This is me

squaregum Posts: 33 Member

I am a 45 year old mother of two children already in College.

I am currently at 136 lbs.
I am 5'4''
I have concluded that I should drop down about 2 inches from my hips to be comfortable., I don't care about the weight.

I found this site 2 weeks ago when I decided I was sick feeling uncomfortable in my clothes and found myself wearing gym clothes (lycra) and avoiding wearing actual jeans or pants. So I logged in and decided to hit hard the gym, where I have been a member since July last year.. So I have been exercising regularly in the gym and my two day a week tennis which I have been playing since forever......

I have also been eating healthier than ever, and I consider myself a clean eater, lots of vegetables, grilled chicken and fish, I don't like the beef in this part of the world where I live now.. But still I have fish and chicken. I also have drinked about 3 liters of water all my life, I don't drink sodas, and I don't like sweet things... I am not a fan of big breakfast, but I have been forcing myself since 3 months ago to have a healthier one. First I would make a smoothie with activia and raw oatmeal (I hate it cooked), but found myself competing with hubby in the gas department, so I decided to leave that aspect of the marriage to him, and abandoned the activia thing. Now I am having a medium size plate of mixed fruit, real freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice, and a smoothie of triple protein with half a cup of raw oats, along with my coffee with a bit of semi skimmed milk. Lunch is my square meal of the day and I have chicken and vegetables, and for dinner I have tuna, or smoked salmon, sometimes half a sandwich.

So after 2 long weeks of gym, cardio, lift weighing, and tennis.....nothing, nada de nada... I step on the scale and It has moved barely.... So I took the advice of not minding the scale but your measurements, nothing either... Not a mm.

I feel I am on the verge of throwing the towel....

I have been successful other times, but then I could see results within a week to keep me motivated to hit the gym daily, but now I am feeling very discouraged.

Sorry if I should have divided this post into many and post it in different boards, one for introduction, other for nutrition and the last for motivation, I just got too carried away with my ramblings.

Thanks for reading.


  • nerding4ever
    Did you know? That muscle weighs more than fat? And that Exercise BUILDS muscle!
    Thats probly a good reason why your scale is being a troll...
    Compared to just starving yourself (which you shouldnt do ever), working out even 5 minutes, builds some form of muscle in your legs/arms/glutes/whathave you.
    Sugar is the demon of the world, since it comes from Carbs and starches and refinement.
    It is the biggest demon to kill off in this world. Even I am not immune to its lusts!!
    You can do it Squaregum and i can yell at you daily to make sure of it!
    Good luck!!
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Did you know? That muscle weighs more than fat? And that Exercise BUILDS muscle!

    Sorry, not applicable in this case. A woman would need a calorie surplus and LOTS of lifting before seeing a muscle gain.


    You've been at this for 2 weeks. You need to give your body 4-6 weeks before you start seeing changes. Also, since your body is not used to exercise, you're likely retaining water from the exercise. This will level out in time and your body will drop that excess water.

    Keep at it. You didn't gain the weight in two weeks and you're certainly not going to lose it in two. Stay the course!
  • kevinjb1
    kevinjb1 Posts: 233 Member
    Sounds like you have the nutrition part of the deal under complete control so you are already ahead of the game!

    All I can tell you is to keep going. Two weeks is a great start but it may take a bit longer to see the results you are looking for.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Unfortunately you can't target a specific area for weight or inches lost. All you can do is eat and work out in such a way to support what you are trying to achieve. If you're trying to lose fat, you should probably do more cardio. Maybe get a trainer and have them help you set up an exercise / nutrition regimine that will help.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    You can't allow yourself to give up after just two weeks!

    The tough part was getting started. You're doing that.

    Don't stop now.

    In two more weeks and beyond, you'll be glad you stuck with it.

    Changing your lifestyle takes TIME! You're worth that.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    p.s. I also see that you haven't got a ton of weight to lose...just a few pounds. As you get smaller, your calorie burn is lower, apparently. For example, if I'm 200 lbs, I will burn more calories in an hour doing the same activity as a 120 lb person. So...that is why that last 10 - 15 can be tough to lose. But over time, with the efforts you're putting forth, it will happen!
  • squaregum
    squaregum Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you everyone.

    I will keep trying. I am sure that as soon as I see a change, I will get addicted again to the gym as it happened before.

    I am so glad I asked before letting myself give in.

    Good luck everyone.
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    oh my goodness...keep trying!! If you are willing to put in the work-there WILL be results. It takes time and commitment-and in my case, my head finally being in the right place to take on the change. Am there-and happy to be HERE!