Gym etiquette questions?

stevepax Posts: 86 Member
Started weights today, first time ever, Stronglifts 5x5. My wife is doing it too, she started yesterday.

A couple of questions:

1. Wouldn't it be customary to re-rack all your plates from the bar when you're done? I mean, the squat rack wasn't being used, but there were 45 pound plates on each side of the bar. Since it was my first day on stronglifts, I had to use the bar only, so I took the plates off. But my wife would really struggle getting 45 pound plates off the bar, especially when it's racked up high. What's the deal?

2. What about when the equipment you're using doesn't have the plates you need on it? Like, if I'm going up 5 pounds next time I do squats and bench press, I'm going to need some 2.5 lb plates, right? They seem to be sparse. Can I take them from other weight racks on a different bench, or machine, or wherever I can find them? Is it just shared around?

3. What do you do if you just can't find 2.5 lb plates? Is it normal to just put a 5 lb plate on one side of the bar and then hold the bar slightly off-center to balance it for your squat? Or is that ridiculous?

4. Isn't it a total pain in the rear to work in on equipment someone else is using (like, share the squat rack and do my set while someone else is resting, then trade) if we are lifting significantly different total weights? How is that handled?

Thanks in advance for the advice from you regulars. I have decided not to look at anyone else who is lifting there, because it seems you just see some people doing some very strange movements in the free-weight area there! Also, I thought bicep curls in the squat rack were a myth. Nope!


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    1. You're supposed to re reck but some people are jerks and don't do this.

    2. Yes.

    3. Wait until you can go up a full 10lbs if you don't have smaller plates.

    4. Only work in on machines or if the person is doing the same weight as you. Otherwise it's a pain in the *kitten*.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    1. You're supposed to re reck but some people are jerks and don't do this.

    2. Yes.

    3. Wait until you can go up a full 10lbs if you don't have smaller plates.

    4. Only work in on machines or if the person is doing the same weight as you. Otherwise it's a pain in the *kitten*.


    And #1 is rampant at the gym I frequent. It's gotten to the point where if the equipment is loaded when I get there, I put it back exactly as I found it when I'm done.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    1. You're supposed to re reck but some people are jerks and don't do this.

    2. Yes.

    3. Wait until you can go up a full 10lbs if you don't have smaller plates.

    4. Only work in on machines or if the person is doing the same weight as you. Otherwise it's a pain in the *kitten*.

    Pretty much. Although every different gym tends to have it's own etiquette. You just have to learn from being there.
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    1. If she can't lift 45 lb weights then it's not rude to ask someone for help. It's better to ask for help than to hurt herself trying to lift something too heavy from too high of a height.

    2. Yes. Just make sure it's not being used by somebody.

    3. Don't make one side of the bar heavier than the other. Even with just 5 lbs you can hurt yourself.

    4. Honestly, I just wait til the other person is done. Most of the time we're using different weights and doing different exercises and it's just too much of a pain to switch plates and all that.

    Bottom line: you and your wife have just as much right as anyone to be there as anybody else. If you have a question, just ask someone. The worst someone can say is no!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    1. You're supposed to re reck but some people are jerks and don't do this.

    2. Yes.

    3. Wait until you can go up a full 10lbs if you don't have smaller plates.

    4. Only work in on machines or if the person is doing the same weight as you. Otherwise it's a pain in the *kitten*.

  • wizbeth1218
    wizbeth1218 Posts: 358 Member
    Fabulous questions! Thanks so much for asking, and for the answers.

    Best of luck to your and the Mrs. on your lifting. :)
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    1. You're supposed to re reck but some people are jerks and don't do this.

    2. Yes.

    3. Wait until you can go up a full 10lbs if you don't have smaller plates.

    4. Only work in on machines or if the person is doing the same weight as you. Otherwise it's a pain in the *kitten*.

    Agreed. Another option for #3 is to go to Walmart and buy a couple of 2.5's to take with you, I'd just make sure to mark them and make sure the people at the desk know that you're bringing in some of your own so they don't think you're stealing them when you leave.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    1. You're supposed to re reck but some people are jerks and don't do this.

    2. Yes.

    3. Wait until you can go up a full 10lbs if you don't have smaller plates.

    4. Only work in on machines or if the person is doing the same weight as you. Otherwise it's a pain in the *kitten*.

  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    1. You're supposed to re reck but some people are jerks and don't do this.

    2. Yes.

    3. Wait until you can go up a full 10lbs if you don't have smaller plates.

    4. Only work in on machines or if the person is doing the same weight as you. Otherwise it's a pain in the *kitten*.

    Agreed except number 4. Even if using different weights, it's very simple to swap weights between sets. I'm surprised no one else has done that.
  • stevepax
    stevepax Posts: 86 Member
    Wow, thanks for all the quick replies. I like the idea of just buying my own 2.5lb plates so I don't have to go hunting.

    One more follow-up question - if you are doing deadlifts or barbell rows, can you just take the bar from one of the benches where it is sitting to go somewhere else to do them? I think my gym has one bar that just sits on the ground off to the side, but as it is only one, it's often in use, even at 5 AM when I go. Can I just take my bench press bar after I'm done doing the bench, do my deadlifts in front of the bench, and then put it back? I guess if I'm going to still just use that bench to sit on to rest between sets, I'm still just using the same equipment anyway, right?

    I just don't want to upset anyone or call attention to myself while it's still obvious I don't know what I'm doing...

  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    1. You're supposed to re reck but some people are jerks and don't do this.

    2. Yes.

    3. Wait until you can go up a full 10lbs if you don't have smaller plates.

    4. Only work in on machines or if the person is doing the same weight as you. Otherwise it's a pain in the *kitten*.

    Agreed except number 4. Even if using different weights, it's very simple to swap weights between sets. I'm surprised no one else has done that.

    I think it's a matter of personal preference. It's simple, sure, but to some it's still an imposition. Personally, I'd rather wait than have to work in. That's part of the reason why I go specifically when the gym is quiet.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    1. You're supposed to re reck but some people are jerks and don't do this.

    2. Yes.

    3. Wait until you can go up a full 10lbs if you don't have smaller plates.

    4. Only work in on machines or if the person is doing the same weight as you. Otherwise it's a pain in the *kitten*.

    Agreed. Another option for #3 is to go to Walmart and buy a couple of 2.5's to take with you, I'd just make sure to mark them and make sure the people at the desk know that you're bringing in some of your own so they don't think you're stealing them when you leave.

    That's what I was going to suggest, too. The 2.5 plates at my gym appear only at the full moon... or when the seeker has an exceptionally full bladder. Or something.

    About working in: if you are in a huge hurry, you could make it work when your working weights are close. Just load the bar in such a way that swapping between weights takes little time. If you are working at 135 and the other person is at 115, load the bar with two 25 lb plates and add a couple of 10s, instead of using 45 lb plates. You get the idea. But I would just wait for my turn instead.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    1. You're supposed to re reck but some people are jerks and don't do this.

    2. Yes.

    3. Wait until you can go up a full 10lbs if you don't have smaller plates.

    4. Only work in on machines or if the person is doing the same weight as you. Otherwise it's a pain in the *kitten*.

    Agreed except number 4. Even if using different weights, it's very simple to swap weights between sets. I'm surprised no one else has done that.
    Not so much when you're swapping plates around. On a cable machine, sure. But eh, if I've got two 20kg plates either side and someone needs a single 10kg on each side, it's not happening.
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    1. You're supposed to re reck but some people are jerks and don't do this.

    2. Yes.

    3. Wait until you can go up a full 10lbs if you don't have smaller plates.

    4. Only work in on machines or if the person is doing the same weight as you. Otherwise it's a pain in the *kitten*.

    Agreed except number 4. Even if using different weights, it's very simple to swap weights between sets. I'm surprised no one else has done that.

    I also agree except number 4. My guy and I use the same bench. It's especially helpful for me because as a female that doesn't have lots of upper body strength I really feel like I need a spotter for bench or I won't push myself to up my weight.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    1. You're supposed to re reck but some people are jerks and don't do this.

    2. Yes.

    3. Wait until you can go up a full 10lbs if you don't have smaller plates.

    4. Only work in on machines or if the person is doing the same weight as you. Otherwise it's a pain in the *kitten*.

    Agreed except number 4. Even if using different weights, it's very simple to swap weights between sets. I'm surprised no one else has done that.

    in my gym there is one squat rack, and 5x5 with 3 min rest is full 20 minuts, so yes, we work in even with different weights
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Wow, thanks for all the quick replies. I like the idea of just buying my own 2.5lb plates so I don't have to go hunting.

    One more follow-up question - if you are doing deadlifts or barbell rows, can you just take the bar from one of the benches where it is sitting to go somewhere else to do them? I think my gym has one bar that just sits on the ground off to the side, but as it is only one, it's often in use, even at 5 AM when I go. Can I just take my bench press bar after I'm done doing the bench, do my deadlifts in front of the bench, and then put it back? I guess if I'm going to still just use that bench to sit on to rest between sets, I'm still just using the same equipment anyway, right?

    I just don't want to upset anyone or call attention to myself while it's still obvious I don't know what I'm doing...

    yes in our gym you can take stuff from where ever it's stored and use it. I take weights from all over and use them and then re=rack them. I find that after a week I have to go re-organize stuff so that it's disbursed through-out the weight storage racks. (yes I work there) Just an FYI I hate when people don't re-rack. It bites for me to be unloading 300 lbs so that I can load 10 lol. Also make sure to wipe down the equipment after use :) I do it before too b/c I notice people don't wipe after use.
  • dysonspacz
    dysonspacz Posts: 76 Member
    Sad how often people don't re-rack their weights. I understand leaving a 45 on for some of the machines (leg press for example) considering the majority of people using them are going to need more than that lonely 45 but then you've got twits who leave 400 on there which is just bull. Hey meat head! Yeah, you! The one breathing through your mouth! Be considerate before I throw a brick through your face!!!

    BTW, the same applies to dumb bells. I can never find a 10 or 15# weight where they're supposed to be. They're ALWAYS on the other side of the gym. My gym has extra 10 and 15#'s but damned if i can find them before 830pm.
  • snooj
    snooj Posts: 69 Member
    1. Yep, generally people take their plates off. Part of me thinks it's a guy/strong thing when they don't, because when short wee me goes to the squat rack it's actually pretty common for the guy who last used it to offer to take it off.

    2. Feel free to take weights, clips, whatever from anywhere. Gyms generally have less 2.5 lb plates because they're not used as frequently, so it's meant to be shared across different barbells, machines, etc.

    3. Definitely don't make the bar uneven! Either go down in weight or up. Or, find someone who works there to find those plates for you. I usually like to find those plates before I even start working out in an area if I know or think I'll need them.

    4. It depends. I tend to share because I take long breaks. There's plenty of time for someone to change the weight, do their set, then me to put my weights back on. Generally people don't like to share, but so long as their breaks are long too it works.
  • bonitacash08
    bonitacash08 Posts: 378 Member
    Wow, thanks for all the quick replies. I like the idea of just buying my own 2.5lb plates so I don't have to go hunting.

    One more follow-up question - if you are doing deadlifts or barbell rows, can you just take the bar from one of the benches where it is sitting to go somewhere else to do them? I think my gym has one bar that just sits on the ground off to the side, but as it is only one, it's often in use, even at 5 AM when I go. Can I just take my bench press bar after I'm done doing the bench, do my deadlifts in front of the bench, and then put it back? I guess if I'm going to still just use that bench to sit on to rest between sets, I'm still just using the same equipment anyway, right?

    I just don't want to upset anyone or call attention to myself while it's still obvious I don't know what I'm doing...


    I normally use the power rack to do my deadlifts and barbell rows because they have a lower rack that makes it easier to load the bar.
    FATJAKE5 Posts: 162
    Started weights today, first time ever, Stronglifts 5x5. My wife is doing it too, she started yesterday.

    A couple of questions:

    2. What about when the equipment you're using doesn't have the plates you need on it? Like, if I'm going up 5 pounds next time I do squats and bench press, I'm going to need some 2.5 lb plates, right? They seem to be sparse. Can I take them from other weight racks on a different bench, or machine, or wherever I can find them? Is it just shared around?

    This is one that you can control. Buy a set of 2-1/2 lb and 5 lb plates and bring them with you.