weight Watchers... does it work



  • Lauren0427
    Lauren0427 Posts: 16 Member
    I have tried WW several times in the past and would loose a few pounds, but would gain it back once I got tired of paying for it and stopped logging. I really like MFP better because I know how many calories and the break down of everything I'm eating.
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Does it work? Yes - again, it all comes down to mindset and tweaking the system to work for you. The "extra" points thing was a matter of huge debate when it first came out - some people lost loads making sure they ate them all, and some people gained eating them all, much like the debate about eating exercise calories back. I suppose it comes down to the level of exercise and how much.

    I lost 5 stone on the original Points system (pre Nov 2010) and for whatever reason could not get to grips with the (pretty identical) ProPoints system - it just didn't work for me. Yes, theoretically you could use 40 points on pizza/chocolate/crisps but MFP can be "manipulated" that way too - it depends whether you choose to look at your macro's or not. (Sugar, etc)

    Would I use it again? Possibly - but I do prefer the forums on here, the advice here and the fact I don't have to shell out £20 a month for being weighed in. It has a good mentality to it and the meetings are brilliant depending on your leader, but if you've got the willpower and the determination, you really don't need to be paying for someone to effectively let you stand on a set of scales.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member

    I just didn't like paying for it. And I like it less since they re-vamped the program and added $10. Plus, it really is the same thing as tracking calories, just in a different format.


    I did lose weight the 3x I tried it but really it's just a different way of counting calories.
  • Ronda73
    Ronda73 Posts: 52 Member
    I think it works. I've lost 25 pounds in the last 15 weeks. You just have to pay attention to portions. And yes you can eat what you want in moderation. I have only dipped into my extra and activity points twice and that was while I was out of town. It's all about making the right choices.
    99% of your fruits and vegetables you can eat for free. Though I do log them. If you do eat too many they will mess with your loss due to the sugars. I don't think of it as a diet it's more of a lifestyle change. I have learned a lot from the program and love the support. I also like having the accountability of someone else seeing that number on the scale and if I had a loss or a gain.
    In the beginning I was averaging a loss of 2 pounds a week. I've had weeks where I've lost 6.6 and others where I have gained 2 but that was to be expected after my big loss.
    Yes it is costly but for me it's worth it.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    It worked for me. I lost 75 lbs in about a year before my meeting was closed down. MFP works as well though.
  • synnglemommm
    synnglemommm Posts: 45 Member
    WW does work, I have done it a few times and in fact, used it to jump start me before I started here on MFP. But the one big difference between the too is the counting of points vs. calories. WW gives you free foods such as veggies and fruits. But once I started logging on MFP, I realized all the veggies and fruits that were free with WW the calories were adding up so that I was actually eating more calories, hence the reason you lose about 1 lb a week with WW. It is a great tool though to teach you healthy eating habits and is a great program. But MFP also holds you accountable, but you can actually track things like your calories, protein, fiber, sugar, fat, carbs, etc. and really see what you're eating as compared to WW.
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    Thank you:) I dont want to pay for it so thats why i m stalling I guess, another reason is that I have a hard time logging my points here. I dont like the droid mobile pp because its confusing. im new to here so i guess it takes time.

    It will take some getting used to if this is the first time you've counted calories, but it gets easier. I'm sure WW works...I like MFP because it's free.
  • jcking76
    jcking76 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, it does. I'm going back on it soon!
  • TammTammS
    TammTammS Posts: 55 Member
    I'm doing ww atm and i'm loving it this time around....I'm a repeat offender. I have to go to the meeting and get weighed in, but thats just me. I also have the e-tools that i use to log my foods but i don't think it will help me in the long run if i don't know what amount of cal i'm really eating so i log the same food here for comparison. I also like the social online better here...I feel it's easier to talk to people here. So i'm doing both because i figure i need all the help i can get :)
    I have been doing it for about 2 1/2 months now and lost around 23 lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend, anyone really :)
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    i've lost weight from all 3 of my pregnancies using WW.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    I lost my first 20kg/44lbs in 5 months doing Weight Watchers in New Zealand. They do teach you all the basics if you're new to losing weight - the importance of weighing and measuring accurately, of logging everything that passes your lips, of making healthier choices. I didn't once go over my daily points, in fact I had so many I was well under them most days. I never used a weekly or an exercise point, and most weeks I earned the maximum exercise points and then some. That's what sent me to MFP. We moved country and I slowly drifted weight back on over 7 months or so. I was going to re-join WW, and I did go back to following the programme for a month in January this year but while I was following it I realised that I wasn't happy, I wanted to see how the macros stacked up and I wasn't sure that the WW programme accounted well enough for all the exercise I do. So I started logging here, then I realised that it really is effectively the same thing. I eat the same foods, I'm just counting calories rather than pro points. Plus I have the app without paying extra for it, and it's well worth learning to use. Now I've lost around 20kg with MFP in about the same time frame (remember I had a gain and had to lose it again!). I think WW has its place, and it's fantastic for people that need some help getting started and learning about weight loss, but I won't go back to it.
  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
    Yes. any plan will work if you stick to it. Weight lose is is reduced calorie intake and exercise. I find that MFP has everything you need to lose weight and it's free. I have tried every diet plan out there, and after I finished the plan I gained it all and more back. Every January I was on a diet. But this year was different I found out how to portion control and exercise the proper way thanks to MFP.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Any program will work if "you" work it.

    I have been on countless programs, and I am the one who makes it work. If I don't do the work, then I don't have success.

    I am currently doing WW online but not working it like I should. I've been looking at this site and trying to decide it I need to make the switch.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    My sister lost her extra weight with WW and has now been maintaining with it for over two years. I've never been interested in it, but for her it's the perfect fit :)
  • Leslie735
    Leslie735 Posts: 12 Member
    I did WW starting last August and I just quit and I lost nothing the entire time. I wasn't impressed with it. I think it gives way too much freedom. As long as you stay within those points you can pretty much eat what you want, that is what it described to me anyway. With me doing MFP I tend to stay away from processed foods and eat more healthy. I've lost more weight in the last couple weeks than I did on WW. Everyone is different though I know people who have had great success with WW.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    It worked for my wife....

    It didn't work for me. I found it too easy to "cheat"...when you tell me fruit is free...guess what...I'm eating a lot of fruit...more than I should. Yea, it was me not following it correctly, I just don't like the system in general.

    It works for a lot of people, and if you want to try it, I say go for it.
  • PinkSuede
    PinkSuede Posts: 49 Member
    I wouldn't waste my time and money on weight watchers for a few reasons.
    1. It didn't work for me. I stuck to it and didn't lose an ounce. Once I got off it and started calorie counting I realized I was eating way too many calories for my body on their point plan (2200 vs 1500). I've had much more success with MFP.
    2. The meetings were useless. I learned little to nothing in those meetings about nutrition or exercise nor were they inspiring.
    3. With the internet and sites like MFP that offer education and support why pay someone for that? It's free!
    4. While I do indulge in the occssional meal bar or frozen dinner I've found the additives in those foods slow my weight loss down..... besides, they're not good for your body.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Simply put. Does weight wtchers work. I need to try something to kick start my weight loss... Suggestions please!!!!

    Short answer, yes, it works. As any other weight loss program, you get out of it what you put into it. You follow the plan as written, you get results. If you 'kind of' follow the program, you 'kind of' get results. I did have great results with Weight Watchers, as I originally lost ~75 pounds when I was following it. I fell off the wagon and put 30 pounds back on so now I am here.
  • jacki1976
    jacki1976 Posts: 15 Member
    I did WW starting last August and I just quit and I lost nothing the entire time. I wasn't impressed with it. I think it gives way too much freedom. As long as you stay within those points you can pretty much eat what you want, that is what it described to me anyway. With me doing MFP I tend to stay away from processed foods and eat more healthy. I've lost more weight in the last couple weeks than I did on WW. Everyone is different though I know people who have had great success with WW.

    But on the same token, can't you eat anything you want on mfp as long as you stay within your calories? How is that any different than weight watchers? You can make it anything you want it to be. If you want to fill up on junk and get your points you can but you're not doing yourself any favors. If you want to get healthier you can eat more fruits and veggies and unprocessed foods and make it a healthy way to lose too. Anybody on any plan has to make decisions about the right things to eat. I think it can work(and hope it does because I just started it) but no plan is going to be the perfect fit for everyone. Find what works best for you.