Someone Help Me Understand

Hi, I am a 5'8" 32 year old woman. I have been pretty slim most of my life however after 30 it has become more difficult to stay that way. A year ago I was in the best shape of my life with a gym membership, attending 4-5 classes a week. Then I was forced to get a desk job due to financial circumstances. With the # of hours that I work plus 2 kids and the distance from my home to the gym I gave up my membership and got lazy. I went from 145 lbs to 155 lbs which is where I am now. I looked for a long time at alot of different home programs before deciding on Jillian's Total body revolution. I have been doing this religiously and haven't missed any days except in week 3 I was sick with the flu for 3 days and just repeated the whole week. I just started week 9 yesterday. I love this program however i am not noticing any results. The scale has not moved, my measurements have SLIGHTLY gotten smaller in the waist, arms, and chest but my thighs are measuring bigger than they were when I started. I am so discouraged that I could just cry. I am not following the meal plan, but I eat pretty well 95% of the time. I am drenched in sweat after every workout and I notice that I feel stronger and have more energy but my pants are not looser, they are tighter. This is so discouraging. Has anyone ever had this happen to them or is it just me?


  • waterfaeriegirl
    Bump. Following for similar questions.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    What does "eat pretty well" mean? You can eat all "healthy" foods and still gain weight if you're eating too much of them. I find that is the culprit for most people.
  • DzenisZukovic
    DzenisZukovic Posts: 360 Member
    Don't be frustrated about it, you will get back where you were last year! :-)
    Let me help you as much as I can.

    It looks like you are doing everything right, working out and eating "well enough".
    But the question is, Do you train hard enough? And eat ENOUGH.
    Everybody can train and eat. That's not hard! But you have to push your body past failure every time so you give it a reason why it should change. I don't know anything about those programs, but if you like doing them then just keep doing it. But make sure to include some exercise too (if they ain't in the program) Like squats, push-ups, and for your abs, upper, side and lower abs.

    The diet.
    I am sure you are eating clean and that's great!
    But are you sure that you are eating enough?
    First of all you have to get the right calorie number to maintain your weight and then bring it down by 500 calories (I can help you with that if you want) and then make sure that you are eating more protein than fats, and carbs, I'm not saying carbs and fats are bad. But studies has showed that protein help the body with burn more fat in the end of the day. Same with healthy fats such as almonds, olive oile ect.. and carbs are good too! but only when you take it at the right time!

    So you have to make sure you are pushing yourself hard enough, that you are giving your body a reason why it should change.
    Then you have to get a good diet and keep tracking it.

    And by doing all that you will be where you want to be! :-)

    I hope it helps.

    If not message me and I will help you more with more details and so on :)

    Good luck with it!

  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Yes, what is your calorie goal? Do you eat back exercise calories?
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Double post
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Performing exercise doesn't guarantee that you have an appropriate calorie deficit for weight loss. In fact, exercise is a very in-efficient way of incorporating a calorie deficit for weight goes a long way in helping people maintain, but most people who try to actually lose weight with exercise (even if they're eating well) don't end up losing.

    You need to incorporate a reasonable calorie deficit in your diet. If you're using the MFP method, exercise is not included when you set your activity level, just your day to day activity, so you're supposed to eat your exercise calories back (most of them...leave an allowance for estimation error). Having a calorie deficit built into your diet is the most efficient and effective way of maintaining a weight loss deficit.
  • natasa26ca
    natasa26ca Posts: 107 Member
    It is most likely your calorie intake. Your are consuming enough to mentain your current weight.
    I'd start using food diary and lower calorie intake.
    That was my problem as well. I was working out cardio/strength training 5 days a week and after 6 weeks lost only 2 pounds. Less then 2 weeks ago i joined MFP and start logging in my food and i've lost additional 2 pounds in last 2 weeks just by reducing my meal portion since i've been eating healthy already.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Losing weight is 100% about diet. Exercise can give you more calories to work with, but if you burn 1800 calories a day and eat 1801 you won't lose weight.
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    Hi, I am a 5'8" 32 year old woman. I have been pretty slim most of my life however after 30 it has become more difficult to stay that way. A year ago I was in the best shape of my life with a gym membership, attending 4-5 classes a week. Then I was forced to get a desk job due to financial circumstances. With the # of hours that I work plus 2 kids and the distance from my home to the gym I gave up my membership and got lazy. I went from 145 lbs to 155 lbs which is where I am now. I looked for a long time at alot of different home programs before deciding on Jillian's Total body revolution. I have been doing this religiously and haven't missed any days except in week 3 I was sick with the flu for 3 days and just repeated the whole week. I just started week 9 yesterday. I love this program however i am not noticing any results. The scale has not moved, my measurements have SLIGHTLY gotten smaller in the waist, arms, and chest but my thighs are measuring bigger than they were when I started. I am so discouraged that I could just cry. I am not following the meal plan, but I eat pretty well 95% of the time. I am drenched in sweat after every workout and I notice that I feel stronger and have more energy but my pants are not looser, they are tighter. This is so discouraging. Has anyone ever had this happen to them or is it just me?

    EXACTLY ME but doing other exercises like biking, aquasize, walking... I have lost NOTHING, and had to buy new pants on top of it!
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    Thank you all. I do journal my food, watch my calorie intake as well as my defecit. I am doing everything right. My training is 6 days a week. Day 1 and 4 front of body, day 2 and 5 back of body day 3 and 6 cardio rest on day 7. I will just keep shocking my muscles, training, and eating right and something will have to give eventually I guess.