Shame in walking part of a 10K

I turned 40 in April and made a list of things I was going to accomplish this year.

One of the goals was to run a local race called the Milk Run(10K). I've been training and I'm up to 4.5 miles and I'm pretty sure I can do 6, but I have this overwhelming feeling that I wont be able to. Here's my issue, is there any shame in walking parts of a race. My self esteem is getting the best of me and I don't want to feel like a failure. Just looking for some words of encouragement!!!!


  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    No shame at all. The odd thing is though, I feel like when I can get the slow pace right that it is less tiring to muddle along at a slow jog than it is to walk. But you will see plenty of racers drop to a walk from time to time. If you feel like you will cramp a muscle or get too light headed if you don't walk for a minute, then by all means walk. It's the smart thing to do. Hold your head high just because you are doing this.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    I felt the same way before I did my first half marathon early this me, I felt like if I walked at all during the race that I wouldn't be able to truly say that I "ran" a half.

    Guess what? I took a few walk breaks and I have no shame about it. You shouldn't either!
  • That depends. Did you push yourself as hard as possible and will you run farther next time?
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    The only shame would be in not trying because you were worried about being ashamed
    any effort is better than no effort at all!
    you could be congratulating yourself on being able to run 4 miles,
    thats an amazing accomplishment,
    i know i am not at anything near that yet! ,

    i am so proud of you for being able to do that ,
    and to get up the ovaries enough to attempt a 10 k ,

    wow , thats a big accomplishment in my book!!
  • bannedword
    bannedword Posts: 299 Member
    No shame.

    I run a lot of races. From 5ks to ultras. I have respect for every single person who lines up at the start, regardless of their pace.

    I run/walk with planned intervals and find that I am faster that way than when I run straight through.
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    Considering the majority of the people in the US don't walk more than half a mile in a day from their Barco-lounger to their fridge for another coke and bag of chips and back, of course not!

    I don't run, I speed walk. I'm currently pacing at 13 minutes a mile and maintain that for five miles. On longer walks I scale back to 13:30 or so. Am I ashamed? Hell no!

    Your goal should be to finish and to do the best you can without injuring yourself. Otherwise you are only cheating yourself out of a well deserved pat on the back. Next stop--13.1? :)
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    No shame in walking at all. You are lapping everyone on the sidelines!
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hey, some runners (I'm thinking of Jeff Galloway here) actually advocated walk breaks in your runs. I often take a quick one, or go to a sloooow jog after every mile or so, but I'm also a newbie to running. I'll be doing my first 5K on Saturday, and my first 10K in July. I know I'll be taking walk breaks. I will push myself, I have a time goal in mind, and I'm going to push myself to make that.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I run/walk with planned intervals and find that I am faster that way than when I run straight through.

    This is me too.
  • RichOC
    RichOC Posts: 243 Member
    I feel that if Hal Higdon says it's okay to walk, then it's okay to walk.
  • Runner2533
    Runner2533 Posts: 3 Member
    Absolutely not! Don't be ashamed to walk during a race. I've been a runner for over half my life. You're definitely ready for a 10K with being up to 4.5 miles already. I'd recommend training up to 5 miles, but no more than that. Look at it this way: if you feel like walking, ask yourself at that moment "did I pay for this race to walk?" The answer is usually "hell to the no!" Simply slow down your pace, focus on your breathing and form until you can work your pace back up. You got this girl!
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    John Bingham, anyone? He's a well known runner and he actually does run/walk intervals. He never runs straight through!
  • Cheddarie
    Cheddarie Posts: 4 Member
    No shame in doing anything in a 10k as far as I'm concerned! Just did Race for Life 5k on Sunday, mostly walking with an occasional jog, but now my friends and I are training to do 10k next year with a bit more jogging! Will be hard work but we're all giving it a go so just do what you can do and be proud!
  • ernielaurie
    ernielaurie Posts: 80
    I've done 5kms, 10kms and as of right now 6 half's ( I'm doing 2 this September) and I've yet to run all of any of them!!! But I did them!!! Don't judge yourself on how much you run of each race, judge yourself on the fact that you can run some of the race and that you got off your butt and DID THE RACE!!!!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    No shame. The runners know what you are going through, spectators should not bother you as they aren't running at all!
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I did my first 10km a few weeks ago and a lot of people were walking at some points, no shame in it at all! The adrenaline of all the people will also give you a small boost!
  • beachquilt
    beachquilt Posts: 39 Member
    I don't think there is anything wrong with walking part of it. You will always find people walking parts of races - 5ks, 10ks, etc. I have done 5 5ks and there are always a few walking here and there. I am doing my first 10K in Aug and know that I will probably have to walk part of it. No Shame at all!!
    My husband and I just did a 5K hill climb and we were the last two runners in (we actually won 3rd place in our age groups). I felt bad that we came in last even thought we beat our goal time (mind you, there was no one who walked the entire thing - not sure why?). But then my niece told me something - she said that at least we were out doing it; think of all the people who were sitting at home doing nothing! That made me feel better.
    I knew someone who wasn't going to run in a 5K we were training for because she was afraid she might have to walk a little bit - I convinced her to do it because there are always people who have to walk. Just do it!!!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    No shame! I walked my first 10k and ran half of the 2nd one. And I'm hoping to be able to run a full 10k by this fall but would be happy to get over 5 miles since the farthest I've been able to do is 4 1/2.

    Good for you for getting as far as you have!! Try to ignore those doubting voices in your head and just keep training and do your very best!

    The only cautionary tale I have for folks planning on walking part of a 10k is that if there is a corresponding 5k in the same event, run as much as you can or don't plan on running across the finish line. All the 5k walkers were jamming up the finish line when I did that and it was quite frustrating!
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    If you did your best, there's absolutely no shame. I'm doing my first 5K next month and I've been told by many people that the atmosphere and everyone running around you will often push you to keep running. Running is often a mental game just as much (or more) than a physical one. Good luck!!
  • If you can run non stop for 4.5 miles then the race atmosphere may well carry you the rest of the way - it is amazing how much of a boost it gives you.

    Also, if this is a mass participation event, there will be plenty of people walking some or most of it. In addition, people running a race are really caring about what they are doing, and not what you are doing.

    No need to feel any shame whatsoever! Just have some fun :-).