Anyone lose weight while on Zertec or other Antihistamine?

I am on Zertec now for my terrible nasal allergies. My doc wants me to also get on flonase. I read online that some say they gain on antihistamines. I'm So discrouaged about that. Does anyone here find they gain while on antihistamines? I am wanting a reason to believe it's even worth trying to lose while on this stuff, b/c I am going to HAVE to stay on it...but I feel defeated about losing weight even before starting based on stuff I'm reading.


  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    I used to take Flonase, Zyrtec and another allergy med. every single day (365 days a yr). I was not trying to lose weight at the time but I also did not gain weight.

    Currently, I take Rhinocort every day and Zyrtec as needed and this has not been a problem as far as trying to lose weight.

    If you need it to breathe, I would suggest trying it out. (I was unable to breathe through my nose for anything longer than 3 minutes at a time before having to breathe through my mouth) What I did notice is that after I started taking the meds, I was able to breathe alot better which also helped with my exercise. Being able to get air to your lungs through your nose instead of your mouth makes a huge difference in endurance.
  • kmpublishing2
    kmpublishing2 Posts: 55 Member
    I have been on a combination of Zyrtec, Allegra, Sudafed (or their generics) and Nasonex (somewhat similar to Flonase-- my ENT told me that Flonase is the closest generic they can offer for Nasonex but I've found that Nasonex works much better for me) for feels like forever. Definitely for at least 10 years. All of my weight loss so far this year (38 lbs) has come while I have been actively taking Zyrtec, Allegra and Sudafed (need to refill my Nasonex prescription!). I've heard people say that you "can't" lose while on these drugs, but I don't believe it. I couldn't exercise AT ALL if I couldn't breathe, so how could it possibly be worse? Don't let what anyone says discourage you about your own body and your own progress-- plenty of things were said to be "impossible"...until someone did them anyway. Be that person!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I didn't notice any difference in weight gain or loss while I was on it or when I quit taking it. I quit because it was raising my blood pressure to bad places so maybe keep an eye on that.
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    I've been taking Zyrtec daily since January and I've still been losing weight.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    They don't gain because of the antihistamine... they gain because they eat too much. Feeling less than 100%, whether it be an actual sickness, allergies, fatigue, etc, often times kills people's motivation to be healthy. That means they don't get as much exercise and often make poor eating choices.
  • I've also been taking Zyrtec daily since March, and flonase several times a week, and I've not had any problems with losing weight.
  • All the weight I've lost has been lost while on Zyrtec. I like breathing and not getting bronchitis, ear infections, and/or pneumonia so I take that plus Cingulair. Without meds, I find it difficult to exercise outside during the spring because of breathing issues so taking the meds helps.
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    I have lost while on flonase. I am really not sure why it would hinder weight loss in any way.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    I've always (all my adult life that I can remember, at least) been on some type of allergy medication as I'm apparently allergic to nearly everything outside and MANY things inside as well. I currently take Zyrtec and Singulair. I take Mucinex-D as needed for sinus issues. I used to take Claritin or Claritin-D. I can't even remember what else I've had through the years, but I can say that no, my allergy meds have never had an effect on my weight one way or the other. Nor have they hindered my ability to lose weight.
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 352 Member
    I have been on Allegra for years take one every morning and it has not stopped me from losing weight I can say the only thing that has not helped me is ME...

    Take your medication, exercise and watch the amount of food you eat and you will be just fine.......I am now slowly getting myself back on track and I am now more determined than ever to drop the pounds.....

    Good Luck to you
  • Thank you all SO much. I think that is what I needed- the belief that I can do this EVEN if having to be on antihistamines and nasal sprays. Last thing I need is one more reason to believe I can't lose. THANK YOU!
  • xgirl451
    xgirl451 Posts: 36 Member
    I've been on Zyrtec and have lost 140lbs. I've not noticed a difference.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I take high doses of antihistamines everyday (including Zyrtec). I have lost 28.4 pounds in 11 weeks. I haven't noticed the antihistamines making a difference in terms of difficulty losing weight.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    It depends on the person. I'm on Flonase and Allegra without a problem.

    ETA: My mom, on the other hand, can't stop eating when she's on any antihistamine. It doesn't make it hard to lose weight, but it's a possibility that it will make you hungrier.
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    I get a bit sleepy on antihistamines and that in turn can interfere with my motivation to do physical exercise. That's the only thing I can think of even close to what you describe.
  • klindema
    klindema Posts: 55 Member
    I go through two periods a year where my seasonal allergies take over my life and I fight them off with Zyrtec, Nasocort, and an occasional round of antibiotics. I also use a Neti Pot regularly- but when it is severe, I lose a lot of my ambition, especially to do anything physical. I am going to try going off Zyrtec again this week now that the worst of the tree pollen is past, and only 48 hours in I'm feeling much more "with it." But it's a necessary evil. I saw an allergist last summer and now I don't take it year round, only when I expect to have issues, and it has helped me be more active. Good luck!
  • Xia21
    Xia21 Posts: 84 Member
    it's not antihistamines could make you gain, its the steroids that sometimes go with it
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    Most people are hindered in their workouts if they have a lot of problems with congestion, post nasal drip, and/or related asthma or allergy symptoms. So, technically, people are gaining weight off of it as well.
  • Have been trying to loose about 10 pounds for the past year or so. i watch the calories using this site's tool (eat less than the suggested amount), exercise everyday (2 hour walking, one hour bike rides-on uphills, walk the golf course 3x a week carrying clubs, weight training, etc). I have not lost anything. Two years ago I did the same routine and lost 30 pounds. So I have been trying to figure out what is different now from 2 years ago.
    Happen to notice articles about antihistamines and weight gain. I have been taking allergy medicine everyday for the past year, did not take them 2 years ago.

    So, I'm going to stop taking the meds for a month and see what happens (hopefully allergies want get too bad). I'll follow up.
  • Follow up........
    Both my wife and I stopped taking allergy meds for the past week, and so far the weight is falling off, keeping the eating and exercises habits the same. Maybe too early to conclude, but my belief is for those that need to loose only 5 - 10 pounds, antihistamines can impede weight loss.