First obstacle race

I'm running my first obstacle race this Saturday, and I'm looking for tips from others who have done them. I'm doing the Mud Crusade 5k in Atlanta.


  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    OHOHOH Please let me know how it goes! I do mine in June and freaking out! Lol
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    No one has any tips?
  • jxchambe
    jxchambe Posts: 49 Member
    I did my second this last week. No advice, just have fun. There is nothing to it but to do it! The hardest part is the jogging but if you have that down then you are golden. The jogging honestly isnt that bad because you are usually resting while you wait for the other runners to get through the obstacle.

    Well one piece of advice. Do not wear clothing made from cotton. It just weighs you down once it gets wet.
  • jxchambe
    jxchambe Posts: 49 Member
    Oh and chew gum. You are bound to get mud in your mouth and the gum helps catch the grit that way you wont be chomping on dirt the whole time.
  • sierrajordon
    sierrajordon Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks so exciting! i have done the warrior dash twice now.
    My advice is to not use all your energy in the beginning! take it slow! unless your a runner or you have a good enderance level. Your body will take a beating! haha
    and drink PLUNTY of water 24 hours before and after(:\
    Good luck!!
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    My biggest concern are the walls. My upper body doesn't have the strength yet to pull up 230+ pounds, and the site for Mud Crusade doesn't say how tall the walls are.

    Thanks for the advice so far. I'll have to go shopping for some clothes that aren't cotton.
  • Quest529
    Quest529 Posts: 103 Member
    My first Warrior Dash is this Saturday. Following for tips :)

    The gum one is interesting.