Today is the day I change my life!

Hello everyone!
My name is Kathy and I have been the "funny" friend all my life. Funny covers fat right?
I am 39 years old and am my heaviest. Today I stepped on the scale and it read 260.
I do not feel well. My body aches, I am always tired and I cannot "suck it in" any longer.
So, today marks the day that I start my life.
I have to do it for me and my children. I want to feel free of the prison that I have built over 30 years.
I am taking the first step to knocking this prison down today.
Make a choice, that is all I have to do. The hard part is making a better choice.
Wish me luck.


  • lovetotravel
    Good Morning...Just saw Today show and found this site...:smile:
  • kathycloutier
    kathycloutier Posts: 11 Member
    I to saw the Today Show. I don't usually have the TV on at this time of day but it was on and I took it as a sign;) Good luck on your journey and to all the other folks out there who struggle.
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    Welcome to both of you. This is an awesome site. It has helped me lose my first 27 lbs and I am confident it will continue helping me as I work toward my goals. I am finding that support from those on my friends list helps too. If you are looking to start your own group of friends feel free to add me.
  • summer_renee78
    I saw it today too! I NEVER have the show on and had turned it on MINUTES before it began. I am ready for a change...two kids and I NEVER have enough energy for them! We need to all work together to MOTIVATE one another by using this site!!! Let's think of ways to motivate each other and make change happen!!!!
  • steph_armstrong
    Welcome to both of you. This site has tons of great people who can help and keep you motivated as well as a lot of great tools to help you on your journey. Congrats on taking the first step.
  • Angiepackmom4
    Welcome. I love this site and it has already helped me tremendously because I think before I eat since every calorie counts! Although I don't know you, you sound determined, which to me is a great start to succeed in losing weight. You can do it. Add me to your friends list if you would like.
  • SassyMissDasha
    What a great thing the Today show did! I am so happy to see all the new people changing their lives. It has helped me tremendously in the short 3 months I've been on here. I hope you all will too! Welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • mtizy
    mtizy Posts: 38
    Congrats on taking the first step. All you must do is continue to move foward. Good luck!