P90x: were you only able to get through the warm-up?


Thank you for dropping by. I am 23 years old. I'm a woman with a height of 5'3" and weight of 143lbs (about 65 kg). I have never really worked out. So three days ago, I decided it is time to buckle down and get it into gear. I popped in the first disc of P90x (chest & back) and began to workout.

Day 1: After 17 minutes, I barely made it through the warm up before I bagged it. However, I haven't quit. I just decided to take it easy the first week and ease into it being that I've never worked out.

Day 2: Pylometrics? I made it 22 minutes, which is exactly 5 more minutes than the day before.

Today is day 3, and I'm hoping to push myself a little more than yesterday. I just need to know, has anyone else done this and succeeded? I don't want to overdue it in one week and quit. I want to be able to get through the whole thing and feel accomplished.

I would like to get down to 125. That is my first goal. My second is that when I reach 125, I want to push myself a little further and maintain it to 120. This is totally possible, however it is not without exercise. I have lost 13LBS + my baby weight. I delivered my son at 170. Without exercise. Now I am afraid if I lose anymore I will become super flabby.

Please tell me your story, and of your success if this was you. I don't want to quit and burn out. Thank you,

Have a blessed day!


    _FATNSASSY Posts: 107 Member
    You might try Jullian Michaels 30 Day Shred to start.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I've been using it for a couple months (not using their 90 day program) and I still have a hard time finishing some of the videos. Doesn't matter. I know I'm getting stronger, fitter and more flexible. In the beginning, I was just like you. If you stick with it, it will come.

    Now I'll be happy when I can do the second rotation of divebombers!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    P90X is meant for advanced users. While it can be modified somewhat to a degree for people who aren't at an intermediate to advanced level, there is only so much you can do. P90X is SUPPOSED to only be used by people who have completed Power 90, which is Tony Horton's entry level program. However most people skip over Power 90 and go straight to P90X. For some of them, it doesn't work against them. But for others, it does. If you find you can't complete the P90X workouts even making modifications when necessary, then I strongly suggest you do Power 90 instead. Many of Beachbody's marketing makes people fall into a trap that you're now in, where they push you to attempt a program that is far beyond your ability and then when you fail at it they try to sell you an additional one that's more entry level.
  • TLow97
    TLow97 Posts: 55
    I think it's great that you're getting started on SOMETHING! That's the point--do SOMETHING. We all have not had the luxury of being taught what to do in a workout.

    I'd give you the same advice as Tony and Shaun T would--Keep pushing play. I will also say make sure you log your calories, no matter how mundane it becomes. I think of my calories like currency/money--gotta know what your budget is.

    Stay safe, but keep pushing yourself!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    The first time I did Plyo I couldn't sit down without wincing for 2 days. That was about 3 years ago. I never completed the program as it was designed but I did do all the dvds at one time or another. Since then, I've run, done 30 DS, Insanity, and various other things, but now my main focus is heavy lifting. I've been doing that since February. I do it 2-3 days a week, but last week I wanted to do something on my off day, so I did Plyo thinking that I would be a mess after like I was before. THIS time, I got through the dvd and thought "is that it?" Was barely sore the next day, too. Stick with it; it gets better!
  • wallaceansari
    wallaceansari Posts: 12 Member
    Don't quit, keep pressing play and you will get stronger. P90X is one of Beachbody's more advanced workouts, however it is not the most difficult. Insanity is P90X on steroids. What prompted you to want to start with P90X? Did someone advise you to try that? As someone else mentioned, it's not necessarily for those that are just starting to work out because the difficulty level will discourage you and make you want to quit. Contrary to another post, Beachbody doesn't set you up to try a difficult program so they can sell you something else. Being a Beachbody coach, I definitely ask questions before anyone makes a purchase to make sure you are getting a program that you're going to stick with and that is appropriate for your fitness level. Even if you can't complete all of the exercises without stopping or even the modified version, you just do your best and as long as you're seeing results, that's the ultimate goal. The only person's standard you have to meet is your own. I have done the P90X and I'm doing Insanity now and i'll be the first to tell you, it kicks my butt everyday and I press pause quite a bit. Insanity makes you do a progress test every two weeks. Even when I don't finish all the way through the complete DVD, as long as I improve every 2 weeks, I'm doing what the program is designed to do.

    Keep at it girl you're doing great!!
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    The X in P90X stands for eXtreme.

    I think it's one of the more extreme workout regimes out there. So you not making it through the video is not surprising.

    Whether you'll still get results, likely yes. However, you might hurt yourself too. So be careful.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I am on day 86 of P90X today. I was very out of shape on day 1. I have lost 30 pounds in 86 days. My waist for my jeans has gone from a 34 to a 29. I feel the best I have since I completed boot camp 20 years ago.

    If you eat healthy and do you best you will do good. I completed each workout. I paused when I had to and resumed when I caught my breath.

    I will be starting Insanity on June 3rd. I am looking forward to it. P90X got me fit and I am sure I will do fine. You can to with this if you stick to it and do your best. If you want change you have to feel uncomfortable.

    My profile pics shows my progress from Day 1, Day 27, and Day 57. My day 90 will be updated in 4 more days.