40 lbs. in 2.5 yrs is too drastic! What?!



  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi I would add:

    From what you've said you don't need a psychiatrist. That doesn't mean you don't need one it's just not obvious from the things you've written down :)

    You don't need a nutrionist I don't think either, quite the opposite. Your controlled weight loss shows you have nutrition fairly well under control. Unless you told the doctor you are eating protein powder all day and nothing else. I was buying protein powder the other day at the pharmacy and the lady told me don't eat too much it's dangerous. She couldn't quite say why but just told me don't let it be your main course. Good advice to not eat it exclusively I guess :)

    As to the cardiologist that sounds like good advice. One thing I did think about is that perhaps your doctor thought 6 days of HIIT was too much. Did you mention that? Maybe he or she took that to mean you are obsessed with weight loss. Personally I don't think there is anything wrong with HIIT but if you're having heart palpitations you might want to cut it down to 2-3 times per week. Do regular cardio or weights on the other days. Also take at least 2 rest days a week would be my advice. But better ask the cardiologist about this last part.
  • minionofevil
    minionofevil Posts: 79 Member
    How is that 'too drastic'? I have lost 32lbs in 5 1/2 months, and the doc i saw recently said I was doing great!
  • mrsartis1
    mrsartis1 Posts: 42 Member
    The reason why you had palpitations is you are having anxiety and the reason you passed out is you had a panic attack. You were having an anxiety because (who knows, you could be stress, news, work, school, husband, wife, kid, weather) and when we are having an anxiety, we tend to breathe shorter, so we get heart palpitations then the nerves gets into us and makes us pass out. That's probably why she wanted you to see a psychologist so they can make evaluations. And the amount of weight you have lost is not drastic at all, I think we already have that established. What we need to get into now, is why you are passing out.

    **I am not a doctor, just went through the same thing, and it is still going through it.**
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    Being dehydrated can cause heart palpitations and fainting.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    You mean 2.5 months, right? Because losing 40 pounds in 2.5 years is not too drastic. You can begin with drinking lots of water.

    No she said my 40 lbs weight loss over the course of 2.5 years was too drastic. That's why I'm so confused!

    Well, if you have one than so do I. 72 pounds in 2.5 years. That doc is crazy. It doesn't even seem like you are under eating...although I eat 400 calories more per day than you do. crazy.
  • Summerberry1012
    Summerberry1012 Posts: 109 Member
    1lb weight loss per week is healthy so I would look into finding another GP... ( i agree on getting your heart checked though)
  • Shortie1965
    Shortie1965 Posts: 8 Member
    I have lost 50 lbs from my high in less than 3 months, so no losing 40 in 2.5 years is not drastic
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    See the cardiologist. Drink water and tea. My daughter passed out once because she locked her knees while standing. If it was the doctor's first time to see you, you may want to switch gp. You are working the weight off and you did it over a long period of time. If you are eating healthy, then don't worry about the rest of the advice. If you feel like you need to see the others, then you know you can get a referral. Good luck.
  • ChanceTakr2131
    Ok, 115 lbs is my goal weight and I am 5'3" and weigh 122 lbs right now. That nurse or doctor that referred you was an idiot and probably jealous at how fantastic you look!! Don't pay any attention to her, and continue doing what you are doing!!! :drinker:
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    I think your doctor is being unreasonable, especially being new and all. I lost nearly 50 pounds in 5 months, so I wonder what she would have said about that? I just went to my doctor, who has been my doctor for several years, and she congratulated me, there was no concern about an eating disorder or anything of that sort. That is why I think your doctor does not know what the heck she is talking about. Maybe she cheated through grad school, who knows? In the past, I have had doctors who did not know what the heck they were talking about or could not diagnose me properly due to their own ignorance. I had to diagnose myself with something and go to them with it. If I were you, I would try to change doctors, if possible because this doctor is tripping and she obviously does not know anything about nutrition. If she did, she would know you lost your weight pretty slowly compared to other people on here. Well, I wish you luck with this!
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    From what I've seen (which is pretty limited, of course) - doctors tend to lose track of the simple things, like what appropriate weight loss is or how many glasses of milk a toddler should be drinking (really doc, a gallon a day is completely safe?!). Either she wasn't paying attention to you, she misheard you, or she's stupid.

    I agree with what everyone else has been saying - find a different doctor. Although it couldn't hurt to see a nutritionist - if your insurance will pay for it, you might as well! It can't do any harm to have someone look at your food diary and go "huh, do you realize you binge when you're ovulating?" or "you're drinking WAY too much diet coke".

    ::shrug:: not that that...happened to me or anything...
  • jtannehill75
    I agree with everyone.. 40 lbs in 2.5 years is ABSOLUTELY not drastic.. I lost 85 pounds in 11 months.. funny thing is.. when people see me.. they ask if I'm sick or if I have cancer.. I think that's ridiculous!! It goes along with the "eating disorder" comment or the "you have HIV" comment.. its silly.. I'd say, drink more water, make sure you have a lot of iron because you're exercising.. and KEEP GOING!! You're doing great!! :flowerforyou:
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    See the cardiologist. Drink water and tea. My daughter passed out once because she locked her knees while standing. If it was the doctor's first time to see you, you may want to switch gp. You are working the weight off and you did it over a long period of time. If you are eating healthy, then don't worry about the rest of the advice. If you feel like you need to see the others, then you know you can get a referral. Good luck.

    I use to faint consistently because I would stand too long and lock my knees. I would get really hot, start seeing stars and then fall out. I also fell out a few times when I was in second grade, from swinging too high.
  • michellechawner
    I'm thinking she said it because you already weigh 115, which is low for your height, and wanting to lose another 5 pounds maybe made her think that you have an eating disorder because you are still trying to lose when you are already healthy.

    Is 40 lbs in 2.5 years drastic - NO. being 156 for your height isn't too bad, but yes it's larger. you're currently 115, which is a little low for that healthy range. I'm only one inch taller than you and I'm aiming for 120. Unless you are trying to be a body builder is there a particular reason you picked 18%BF? I think that's where the GP's concern came in.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    bahahaha...:laugh: we all have eating disorders to the fatties.....

    I beg your pardon?

    Or, if I need to make it slightly more understandable for you -


    OP, your doctor sounds unreasonable, I've lost about that since January (but fully expect the GP to say it isn't enough). However, they could be trying to make sure it isn't becoming an ED, which can happen. So is intended to put your health first.

    Obviously, they have to eliminate the ED side, as it would be neglectful to ignore the possibility and could lead to you getting inappropriate medical treatment without that.

    Personally, I found out that I'm now very sensitive to caffeine. So that was fairly easily sorted out, and absolutely nothing to do with my weight. I presume this angle has also been covered by the doctor?
  • ptak1sm
    ptak1sm Posts: 172
    I lost 40 pounds in 5 or 6 months. That amount of weight loss in 2.5 years is not drastic. That being said, at 5'4", 110 pounds does seem a bit low. You're a college student...did you see a doctor at school or did you go to one in your hometown? Do you have a GP at home that you know and trust? Second opinions can't hurt :)
    Good luck and good health!
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    I've had plenty of new doctor visits with complete morons. Up to 2 lbs per week is acceptable. Most of us would seriously give up if we tried hard losing weight and 40 lbs took 2+ years, but you're on a higher calorie count and you do admit to cheating. I have problems with my blood pressure going too low at times.

    Be very careful with your water intake. We need our water to flush out toxins, etc. but it flushes out sodium really well. So when you got the i.v. it's saltwater for your body. That normally stabilizes your BP.

    Get away from your new quack quickly so that you have a professional dealing with your specific body chemistry set vs. whatever the hell that dr was refering to.
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    Being dehydrated can cause heart palpitations and fainting.

    Exactly what the ER doctor told me. Between that and standing with my knees locked, I passed out. I'm definitely going to get checked out by the cardiologist though.

    I also should add that this GP just finished her residency last year so she's pretty new!

    I'm just a bit ticked that she came to a conclusion so quickly that I have an eating disorder! I eat 1,500 cals per day, not 500!
  • Millertime_jason
    Millertime_jason Posts: 8 Member
    Besides the other medical concerns (which you do need to get checked out)
    I have lost 59LBS in 7 months because I had an eating disorder called over eating and not taking care of myself.

    I would discuss further with her or seek a second opinion.
  • AttilaTheHorn
    AttilaTheHorn Posts: 6 Member
    I am a psychiatrist (seriously...I am) and I think you're fine and to be commended on your magnificent efforts.

    There...you've seen a psychiatrist. You're fine! No need for any follow up appointments!

    On the other hand...tell your GP she needs to see a psychiatrist.