet makes all so temporary as if you can lose the weight and tyhen just go back to your old ways....which will just leave you back where you started. Youve made a choice to live a healthier life, and to stop fueling your body with rubbish.

    Dont be mad at yourself, instead just suck it up,and keep enjoying your life, you'll egt to live it alot longer now :)
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