Lost mojo. Can anyone help me find it please?!

albali Posts: 225 Member
Since getting some bad news last autumn and a virus at Christmas, I have put on 12lbs having lost 38lb up to that point. I seem to have lost my motivation mojo! I am still exercising three times a week at least, but my food and drink intake is just terrible! It's not even that I am eating rubbish; I am just eating too much, not logging and drinking wine toooooo often! It is only the exercise that is stopping my weight rocketing!
I have to get back to logging again and am desperate to lost the 12lb I have gained. Can you please just tell me to get on with it!! Either in a nice, warm 'this is so good for you' type of way or a military instructor 'get over yourself' kind of way!! You choose! Or you could send me a rocket with instructions....! Lol! Anyway, I do need to rediscover my original motivation...any tips lovely people? Thank you!


  • I went trawling the Internet for thinspo/fitspo images and quotes. Not extreme ones though. It's helped!

    Just do it. There's no easy way around it. Do you have the smart phone app? If you do then you have no excuse! It's just a barcode away from being logged. Think how amazing you'll feel when you finally complete your goal, or how crap you'll feel if you fail.

    Go and look at that lard in the mirror. If that doesn't motivate you, you just don't care enough about yourself.

    (That was my attempt at being a hard *****. :3 But hopefully it works!)
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    You can do this! One day at a time. Try switching up your exercise routine, sometimes that can get you over a tough spot or plateau. And go back to logging, because it works. Once I stopped for a little while (or did it sporadically) and I stopped losing. Make that a priority.
  • TXGirl821
    TXGirl821 Posts: 115
    You can do it, but YOU have to do it! Do you have a goal to work towards? Not just "lose 12 lbs" but something bigger like "If I lose 12 lbs, I can do *insert whatever here.*"

    Remember - you are your problem, but you're also your solution!
  • Time2Thrive
    Time2Thrive Posts: 161 Member
    I've lost mine as well. This roller coaster ride is ridiculous. Let's do this!! We have both press through and succeed.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    This quote kicked my butt into gear about 3 months ago:

    "If it's important you'll find a way. If it's not you'll find an excuse."

    Stop making excuses. You can't prevent bad news, but you can prevent yourself from backsliding into old habits when you get bad news. This process is a mindset change more than a body change. How will you deal with stress from now on? Develop some strategies that don't include food (and alcohol).

    You can do it but the key is YOU are the only one that can!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Since getting some bad news last autumn and a virus at Christmas, I have put on 12lbs having lost 38lb up to that point. I seem to have lost my motivation mojo! I am still exercising three times a week at least, but my food and drink intake is just terrible! It's not even that I am eating rubbish; I am just eating too much, not logging and drinking wine toooooo often! It is only the exercise that is stopping my weight rocketing!
    I have to get back to logging again and am desperate to lost the 12lb I have gained. Can you please just tell me to get on with it!! Either in a nice, warm 'this is so good for you' type of way or a military instructor 'get over yourself' kind of way!! You choose! Or you could send me a rocket with instructions....! Lol! Anyway, I do need to rediscover my original motivation...any tips lovely people? Thank you!
    Motivation comes and goes. You absolutely can't rely on it always being there. Make a commitment. You don't have to change everything at once, try baby steps. Start logging everything again, whether you overeat or not. Just do it. You say you're drinking too much, so decide to limit that - either the amount you drink at once, or the number of days a week you drink, or both. If this is important to you, then you can make a commitment. Think about all the other things that you do in a day that you probably don't really feel "motivated" to do (whether it's going to work, or making dinner, or doing something for your child...). Things you do because you know they need to be done. Because they're important.

    You did this once, you can do it again. Think about how you lost the weight in the first place. Were you eating in a way that was sustainable long-term, or did you cut out a lot of food that you enjoy? If the latter, then maybe do things differently this time. Try to create a lifestyle that you can continue forever. It sounds like you've got the exercise part cracked already.

    My favourite motivational quote:

    Losing weight is hard.
    Maintaining weight is hard.
    Being fat is hard.
    Choose your hard.

    Losing weight and keeping it off is f***ing hard, there's no way around that. Ultimately, you have to make that choice.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member

    Go and look at that lard in the mirror. If that doesn't motivate you, you just don't care enough about yourself.

    Ooh yeah - self-loathing FTW. :huh:
  • jothedog
    jothedog Posts: 28 Member
    hi ali, i too found it hard around that mark (as well as going on holiday and not getting back into the swing of things for ages), only you can do this, and you CAN do it! 2 things I have learnt....log EVERYTHING....if I dont log I find it impossible to do, 2nd thing dont know how much protein you are eating, but I upped mine (ie chicken and salad for lunch, and fish and veg for dinner) and my god did that work! go for it, and you'll be in that bikini! x:smile:
  • albali
    albali Posts: 225 Member
    Thank you to everyone who replied. There is some amazing advice here and I really appreciate the time you spent to help me. I am going to make tomorrow a new day! Woo hoo! Thanks all. xx