Registering for my first 5k

I just printed off the registration form for a 5k that takes place on August 2nd. Right now I weigh 278 lbs and I'm on week 3 of the couch to 5k. Should I mail it in, or am I being unrealistic?


  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    definitely mail it in!
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    If you want to do it, go for it. There's nothing that says you have to run the whole thing if you're not quite there or that you have to have some amazing time. It will give you something to work towards if that would help you in your training. I'm doing my first 5K on Saturday, and I'm just hoping I only walk 2 or 3 minutes of it and finish under 35 minutes! (Really aiming for 33 minutes, but I don't know how the race atmosphere will affect me.)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    If you want to do it, go for it. There's nothing that says you have to run the whole thing if you're not quite there or that you have to have some amazing time. It will give you something to work towards if that would help you in your training. I'm doing my first 5K on Saturday, and I'm just hoping I only walk 2 or 3 minutes of it and finish under 35 minutes! (Really aiming for 33 minutes, but I don't know how the race atmosphere will affect me.)

  • LisaO85
    LisaO85 Posts: 152
    Go for it !!!! There is no better way to keep you motivated than a goal. Just keep doing C25K and you will do just fine. If this is your first race it's all about the finish, it doesn't matter if you walk none of it or all of it just crossing that finish line will give you the motivation to keep going.

    Good luck & Enjoy !!
  • JenToms80
    JenToms80 Posts: 373 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mail it!
  • MsStang02
    MsStang02 Posts: 147 Member
    I say go for it!!! I registered for a 5k before I even started C25K. It is in January so it gives me plenty of time to train. And it gives me a long term goal that is NOT weight loss related. It is for health and for the satisfaction of being able to condition my body to do something it never could. Losing weight would just be a bonus :)

    GO FOR IT!!!
  • squirrell79
    squirrell79 Posts: 154 Member
    Mail it in and have fun!
  • pippywillow
    pippywillow Posts: 253 Member
    That's it I'm mailing it! I'm excited :bigsmile:

    Thank you!!!
  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    That's it I'm mailing it! I'm excited :bigsmile:

    Thank you!!!

    YES!!!!! Glad you are sending it in...I was 278 when I started to run....I LOVE IT!!!!

    Dont let your mind be your limit, it sells you short everytime!!
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Good for you! You'll find it so motivating to have a race to look forward to. I'm in week 4 of C25K and signed up for two runs this fall right when I started the program. Good luck with your training.
  • MsShorten
    MsShorten Posts: 20 Member
    Yes be excited. I'm on week 5 of C25K, I currently weigh 272 ish. Now mind you I'm moving a pretty slow pace but yesterday I ran 2.25 miles straight! So that means I ran for about 40 minutes. The farthest I ever ran. Now today I tried to repeat that and it was an epic fail so I will return to my intervals but I love it! I say go for it!
  • Just_Alyssa
    Just_Alyssa Posts: 52 Member
    MAIL IT!

    It will give you inspiration & motivation. But don't stress- it's not a failure if you can't/don't run the whole time. This weekend, I just completed my 4th since last fall and this was the only one I DIDN'T walk.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    That's loads of time... MAIL IT!! As someone else said, if it comes down to it on the day, you can always run/walk if you have to (or just want to)... loads of people do! I hope you have a blast!
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    I ran my first 5k at 280. Second one at 265. I am training for a sprint triathalon and am at 260. I will be around 250 when I participate in that. Keep working the c25k. Worst walk some of the 5k. Regardless mailing it in and doing it will be huge for was for me anyway. Good luck!
  • bongochick45
    bongochick45 Posts: 130 Member
    mail it!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Do it!!! The very worst thing that can happen is you just don't show up to the race and lose out of the registration fee.

    The best thing that happens is you show up and crush that 5k!!! Don't sweat the time, since its your first. Everyone is always super supportive and you will get a glimpse at your new running colleges... because you're a runner now.
  • pippywillow
    pippywillow Posts: 253 Member
    So much inspiration! Thanks everyone!
  • ernielaurie
    ernielaurie Posts: 80
    I started out weighing 260 for my first 5km! I'm now in onederland and doing half marathons!!! As the saying goes, "just do it" You will be amazed at how easy it gets!!!
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    I have just registered for parkrun (no space intentionally) which in my area runs a free 5k every saturday morning in a local park. It seems this is an international initiative so there could be one near most people. Once registered you just turn up and take part you have a barcode with you details on it and your times get recorded depending on your age group.
  • dizy17
    dizy17 Posts: 236 Member
    MAIL IT! i walked my first 5k in January so as long as you finish its a great accomplishment.