What happened? I reached my GW then lost all motivation. :(

I lost my motivation. I started MFP in November 2011. I was 145lbs (5'4") when I started. I decided I wanted to get into riding horses again intensely & I began my fitness/weight loss journey. I eventually reached my GW and a little more! I was at 121lbs and I had never felt better about my physical self!!! It was AWESOME! I actually had a really hard time getting used to eating more (to maintain) as I was SO used to eating around 1200 calories. Once I figured out maintenance - I stuck with MFP to help me. I started to get a little tired of logging everything - as I was doing fine... so I finally stopped using MFP.

Was fine for a while, actually! Then I started eating out more. Started drinking alcohol again (from time to time). I wasn't riding (just can't afford it right now). My relationship with my guy remained the same (actually - it might have actually been strained a bit when I was thinner). All my motivation went out the window. I started eating sweets again. I look forward to drinking alcohol (though I refuse to drink alone).

I have not stepped on a scale - but I know by my clothes, that I'm probably around 130-135 again. I am not pleased with myself... and I don't want to go up any higher... I would love to be around 125 again... but I just can't find that spark to get me going again. Just to fit into my clothes isn't enough.

Horses & Love are the two things that motivate me... and neither will change anytime soon despite my weight. I wish I could get my motivation back.


  • bonelessskinless
    Don't let weight loss be your main goal in life! Let weight loss help you achieve your goals! A more confident you will do better in job interviews, do better on first dates, do better when riding horses, do better when running, do better at life. A thinner more confident you could own their own horse some day or even their own stable! The sky is the limit if you push yourself and kick the habits that are stopping you from achieving your dreams(you know what these habits are ;)

    After you reach your GW again keep using the website and help others help themselves achieve their goals as a way to give back to the community and for yourself, so you keep making healthy decisions.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I sympathise. I'm slightly different though as I can't motivate myself to lose that 10 pounds to get to my goal weight. Larger people have motivations like playing with their kids or buying clothes from normal shops but when you're within healthy weight, I think it's so much more difficult.

    Maybe focus on another fitness goal- sign up for a race or something.
  • gabmoody
    gabmoody Posts: 10 Member
    This sounds so like me. I think the answer is to keep logging even when your goal is reached, otherwise complacency sets in and you think, "oh a little bit of chocolate won't hurt" . A little bit won't, but a lot of little bits add up!
    Good luck.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    This kinda happened to me too, got to GW and then just got demotivated. The key for me was to find another goal, just like jaz said. I decided I wanted more muscle and started bulking. This got me all excited again because it is something new. I'm more than half way in and I'm now looking forward to cutting. After that I'll re-evaluate and come up with some other goal (like being able to do pull-ups).

    So essentially, find a new goal.
  • 122ish
    122ish Posts: 339 Member
    I felt like I was reading my story only I started November 2012 at 153 and got down to 120 about 2 months ago, then I had to get used to eating more and that I did, I re found my appreciation of sweets and blended coffee instead of alcohol. I weighed myself this morning after not doing so for over a month and I am up 4 lbs which I know is not much ( hoping its less, lack of activity has caused me constipation) but the number will continue to grow if I don't find my motivation. I finally realized I told many to just do it, don't make excuses because any reason why u can't is just an excuse, so I actually ate less today and worked out some. I too felt so fantastic at 120, man I wanted to scream it from the rooftops, I wanted to get everyone to eat healthy and work out, it made me feel like a million bucks and thought everyone should be in on this.
    So I am gonna tell u to just do it whether u want to or not, u will be greatful soon enough and u can thank me then. Lol

    U can friend me and yell/inspire me some every so often and I can do the same for u if u want.
  • lambchoplewis
    lambchoplewis Posts: 797
    I have been maintaining for over a year at +/- 2-3 lbs. It is MUCH harder than losing as I used to say NO to everything and really watch what I ate. Now I say okay to a little of this or that and try to just eat a little . However, sometimes it turns into a binge. I do the following which is VERY controversial as you can gain or lose 2-3 lbs overnight even if you follow your plan on food and exercise. I watch the trend over time and make sure that I stop before gaining it all back.

    I weigh myself every morning (the controversial part). This keeps me from shoving things into my mouth as I know I have to face the scale in the morning. I then log my food and exercise then go to the motivational blogs and help others or just read to get motivated. It works for me.
  • Front_Runner
    Front_Runner Posts: 175
    Thanks everyone... just reading your posts of encouragement & understanding is a start in the right direction! :) I appreciate that you took the time to write. I, too, was weighing myself daily back then - which actually helped me a lot (I know some folks think that's bad - but I think if you're realistic about it - and don't obsess over a +1 or 2 overnight gain, it's fine). I'm trying to find a new goal (like something active I've always wanted to do) - I'll work on that. Thanks again.