friends weighing over 200s please



  • enigmachik
    enigmachik Posts: 150
    I started out at 228 lbs. I am now 149 lbs. I still have a bit to lose, but I'm proof it can be done. Feel free to add me :)
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    I started at 253 last December, was at 237 when I joined MFP in early March. Currently about 215 and hoping to be at or below 200 by December this year. Target weight down the road for me is around 180.
  • b7bbs
    b7bbs Posts: 158 Member
    Hey! I'm currently 214 with a goal weight of 145.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • scd78
    scd78 Posts: 77 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am currently 247. I lost 50 pounds at one point and have now put it all back on when I was feeling self-pity about some health issues. I'd love to support and encourage each other.
  • NatzC123
    NatzC123 Posts: 150 Member
    hey ya,
    I started on here at 255 lbs, down to 222 lbs now, hoping to reach my goal of 180 lbs! add me for support and motivation!! I am 5 ft 5" by the way :smile:
  • ChristineLavi
    ChristineLavi Posts: 62 Member
    Currently I am 213 and GW of 150. Feel free to added me - anyone on this thread :)
    It is easier when we can do this together and with simular SW and GW's :)

    It CAN be done!
  • dearly4ever
    dearly4ever Posts: 61 Member
    started at 217. Currently at 203. Hoping to get to 150. I love making new friends, feel free to add me :)
  • amlyrod
    amlyrod Posts: 12 Member
    I am starting over today! I am currently at 237.4 lbs, the heaviest I have ever been. When I was 40 weeks pregnant, I was only 218 so I have gained 20 lbs in the two years I have had Steven. Time to take charge and make a change! Feel free to add, I need support and encouragement!
  • LauraBalyk
    LauraBalyk Posts: 219 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. Sometimes it is discouraging when you see people lower than 200 trying to loose more, but each person is different, with different heights and body shapes, but we are all here for the same purpose :) to make ourselves feel better about the way we look and the way we feel and to increase our health. I am 250+ trying to get my weight under 200 as a starting goal then eventually like to be around 175-180. I log my food daily and have just started an 8 week metabolic challenge which I write about in my blog on my page ! I always love to have more friends to have as motivation and also motivate me so feel free to add and I look forward to helping eachother out on this journey ! :)
  • angless21
    angless21 Posts: 54 Member
    am 224 pounds right now. I want to get down to 195 pounds. Feel free to add me.
  • jbastone
    jbastone Posts: 20 Member
    Hoping all of us can support each other. Started out at over 300lbs in January, down 71lbs with hard work and determination. Still have over 100 to go. Would love to have more friends that I can support and that will give me a swift kick in the *kitten* if I falter. Feel free to add me. It is a journey that starts with small steps and is so much better with company.
  • mrsringor2011
    mrsringor2011 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi there add me anyone. I started this journey Dec 2011 at 305 lbs at least thats what the scale said then. I didnt weigh myself before then but going by how my clothing fit I had to of been heavier. I got down to 265 were I have been for the last 6 or so months. Life has been crazy and at times I gave up. Im now doing Insanity work outs on youtube. And on day 2 my muscles are killing me. Each video is about 40 minutes long and since Im out of shape and over weight I break the videos up into 2 work outs 1 in the AM and 1 in the PM with a 30 minute walk in the afternoon or after dinner. I start off gung ho but seem to taper off and lose focus. Im hoping that by making more "active" friends on here that I will have to do my work outs and check in with everyone.
  • sherrihuntsmith
    sherrihuntsmith Posts: 32 Member
    I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that wants to see people lose more than vanity weight!
  • thistimewillbedifferent
    thistimewillbedifferent Posts: 217 Member
    I started in January at 257 and am now (almost exactly five months later) at 221 (so 36 lbs down). I want to get down to at least 186 and then we'll see how it goes. My target calorie range (I'm 5'5") is 1808-2000 calories a day, I try to avoid processed foods and eat as clean as I can tolerate (but I still enjoy the occasional wine), and I log absolutely everything I eat. I don't log my exercise, though. Anyone in this chain who tries to maintain a positive and healthy outlook is welcome to add me.
  • lisakay58
    lisakay58 Posts: 36 Member

    I weigh 214, been working on it for years.... I have to get to my first goal of 150...
    I need friends too...

  • I am 232 trying to reach 185 if anyone. add if interested.
  • I am 30 and weigh 214, lost 8 pounds so far and only been doing it since monday last week so roll on the weight loss! last time i did this i ended up finding out i was pregnant after losing over a stone and then put all the weight back on so definitely gonna avoid that this time,lol
  • nilsej
    nilsej Posts: 1
    Hi All,

    First post. I am 6.1 feet and at 255lb, lost 45lb in last 5 month and hoping to reach 220lb within next 4 months. It was fun as losing weight while eating our fav food( pizza, sweets. etc) was challenging. At the end of the day is balancing with other healthy food which help the most. And most important exercise.
  • mack3789
    mack3789 Posts: 4
    Hullo...I'm 275...after thinking I was 258 or some odd for a bit of time. D'oh. I've done the opposite and instantly weighed more! Magic! But, yup, I'm in the 200s and I'm gunning for 258 now. LOL! :D Oh, so funny. A lot of hard work ahead of us, but I see those that lose and it gives me hope. :)
  • suziastro
    suziastro Posts: 56 Member
    Hi folks, im 210 aiming for 150 feel free to add me. im on every day and have an open diary :)