Lacking Motivation ... Need help!


Like most - my life is crazy. I managed to finish a half marathon on Sunday but find myself running out of time in the day ... Now my husband is deploying and more weight will be on my shoulders. I try to exercise with our pups, but find it hard to get the workout in during the workweek.

What do you suggest???


  • samcorvus
    samcorvus Posts: 112 Member
    A family that PT's together stays together. Try getting your kids involved. Or PTing in the morning with him.
  • culuriel
    culuriel Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Katie, take the stairs everywhere you go (unless you've got a stroller with you), this is a great mini workout. Maybe you don't work out for +/- 60 minutes all at once for a while, maybe for 20 minutes one or two times a day. I also have a workout called "Dancing like a fool", which I do to my favorite music and can be done with the kids if they're young.

    The time you take for fitness helps you stay calm and motivated. Taking that time to exercise helps you stay strong for keeping up with the kids, and clears your mind so you can stay sharp. It may seem like time away from your responsibilities, so realize you have a responsibility to yourself to stay healthy.
  • Katie_Norton
    Katie_Norton Posts: 26 Member
    I won't be able to PT with him because he is deploying. I will be able to do some workouts with my pups - but not everyone and I feel bad when I leave them to workout. As for the stairs -- I've been a stair only girl since 2007! I do believe they help but think my body is fighting with my birth control (depo). So I will try the dancing like a fool -- but will ensure no one is near w/a phone or camera!

    Thank you!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    work out earlier in the morning.

    you run out of time? time is a finite thing. we each get the same amount every day. you don't have less than me. i don't have more than you.

    make time. manage your time better.

    i know i used to say at the end of a day that "i didn't have time to work out//do homework/run errands/cook a healthy meal today." but i sure did have time to play those video games, watch that tv, or play on the internet.

    i learned how to manage my time a little better, by making small changes. the best one was working out first thing in the morning. i'm usually out the door at about 530am.

    hope you find what works for you!