Words for a new gym goer?

Let me say first off that I love my gym. Yesterday, I was minding my own business on the treadmill when a couple of visitors (they wear stickers that identify them so that members and employees can answer questions and/or provide comments) made a rude remark about another visitor. They were walking behind her on the treadmill on their way to the ellipticals and commented that she was jiggling so fast she was going to cause the machine to tip. The in house personal trainer immediately asked the women to leave. The third visitor was stunned and grabbed her stuff to leave. I happened to be done and heading intot the lockers at the same time. I ended up with the woman alone. She was still very upset and I gave her my best cheer-up line ("No matter how slow you are going, you still lapped everyone who is waiting to start"). What other advice/motivation could I give her when I see her tonight? (She promised to give the gym another try tonight)


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Tell her not to judge the gym by some obnoxious visitors who will probably be asked not to return. Most people are at the gym for the same exact reason _ to get fitter and healthier. Unfortunately the few jerks can really bring someone down.
  • HereWeGoAgain7
    HereWeGoAgain7 Posts: 163 Member
    They were told yesterday that my gym would not meet their needs. Which I think is polite gym speak for "Leave and don't come back". This gym takes a very Average Joe's view. And does not play around with intimidation. :happy:
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Gah! So rude! (Them, obviously, not you.) I applaud your calmness - I probably would have said something along the lines of, "wow, what jerks" except with less polite words. Good for that staff person too - you can't have jerks like that ruining people's gym experience or you're not going to have a very good gym.

    I *think* probably the less said about it the better. At least I know I would rather try to forget about it if something like that happened to me. But a "hey, good to see you!" or similar is encouraging without being too "...after that horrible incident which you will now replay in your head for the next six weeks!"
  • Chelz2013
    Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member
    She is an inspiration because she made the choice to get off her butt and actually BE at the gym ON the treadmill. Screw the others. This is her journey and noone can knock her down. Maybe ask if she's on MFP :flowerforyou: --BTW -- I'm really happy they were asked to leave.
  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    I think it's awesome that the staff kicked them out, that's saying a lot about the gym! I want to go there!! lol And I think it was awesome of you to say something positive to her. I think what you said, something quick and uplifting is the best way. Don't dwell on it, just let her know not everyone is like those two catty ladies. I hope the fact that they got sent packing makes them realize they need to go to the gym to work out, not criticize those trying to better themselves!
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Honestly, I think something along the lines of "I'm glad to see you're back" might be the best thing. If she's looking for a social / gym "group" to motivate her, that helps to establish a connection. But, even if she's not much of a talker and isn't looking for new friends, a pleasant word that encourages her to come back can go a long way. The main thing would be to help her associate her presence in the gym with a positive response, rather than rude comments.

    Plus, as bokodasu said, it also avoids bringing up this specific incident. You're simply glad to see her in the gym.
  • HereWeGoAgain7
    HereWeGoAgain7 Posts: 163 Member
    I think it's awesome that the staff kicked them out, that's saying a lot about the gym! I want to go there!! lol

    That is a very large part of why I go to this particular gym lol.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Oh, I remember those days...It was utterly embarrassing to be 240 pounds and walk into a gym, so I chose the smallest gym with the least amount of members. Then I discovered this site, so I am hoping that no one even remembers the old me, except for the owner. But, I understand the "horror" involved with going to a gym and being a spectacle for those who are less tolerant of the "weight-challenged" individual, trying to take that first step. Honestly, I just started walking around my neighborhood because I wanted to try to avoid this situation that happened to the "new gym goer" at all costs.
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    Honestly, I think something along the lines of "I'm glad to see you're back" might be the best thing. If she's looking for a social / gym "group" to motivate her, that helps to establish a connection. But, even if she's not much of a talker and isn't looking for new friends, a pleasant word that encourages her to come back can go a long way. The main thing would be to help her associate her presence in the gym with a positive response, rather than rude comments.

    Plus, as bokodasu said, it also avoids bringing up this specific incident. You're simply glad to see her in the gym.

    I agree with this approach. I can't believe that anyone would be that rude, and I love hearing that the trainer asked that person to leave. If it was me that someone made that comment about, I probably wouldn't want people to dwell on it, but I definitely think a nice, generic word of encouragement (like the one suggested above) would be welcome. Good for you for wanting to help this woman feel comfortable again!!
  • 1duffwf
    1duffwf Posts: 76 Member
    OMG - what snotty women!! I use to work at a gym, and would always tell new self-conscious members that everyone is so busy doing their own thing that they simply don't have time to notice you. LOL - unless they are some creeper trying to hit on you. So kuddos for the staff for asking them to leave!

    Honestly tonight I would just say "Hey (insert her name here)! How's it going?". Keep it real casual - I bet she is still hurting/embarrassed from last night. I'd be she'd appreciate being treated normal. :)
  • HereWeGoAgain7
    HereWeGoAgain7 Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks everyone. I will just make sure to say hi when I see her and let her know that it's nice to see her.
  • cwatts0
    cwatts0 Posts: 51 Member
    I agree with most other folks ... A simple "nice to see you again" seems fitting.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    They don't belong there, she does. She should be proud to be doing better for herself.