"shape up" type shoes - do they really work?

It seems that I see more and more ads and commercials for these type of shoes. Before I invest, I was wondering if anyone has used these shoes and what type of results they give...


  • maviolette
    maviolette Posts: 27 Member
    I have the Avia version and I love them! The first pair I bought was the Reebok Easytones. They were fine, but I like the Avia much better. I've seen definite toning in my legs.
  • HeatherCanDoIt
    HeatherCanDoIt Posts: 165 Member
    I have been checking them out too and I am interested in checking out what people have to say!
  • dfwtxmissy
    dfwtxmissy Posts: 102
    I have a pair and well worth the money. I paid 100.00 however never noticed the toning part but after taking about 2 days to get used to them. They make you walk like you are supposed to and don't drag your feet cuz they will trip you. They are major comfortable and awesome at the gym however I can't to the bicycles because of their thickness in the soles.

    I will buy another pair when these wear out...I have had them about 6 months and they have yet to show wear and tear.

    I will buy another pair just for the comfort.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    i heard on the Dr. Oz Show that they really don't work but that he wears them for comfort. So I guess in a way if they are comfortable and it makes you walk more then they work in a way. :smile:
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    They don't work, and they are really ugly. Save your money, buy a cute pair of Nikes and hit the pavement. :wink:
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    i have the Skechers brand and you can feel the burn in your calves when you walk....:flowerforyou:
  • TonyaR
    TonyaR Posts: 78 Member
    I have the Avia ones...and I feel it in my calves when I'm walking, I've also worked out in them (30 day shred) and Man did I felt it the next day!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I have the Avia ones...and I feel it in my calves when I'm walking, I've also worked out in them (30 day shred) and Man did I felt it the next day!

    Your calves would be the only place that you'd feel a burn, and as soon as your muscles get used to the shoes...over. Shoes can not build muscle or even help to build muscle...it just doesn't make any sense, It would be weird to have super huge calve muscles and nothing anywhere else...:laugh: :wink:
  • Pattitude
    Pattitude Posts: 18 Member
    I have the Easytones and I can definitely say that they work for me. I get on the elliptical 4-5 times a week for about 45 minutes to an hour and wear them every time I run. My calf muscles, quads, hamstrings, and booty are SO tight and firm just from running... no strength training involved! I have always had a big booty and have always been proud of it... but with these shoes, it has gone from jiggly-big to firm-and-perky-big and I feel like my legs look wonderful. There are only 2 downfalls to these shoes that I've experienced. 1) Whenever I run for longer periods of time, my toes end up hurting from gripping the inside of the shoe... for me, I feel like I constantly have to grip to counteract the "balance ball technology" of the shoe. 2) The strength and size of the muscles that they work seem to go away MUCH quicker from lack of use than if I actually strength trained (I would assume, anyway).

    I would recommend them to anyone... although I have read reviews that they hurt some people to wear them, so make sure to do research first! :)
  • luckyinlife
    luckyinlife Posts: 81 Member
    I have them for the great arch not for the exercise benefits. Most comfy shoes and sandals I've ever had! I have the sketchers brand.
  • dmstephens
    I paid a lot of money for mine and they do not work like advertised. And be very careful if you have any type of hip problem these shoes can make it feel much worst.
  • Cassandra1219
    I've honestly noticed that my back feels a little better.. i felt some burn the other day when i wore them on my 4 mile walk:)
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I have the Easytones and I can definitely say that they work for me. I get on the elliptical 4-5 times a week for about 45 minutes to an hour and wear them every time I run. My calf muscles, quads, hamstrings, and booty are SO tight and firm just from running... no strength training involved! I have always had a big booty and have always been proud of it... but with these shoes, it has gone from jiggly-big to firm-and-perky-big and I feel like my legs look wonderful. There are only 2 downfalls to these shoes that I've experienced. 1) Whenever I run for longer periods of time, my toes end up hurting from gripping the inside of the shoe... for me, I feel like I constantly have to grip to counteract the "balance ball technology" of the shoe. 2) The strength and size of the muscles that they work seem to go away MUCH quicker from lack of use than if I actually strength trained (I would assume, anyway).

    I would recommend them to anyone... although I have read reviews that they hurt some people to wear them, so make sure to do research first! :)

    and this is from your shoes??? they made your booty tight? really? sorry...it's the hard work you put into your body not your shoes...we don't let people wear them in the gym where I work, because they are unsafe to train in.
  • elizw5
    elizw5 Posts: 17 Member
    I have the Nike shoes. I love them but have not noticed any difference. At first I did but after that, nothing. I do like them though, they are comfortable.
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    I have a pair of Sketchers and love them for the comfort. My feet and knees do not hurt wearing them. Do they help tone? I doubt it, but they are comfortable and I think they are cute shoes to wear with jeans.
  • Pattitude
    Pattitude Posts: 18 Member
    and this is from your shoes??? they made your booty tight? really? sorry...it's the hard work you put into your body not your shoes...we don't let people wear them in the gym where I work, because they are unsafe to train in.

    Actually, yes, I do feel that it is from my shoes. I ran for about 5 months prior to getting these shoes, and I absolutely did NOT see the results that I saw after wearing my Easytones. Of course my leg muscles got stronger from simply putting the work in and I don't attribute my firmer booty to JUST the shoes... but I could definitely feel and see a difference after switching shoes. Feel free to keep being judgemental and rude, though... it's really cute. :)
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    Just talked to the shoe salesman at our local store and he said that research shows that you can buy a good pair of Nike or other good but less expensive shoes and they have the same effect. My husband bought some Sketchers and likes them but now is having trouble with his knee. Wonder if that is part of the problem. I saved my money today and bought some regular Reebok walking shoes.
  • shari227
    shari227 Posts: 13 Member
    I have the sketchers and not only do I feel it in my butt and legs but they make me stand up straighter too(this makes my boobs look bigger too:). This helps my back and hips when I'm walking. I've tried doing the exact same exercises on different days with regular tennis shoes versus the sketchers and I can definitely feel the difference. I personally love them and can see and feel the difference.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I have the Sketcher sandle Tone Ups...accidently. I bought them at the store simply b/c they were the MOST comfortable flipflops I've ever put on my feet. I don't think they do much for toning, but they are nice & comfy! Good luck no matter what you decide!
  • Tasha1476
    Tasha1476 Posts: 220
    I have the Easytones and I can definitely say that they work for me. I get on the elliptical 4-5 times a week for about 45 minutes to an hour and wear them every time I run. My calf muscles, quads, hamstrings, and booty are SO tight and firm just from running... no strength training involved! I have always had a big booty and have always been proud of it... but with these shoes, it has gone from jiggly-big to firm-and-perky-big and I feel like my legs look wonderful. There are only 2 downfalls to these shoes that I've experienced. 1) Whenever I run for longer periods of time, my toes end up hurting from gripping the inside of the shoe... for me, I feel like I constantly have to grip to counteract the "balance ball technology" of the shoe. 2) The strength and size of the muscles that they work seem to go away MUCH quicker from lack of use than if I actually strength trained (I would assume, anyway).

    I would recommend them to anyone... although I have read reviews that they hurt some people to wear them, so make sure to do research first! :)

    I love my easytones too!