Not New to MFP but New to the Community

Hi Everyone,

I have tried many programs in the past and I have even tracked with MFP before but always kept falling off the bandwagon. I hope this time around I will be more vigilant, stop lying to myself, and keep up with this for more than 2 - 4 weeks so that it becomes a habit.

I am 29yrs old and I would like to get down to 140 which is at the tail end of "health BMI" for 5'3", however, I don't believe that will happen as I am/was a fairly muscular woman.

I used to be a tri-sport athlete and I used to be involved in so many teams and sports no one could keep up with me. That all changed as I got old, got a job, got a house, got a husband (hahahah) and now I miss being fit, having that sporty side to me, and basically being "sporty spice".

I am not trying to lose weight for anything, or anyone, or for any health reasons, I just simply want to wear nice clothes again, feel sexy, and be active.

Recently, my husband and I joined a program run by the hospital call HRM where we can eat all the Fruits and Vegetables we want, but we have to have 3 protein shakes and 2 HRM entrees per day to stay under a certain calorie intake and to consistently lose weight. This has worked fabulously for us, HOWEVER, we'll soon be switching to a less regimented diet as we won't have as many restrictions and I am afraid I will start to gain weight again.

I'm reaching out to the MFP community to see if anyone can offer suggestions on how we can keep on losing weight, and go out to eat and have a social life. Has anyone else done this diet?

Thanks everyone!


  • TashaUCanDoIt
    TashaUCanDoIt Posts: 20 Member
    OMG! I see so much of myself in your story! I was on the softball team and captain of my drill team in highschool... After that, then came the house, career, baby, bills and weight! I'm 5'3, but my goal weight is around the 160 mark. The whole dieting thing (only eating certain foods) won't work for me. I told myself that I wouldn't loose who I've been but tweek it to make a better me.

    I've been holding myself accountable for everything that goes in my mouth! Did you know a "fun size" twix is 80 calories???? OMG I use to eat a 10 pack without a thought! But being on MFP has let me see it clear as day.

    One thing that has been working for me is when you hit your calorie max, stop! If I'm still hungry after that, or want to get icecream with the girls, I will pop on a workout dvd for about 30 minutes and BAMM- extra calories! ;)

    I go out quite often... when I go out I will usually have a protein shake with fruits and veggies in the morning for breakfast, then I will have a salad for lunch, then when I go out I know that if I want the wings, I can have them! If I want a couple drinks, I can have them! Don't feel guilty because that will make you give up!

    Plan ahead of time! At the movies, I pack my own snacks.

    Restaurants I look at the menu before I go. As soon as I get there, I ask for a "doggie bag" and put half of my food in it. That way you can still eat exactly what you love.

    In the past I failed because I eliminated everything I love. This time around, I know I can keep the things I love while adding the things I need. Good Luck!

    P.S. you can add me as a friend. The support system on here is awesommmmmme! :)
  • Goddessmiamia
    Thanks so much for your post! I didn't know how to use the forum so I could never see responses!