Feeling rubbish - should I go to the gym or cancel tonight?

princessorchid Posts: 198 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I feel like utter poo today. I spent the weekend at my friend's farm - don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun - but I've been stung like mad by midges, all over my legs (there are bites on almost every inch of my legs from just above the knee to my ankle, also on my neck, chest, arms and a few on my face - though it's mostly my legs that got the brunt of it). They itch like crazy, I've had almost no sleep because i've been up all night itching like mad, and NOTHING I have tried has gotten rid of the itching.

I've tried anthisan, taking antihistamines orally, aloe vera, lavender, topical creams...NOTHING. I went to Boots and the pharmacist said a few of the bites are infected, and that I should go see my doctor. I've comfort eaten all day so have U300kcal for dinner, probably more like U200.

I've got an appointment with my personal trainer this afternoon after work, but I'm not sure if I'm up to it. I can't decide whether to cancel or just push through the pain. I'm at work right now and all I want to do is crawl into my bed!

Should I go or not? I feel like I should burn off some of my6 breakfast and lunch, but I also feel rubbish... :-(


  • IndyHannah
    IndyHannah Posts: 59 Member
    I thoroughly believe you should go to your gym session. I completely understand that you'd rather do anything else but go. But just think of how much better you'll feel after you go. You never know a bit of sweating may make you feel less itchy for a while, it'll at least take your mind off it. After all you can always go and if it really is too much just stop. At least give it a go!! You can do it!!
  • alleyg4
    alleyg4 Posts: 26
    I would say go. As much as you don't want to you will feel better after, not only because you worked out and got your endorphins going, but also because it won't seem liked you ate to badly. If you end up going and the bites get worse or they start to cause more problems you could always cut out early. But I know workign out always makes me feel better and when I skip I feel worse by the end of the night when I'm looking at my food diary for the last time. You can do it! :-)
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Go to the gym. Like IndyHannah said, you won't even notice how miserable you feel while you're there.
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    I say get out and go for it. Who knows, the sweat from your work out make help flush out some of the toxins from the bug bites!! May be just what you need.

  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I say go to the gym. I always feel amazing after a work out. Maybe it will help you too
  • cviertha
    cviertha Posts: 32
    If the bites are infected u shud probably go see your doctor and get that taken care of. If you are feeling that run down u shud probably take off today, your body is trying to tell you something. I know from experience, just try to eat healthy and drink lots of water, reschedule the personal trainer for another day. Let us know how you are doing! :happy:
  • truecaligirl
    truecaligirl Posts: 132 Member
    I would say go to the gym. Sometimes it sounds sooo hard when you think about it but once you are there you find out that it's not as hard as it sounded and before you know it u've burned a couple hundred calories.
    Hey this is so funny.... I was reading about your bug bites and I noticed the terminix add on the side...lol
  • k_wills
    k_wills Posts: 82 Member
    Stay home and rest....if it was just tiredness i'd say go...but training is never effective when you're not feeling well...see your Doctor re the bites.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    If the bites are infected u shud probably go see your doctor and get that taken care of. If you are feeling that run down u shud probably take off today, your body is trying to tell you something. I know from experience, just try to eat healthy and drink lots of water, reschedule the personal trainer for another day. Let us know how you are doing! :happy:

    Ditto...call your doc....if they are infected the sweating might make it worse....maybe some floor exercises and stretching would be good today!
  • I would say go if you were only tired and itchy. Given that you say some of the bug bites are infected I would say wait. Unless you plan on covering every bite that is possibly infected, you will run the risk of causing further infection. You need to take care of yourself. I am by far not a germ freak and I go to the gym but with open places on your legs and arms you are more likely to get impetigo or another infection if you expose yourself right now.
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