is my running stupid?!?!1 lol

Helly86 Posts: 41 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise

just wanted a bit of advice really,

ive taken up running/jogging every day for about 30 mins, its easy for me to fit in around work and stuff.

I do 5 mins brisk walking then run between 7.5 and 9.0 for 25 mins then walk again for 5 mins. I cover about 3.4 km in total. Is this pretty slow? How can i up my distance, is doesnt seem to be changing the more i go jogging!

Im new totally new to running and have no kind of plan that im following, i jst follow by how much i sweat by the end of it!!

Any advice would be great thanks

Helen xXx


  • You should try Couch 2 5K, the link is here:

    There is a nice program you can follow and then there is a Bridge to 10K. There are great apps and podcasts out there also!
  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208
    Hi Helen,

    if you are just starting out running then what your doing seems good to me. if you want to increase your distance then instead of running for your long 25 mins, have a short brisk walk break in between so say run for 15 - 20 mins then a few mins brisk walk and then do another 15 - 20 mins run. gradually reduce your brisk walk in the middle and you will find you will be able to do the 30 - 40 mins run with no problem, you can then reduce your start and end brisk walk, gradually reduce by 1mins.

    keep up with it, dont get down if you cant complete the extra time / distance on one of your sessions, it will gradually build up.

  • lucifa73
    lucifa73 Posts: 110
    If you're running at the same pace then you won't go any faster in the same amount of time. If you want to go further in a longer period just set mini goals - today you got to this set of lights/park bench etc but tomorrow you will make it to the next one and just increment your idstance that way without worrying how many minutes you are doing. I did this and found once I had broken the 5km barrier that 6km & 7km followed pretty quickly.

    If you want to go further in the same 30mins you are doing already then you will obviously need to get faster. Google fartlek for ideas but essentially it is interval training. Do your warm up etc like you are then run at normal pace for 5 mins then run flat out between two markers (eg 2 lamp posts) then settle back to normal pace for a minute then another burst of speed. Repeat for 10 to 15mins then settle back to normal pace for last 5 mins and cool down as usual. You should over time see an increase in your pace.

    If you combine upping distance with the speed training your running will improve.

    Another idea is to join a run club - they cater for all abilities and provide a bit of structure and other people to mark yourself against.
  • I agree, check out the Couch to 5k, its been great for me, i never thought i would be able to run at all, let alone all the running that is involved. Its a great program and if you have an iphone you can download an app and it takes you through the whole program for 8 weeks, day by day...awesome stuff, addictive too
  • Helly86
    Helly86 Posts: 41 Member
    thanks for the link, ill def check it out :-)

    thanks for your advice, good to know more tips which i will try tomoz to keep me motivated!!!

  • Helly86
    Helly86 Posts: 41 Member
    ooo whats the app for the iphone called?xxxx
  • EmYoder
    EmYoder Posts: 7 Member
    You should try Couch 2 5K, the link is here:

    There is a nice program you can follow and then there is a Bridge to 10K. There are great apps and podcasts out there also!

    Thanks for the link!!! I'm def going to try this!!
  • sherri79eaton
    sherri79eaton Posts: 34 Member
    The one I have is called "get running" it follows the c25K program and you can listen to your ipod while you run your app, just make sure you turn on you ipod first then open the app!
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    As a marathoner, the best thing I ever did to help my running was buy a "Garmin" - your best friend/trainer :)

    Anyway, here's some food for thought:

    Running at a 5.45 minute per km pace is fast/difficult
    Running at a 6.45 minute per km pace is moderate (but still fast in my eyes)
    Running at a 7.45 minute per km pace is moderate/less people run at this pace

    The way we train for long distances is by running 10 minutes and then a one minute break (brisk walking). Unless you are a natural athlete this method serves well for any distance runner. Be easy on yourself... Knowing your pace will help you biuld stamina and endurance without injuring yourself. Journaling is a really good way to see how your runs make you feel the next day. If you feel run down the next day it's possible you are pushing your body too much too fast... A good warm up to running or any activity is doing Dynamic Stretches - you can google that - instead of walking the 5 minutes at the beginning. Be careful and safe running!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member

    just wanted a bit of advice really,

    ive taken up running/jogging every day for about 30 mins, its easy for me to fit in around work and stuff.

    I do 5 mins brisk walking then run between 7.5 and 9.0 for 25 mins then walk again for 5 mins. I cover about 3.4 km in total. Is this pretty slow? How can i up my distance, is doesnt seem to be changing the more i go jogging!

    Im new totally new to running and have no kind of plan that im following, i jst follow by how much i sweat by the end of it!!

    Any advice would be great thanks

    Helen xXx

    You will up your distance naturally, because as you get fitter, you will find that the distance you are covering now will not be enough, you will want to do more. Do not push yourself past what you feel comfortable with at this stage. if you do, it may put you off.

    A lot of people when they first start, do one or two minutes jogging follwed by one minute walking, then two jogging, one walking and so on. So you are doing great believe me.

    After a few weeks you may even feel like you want to run faster, that's ok too, just always make sure you warm up properly first, nothing is worth any injuries.

    Just persevere and within six months you will find you can run what you want and will know exactly how far you can push yourself.

    Congratulations on starting running, long may it continue! :flowerforyou:
  • Helly86
    Helly86 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the replies guys :-) I feel all motivated for my run after work tomoz :-) jst got to find a longer playlist :-) x x x
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