I am an apple shape and I need help... bad

I am an extreme apple shape with pretty fit legs. My legs look like the legs of someone who is 130 lbs, but I am over 250lbs. My stomach is the main issue, but it will not budge. I continue to do the NROLFW and it is week 2 and my legs are getting more and more fit, my stomach stays the same. I am getting really scared because I feel like this stomach will never go away and I will be stuck with these super fit legs and continue to look odd. I already feel bad about myself, and even though I am working out and trying to eat right, I actually feel worse due to the way things are panning out. Additionally, I have this pooch from being pregnant, and it is like a separate entity from my actual stomach. What are my options? I know I cant spot reduce and weight loss surgery is not an option.


  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    It's only week 2. It takes months or years to gain tens of lbs of weight, so it could take just as long to lose.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Yeah, definitely don't give up after just 2 weeks, and don't change a thing in your training after just 2 weeks either.

    When I started serious strength training, it took about 3-4 months before I started seeing the changes I was looking for on my body. I was gaining strength and endurance galore and could see things happening in certain parts of the body, but it honestly took about 90 days or more to really see the changes I personally *wanted* to see.

    And once the changes started to happen, they started to happen FAST. Keep doing what you are doing and you will see the changes you desire. But if you start tweaking and changing the program before it has time to work, you never know what you will have missed out on!
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    Yeah, definitely don't give up after just 2 weeks, and don't change a thing in your training after just 2 weeks either.

    When I started serious strength training, it took about 3-4 months before I started seeing the changes I was looking for on my body. I was gaining strength and endurance galore and could see things happening in certain parts of the body, but it honestly took about 90 days or more to really see the changes I personally *wanted* to see.

    And once the changes started to happen, they started to happen FAST. Keep doing what you are doing and you will see the changes you desire. But if you start tweaking and changing the program before it has time to work, you never know what you will have missed out on!

    This! Allow your body time to continually adjust. I too have the apple shape - great legs, strong calves and rock thighs, but I do bulge at the midsection and my back. It's easy to get impatient and frustrated, but you're doing great - the biggest factor at this point is time! Weight loss is a true test of patience, I tell ya. ;)
  • redhatorade
    redhatorade Posts: 41 Member
    I have had suggestions to cut back on carbs and sugar, so I think i will continue the weight training and reduce carbs to around 40 or 50 a day. Thanks for all the encouragement!
  • vanessairene
    vanessairene Posts: 104 Member
    Only week 2?! For crow's sake give yourself at least 12 weeks before you freak.

    I'm an apple as well, my midsection is my nemesis, but I find that keeping carbs under 30%, eliminating ALL soda and carbonation, and watching my sodium has a huge effect on the waistline.

    I also lift heavy, Add me if you like some more support.
  • Balanced_Jenn
    Balanced_Jenn Posts: 4 Member
    Apple shapes are usually indicative a body with inflammation and stress. Look up information on an anti-inflammatory diet. Cut out all sugar other than that found naturally in fruit and eliminate dairy. I work as a lifestyle educator in a naturopathic medicine office and this would be one of the first places that we would start.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Instead of fiber track the sodium in your food diary. Try to cut down on sugar, eg cut the frosted cereal. Eat loads of roasted and steamed, or raw vegetables, green salad. Log everything that you eat and weigh it. Try to divide the meal instead of eating them together, eg drink the milk and whey smoothie for snack so dinner will be 250 calories less and you wont have to eat starburst for the snack.