Looking for Other Guys for Weight Loss Support

While I do appreciate that there are so many wonderful people on the boards, I would like the ability to make some guy friends on the site for support in our goal towards weight loss. If there are any guys out there, please add me. I'd greatly appreciate it. I need some support to get my weight loss back on track for the summer before heading back to school this fall!


  • chrispcooper
    chrispcooper Posts: 3 Member

    I'm looking for the exact same thing. Put on a load of weight since getting married and really need to lose it! I was 235 when I got married in July 2011 and weighed in April 294!!!! Need to get back down to my marriage weight! :-)

    Any help and accountability is appreciated.

  • jaredgent1
    jaredgent1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey back!

    I think it's a very manageable weight loss plan. I started at 218 and am looking to get back down to 170-ish (something that I have not been since middle school...errgh). I have only been under 200 once--maybe 2 years ago, but I've noticed the hustle and bustle of college has been impeding me in trying to get that weight off.
  • chrispcooper
    chrispcooper Posts: 3 Member

    I was down to 270 before Memorial Day Weekend and am now 274. Went away to Olympia, WA for Memorial Weekend and kinda forgot about my workout haha :-)

    Hopefully by the end of this week I can get back on track and be about 270.

    My plan is to get to 250 by the end of August and then get down to 215 and be happy :-)
  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    I'm always up for new friends. I was a very plump 230 lb 6'3 guy who hasn't been under 200 since my freshman yr (sr now). This site is great for motivation and the app is killer for tracking foods.
  • clobern
    clobern Posts: 341 Member
    Add me if you like! Looking to lose well over 50 pounds and motivation is a great thing!
  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    anyone here, add me
  • kdank
    kdank Posts: 29
    Add me, im game, I been on this site since august and its got me halfway to my goal.. working on the other half now.
  • hrios002
    hrios002 Posts: 1 Member
    New to message board. Trying to lose weight on my own I been doing great (lost 17 pounds so far) but these past couple of days have been hard. If anyone wants to add me they can i figure we all need the support anyway.

    Just to let you know a little about me I just retired from the Army about a year ago married with two kids 37 years old.
  • NostalgicGraeme
    NostalgicGraeme Posts: 38 Member

    Also looking to add friends for mutual support.
  • tphil58
    tphil58 Posts: 89 Member
    Pretty new to the site here too! I log everything daily and would be glad for some friends to help with mutual motivation!
  • Check out my profile and feel free to add me if you wish.
  • TravisBikes
    TravisBikes Posts: 674 Member
    All dude here. And I like ice cream.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I have a massive amount to lose yet, feel free to add me!
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    I need some guys as well!! Add me anyone
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    I'm always up to talk about food/exercise/wine, whatever. More than happy to help/listen/talk whenever.
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    It's always good to have fellow dudes on your friends list. Got a lot of awesome ladies on my list, but having some guys, especially those in similar positions as you, can be good.

    I was at 354lbs at my highest.
    311 was what my last weigh-in came up as.
    Im a very agile and mobile big-man. I take pride in that!
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Feel free to send me a FR mentioning this thread. I'm nearly at goal, but this is a journey not a destination.
  • adamlabo
    adamlabo Posts: 1
    Hey there, I am always looking for motivation. Pretty much I, and my wife, are losing weight and supporting/motivating each other. Feel free to add me!
  • Excuse_less
    Excuse_less Posts: 874 Member
    Feel free to add me !
  • kobrien65
    kobrien65 Posts: 24 Member
    Check out the Male Stop forum. Guys only, no judgement, good participation.
