Anyone else Gluten Free?



    Not eating wheat isn't just for celiacs or people with allergies -
  • Cheeta_HH
    Cheeta_HH Posts: 489 Member
    I have been gluten free for 8 months now. To my knowledge, I do not have Celiac, but like many of you, I feel much better since I changed my diet. I don't typically eat any substitutes. I reached my goal weight a few months before going GF. I am now just a couple pounds below that. A lot of people mistakenly think I did it to lose weight or because it is trendy. Um... nope! It is a big lifestyle change and takes a lot of commitment. My doctor strongly supports it, even without a Celiac diagnosis. (I gave it up before I knew it had to be in your system to test for a sensitivity.) I worried about carb intake being too low, but I have found plenty of foods to make up for all that bread and cake I used to eat! : )
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    A lot of people mistakenly think I did it to lose weight or because it is trendy. Um... nope! It is a big lifestyle change and takes a lot of commitment.

    That is the most frustrating thing! For me the weight loss was incidental. I didn't even realize I was losing weight until I had lost about 18 pounds and noticed my pants were hanging off me (I'm 5'11" and not very observant LOL). I was so sick and just wanted to feel better.

    I also didn't realize how many food related issues I had until I cut out gluten. It's a major lifestyle overhaul.
  • Silver14
    Silver14 Posts: 141
    I had un-intentionally cut out gluten a week before my comp, purely by cutting out carbs and anything processed.

    After the comp I went back to still eating healthy but with grains, wheat etc. I was wondering why I suddenly had this brain fog, fatigue, bloating, (tmi) diarrhea, stomach cramps etc, that I thought were normal before, especially the brain fog and 3pm slumps.

    I cut out the gluten and everything cleared up! I have much more energy, I don't want to sleep at 3pm, no boating or anything! I recommend trying for a week, then brining it back in to see how it affects your body :) So much happier gluten free! And we have cute MINI gluten free cupcakes at work! Carrot, Berry burst or Chocolate! There tiny too, so it's a nice little cheat that doesn't break the budget ;) q
  • LifeChanged2000
    LifeChanged2000 Posts: 176 Member
    I have been Gluten Free since January 11th of this year. I removed gluten and eggs because when I eat either of them I break out in hives all over my body. If I stay clear of them I do not break out. Since going GF/EF I have noticed that I am feeling better all the way around. My knees don't hurt, I am not super tired, I don't have "chicken skin" on my arms, my acne has cleared, etc. etc.
    Good Luck on the journey!