Had a baby...8 months ago...

My son was born exactly 8 months ago. Sadly, I probably weigh today about the same as I weighed when I came home from the hospital with him. I am breastfeeding him, and it makes me hungry! So I eat. And I eat a lot of junk, too.

So, here I am. Trying to get healthy so I can feel good about myself, and be a good and active mom to my son. Also, my husband and I are planing on trying to conceive again at some point, and I would like to be at a more healthy weight by then.

So, here we go! This is the heaviest I've ever been, with the exception of being pregnant. I hoping to at least get back to where I was, but hopefully lose even more!


  • AndOne8675
    AndOne8675 Posts: 151 Member
    You guys are adorable! I had my daughter about 13 months ago and I am trying to get into shape and possible have another bb again in the near future, Good Luck to you!
  • jennscooper
    jennscooper Posts: 5 Member

    I also had a baby 8 months ago (+2 days). I am almost the same weight as I was when I was at my heaviest prego with him. I developed depression in my last trimester and had to go on zoloft (25mg) and thats when I gained weight. Like 12lb in 2.5 weeks!!! I had to continue on the zoloft for a few months after having him. I finally said stop, when I was swimming 3x/week and still gained 5lb in 2 weeks.

    I have 30-40lbs to lose. I am also still nursing my son. And it DOES make you SO hungry! ALL the time. Why do people tell you "Oh, you are breastfeeding, the weight will come right off, without any work." I call cow poop on that!

    I am trying my best. But I am starting to try harder (day #2 of calorie counting) and I have started to train for a 10k.

    WE CAN DO IT!!
  • gettinfitaus
    gettinfitaus Posts: 161 Member
    Youngest DS is now 16 months old and I'm only just getting back on the fitness horse. Welcome. I found that I just don't loose weight while breastfeeding. For some reason my body insists on holding onto everything or letting it go really slow. We are just starting to wean now (down to 3 feeds now but mostly after meals so much more comfort feeding than hunger). So hopefully once baby is weaned dropping some weight will be easier.
  • littlelaurie14
    littlelaurie14 Posts: 224 Member
    You can do it! I have a 14 month old and I'm at pre-preg weight now and it's pushed me to aim higher with my fitness goals. Changing your lifestyle to lose weight and be healthy will be one of the best commitments you'll make if you follow through.. Good luck!
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    I have a one year old, and breastfeeding did not make me lose any weight at all. It was a lie for me that breasfeeding makes you lose weight. I had GD while pregnant, so I couldn't eat anything good then so I made up for it after giving birth. Lol. But I started eating healthy and exercising almost 4 months ago and I have lost a little over 20lbs since then. I still have about 20-30 lbs to lose. You can add me if you want, we can motivate eachother.
  • jennavieveg
    jennavieveg Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you! Yes, it's a big lie that BFing makes you lose all that weight. At least for me. Maybe not for some people. I have been overweight all my life (sometimes more than others), but I just want to feel good about myself again!
  • Reading your story is like a mirror image of my own (except my little guy is about 1 mo older than your baby). I started really paying attention to my calories and making myself exercise and move these past 4-5 days, and I've already been able to shed about 3.5 lbs--so we can totally do this!

    I know its tough having a young one and trying to accomplish a weight loss goal. Sometimes, I just feel too tired from the day to make the "ultimate healthy meal of all tiiiiime" every night (and then do the stupid dishes!). It can be so easy to just order out or pop open a bag of chips to munch on. It's okay to do this every now and then as long as you don't over indulge and try to eat a sensible portion. I guess my point is that this is going to be a journey, not a sprint, so don't get discouraged if you need a pit stop every now and then! Try to break up your goal into weekly checkpoints instead of the daunting "I should lose [seemingly huge number] by [seemingly far away distant date]"--be proud of what you accomplish every day, be it running a mile or pushing a stroller for 20 minutes.

    And don't you think the exercise-calorie counter needs to incorporate things like "Carrying baby for 20 minutes"--because we've GOT to be burning something holding these 20+lb kiddos!

    Good luck and go get 'em!
  • etmeum
    etmeum Posts: 23
    It is a relief to read the messages here and realize that I am not alone. BF does not make you lose weight faster, because you are hungry all the time. I am also BF and would like to get back to shape. I have about 10 - 15 lbs to lose. I just joined MFP last week, my first time ever joining a fitness site. I am loving it. Look forward to connecting with people here to get moral supports.
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    You can add me:) My son is 3 months old now. i also nurse him.
  • keywestsunset
    keywestsunset Posts: 139 Member
    My daughter is 6 1/2 months. After the new year I got back on track and was 10 lbs from my prepregnancy weight, but lately I've been eating everything in sight. I'm not sure where my motivation went! I had been going to the gym but I felt so bad when I'd walk by the daycare and she was crying. I also have a 3 1/2 yr old
  • lizziefin
    lizziefin Posts: 1
    I'm so glad I found this. Before I got pregnant, I had dropped from 175 to 148. I used MFP, but I was really strict about food and exercised 60-90 minutes 6-7 days a week. I felt amazing. Now I have a 10-month old. I went up to 172 pregnant, dropped to 158 by about 4 months, but now am back up to 165. I just can't find the time to work out. I go to a spin class on Sundays and after work on Wednesdays. I go do an hour on the elliptical on Mondays and sometimes on Fridays. Sometimes I can get to a 5:35 am spin class on Thursday or Friday mornings - but the baby's been waking up at 6am so it's getting hard to do those morning classes. When I lost the weight before, I told myself, "I know what it takes, and I know I can do it." Now, I know what it takes, but it's impossible to find the time. I'm starting to feel really awful about myself and don't know what to do.
  • mandalu292
    mandalu292 Posts: 68 Member
    I'd love to add you for support. I had my son 6 weeks ago, but already am finding it hard to continue losing weight. I'm b/feeding as well. I do great when I'm logging, but make excuses at times not to log, and the scale shows it. We can do this!
  • jennavieveg
    jennavieveg Posts: 4 Member
    You guys have all made me feel so much better. Thank you! It's so nice to know that in not alone.
  • saharzd
    saharzd Posts: 5
    Please anyone add me as a friend! I have a 6 month old and I am breastfeeding.
  • AiabliamsMommy
    AiabliamsMommy Posts: 60 Member
    Any new moms can add me too! I'm looking for friends. My son is 13 months and we are breastfeeding about 5-6 times a day still. I'm having a hard time losing weight this time. With my first 2 the bfing helped me lose all the weight in 4 months with NO dieting. With this baby I started my pregnancy 35lbs lighter, so I'm wondering if that's why I'm having a hard time losing. I dont have as much extra so its harder to lose. idk. But I still have about 20lbs to lose. I'm looking for support. I'd be great to hear from other new moms every day!