Protein powders that are IBS friendly (UK) ?

rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
I went in to a sports supplement store on my way to work after the gym and picked up a USN 100% Whey protein powder. Having had a look at the ingredients I'm not sure that it wont set off my IBS between being whey and the amount of sweeteners in it. Even if it doesn't it has palm fat in it which I'm guessing will be a trans fat so maybe this particular one isnt the best long term choice either way.

Can anyone suggest a protein powder that is:
1) likely to be IBS friendly to someone who can't drink a lot of milk (but can eat cheese and yoghurt)
2) is vaguley approaching natural ie not full of sweeteners (even if that means a savoury or no flavour)
3) doesn't contain trans fat
4) is available in single servings so that I can try it to see if it triggers my IBS before committing my money


  • maffrizzle
    maffrizzle Posts: 7 Member

    The Whey stuff is great, I dunno how it affects IBS, but I know a surprisingly large amount of people can't handle the sheer amount of dairy, even without any known bowel problems.

    I've used these people before, and they tend to be decent. Got plenty of the USN stuff. That there isn't a regular protein powder, but I've got friends who just Amino Acid mixes instead. And it's meant to help with IBS.

    You probably want something different, but it's somewhere to start. Good luck finding something!
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    try a whey isolate.

    Isolate's have very little/sometimes no lactose in them.

    I don't know where you are based so can't recommend any brands/websites......i'm sure optimum nutrition do 1 serving samples but I can't remember.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Palm fat isn't a trans-fat. Palm Kernel Oil etc are common food ingredients. has a good range at sensible prices and small sample size packs to test it out on your IBS.
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member

    The Whey stuff is great, I dunno how it affects IBS, but I know a surprisingly large amount of people can't handle the sheer amount of dairy, even without any known bowel problems.

    I've used these people before, and they tend to be decent. Got plenty of the USN stuff. That there isn't a regular protein powder, but I've got friends who just Amino Acid mixes instead. And it's meant to help with IBS.

    You probably want something different, but it's somewhere to start. Good luck finding something!

    thanks for this I will have a look at the site, somewhere to start is a lot better than no clue ;)
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    try a whey isolate.

    Isolate's have very little/sometimes no lactose in them.

    I don't know where you are based so can't recommend any brands/websites......i'm sure optimum nutrition do 1 serving samples but I can't remember.

    thanks for the suggestion, I'm in Birmingham UK if that helps?
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    Palm fat isn't a trans-fat. Palm Kernel Oil etc are common food ingredients. has a good range at sensible prices and small sample size packs to test it out on your IBS.

    Ah I was sure I had seen it on a list of names that hide trans fats. Will be doing some more research on what to get next so thansk for the link :)
  • mcfc4tony
    mcfc4tony Posts: 107 Member
    I normally go to myprotein dot com they have a number of different types. As I don't have a lot of money I go for the cheap ones. Hope this helps.
  • scling83
    scling83 Posts: 26 Member
    I don't know whether Visalus would tick all the boxes for you or not but it's worth checking out. Just google Visalus or Body by Vi for more info on it. There's a lot of research worthy stuff on youtube aswell.

    In another discussion here on fitness pal a member claims it actually helped her IBS - this is the link to that topic:

    I've been on the shakes for three days now and whilst I don't have specific requirements like you do, I can say from a general point of view that they are one of the better (but more expensive :ohwell: ) supplement shakes I have tried.

    p.s. I'm not a promoter - strictly a customer :smile:
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    What about Casein if you are ok with cheese?

    Bizarrely I'm intolerant to Casein powder, but eat cheese fine. (Took me ages to work out it was the powder doing it.) However, seems it's very rare for that sort of situation.

    You could also consider a Soy, egg, or other protein powder.
  • RunEatLift
    RunEatLift Posts: 68
    I always order from MyProtein - they're a UK based company and have the best prices I've seen. Here's a list of their sample products:

    They offer all of their proteins in an unflavoured version, they also offer pea and brown rice proteins which are vegan - they may be more suitable for your IBS?
    Let me know if I can be of any more help.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    try a whey isolate.

    Isolate's have very little/sometimes no lactose in them.

    I don't know where you are based so can't recommend any brands/websites......i'm sure optimum nutrition do 1 serving samples but I can't remember.

    thanks for the suggestion, I'm in Birmingham UK if that helps?

    yes i should have read the title!