New workout plan..

I am almost finished with my 30 day ab challenge and am now looking for a great fat burning workout plan. I don't like sticking to one plan for long because I get bored with it and want something new so , if you know any please share. The more the better. Thank you ;)


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Check out Befit in 90 on YouTube. It's a 90 day program with a mix of strength (not heavy weights, but also not pink handweights for endless sets) and cardio. You do 3 of their 10 minute segments each day.

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  • CheHollf
    CheHollf Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you I will be looking into them! :happy:
  • silverlining84
    silverlining84 Posts: 330 Member
    I like livefit that's available on 12 week plan and it switches up every month
  • DzenisZukovic
    DzenisZukovic Posts: 360 Member
    Train hard! and get a good diet and get on top of it! :)
    The diet is the most important thing! But working out is also important ofcourse! :)
  • CheHollf
    CheHollf Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks guys!! There's just so many different workouts out there, that it's so hard to choose. Lol
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    First step is what do YOU like to do? Because yes, there is so much out there, it has to grab you first to get you to start and keep going.

    I'm currently doing Les Mills Combat and love kicking and punching.

    Good luck.