morning jog/ hydration help

Dilemma: I'm trying to get back into my jogging and would like to do it first thing in the morning. However, i find myself to be dehydrated with dizziness and a MOSTER headache. How much, of what, and how long before you run do u drink fluids??????:drinker: :drinker:


  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Not a runner but more water in the evening and perhaps some by the bed might help?
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    I always start my day with a 16 oz glass of water. You're dehydrated in the mornings due to going 6-8+ hours without any fluids or food, its just what happens. It depends on how long of a run you're going on, if it's only a couple miles (1-5) you may be ok with just having a large glass as soon as you wake up and then replenishing as soon as you're done with your run.

    The other factor is what the weather is like. If it's hot and humid you're going to need more water because you'll sweat more. I recently invested in a fuel belt as my mileage was increasing and it's great to have 40oz of water available to me while out on my run (helps with reducing chafing too! pour water over chafing areas to remove salty sweat and reduce rub).

    If you're already waking up with a headache then you're not drinking nearly enough water throughout the day. Remember things with caffeine in it (coffee, tea, soda etc.) dehydrate you. Your hydration levels are also going to be affected by the amount of salt you eat. If you eat something really salty you'll want to drink at least another 8-16 oz of water. Alcohol is also dehydrating. Of you drink wine with dinner or have an alcoholic beverage at night you should drink at least the equal amount of water to help balance that out.

    Hope this helps.
  • Thank u!!!! i have a super small bladder so i can drink at night for ill be up all night. i only run 3 miles but it is enough to cause dizziness and headache. I will try to run with a water battle and see if that helps. THANK YOU!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    On the days before my run days, I steer clear of carbonated stuff and will drink water throughout the day, and keep a cup on my nightstand. If you must carry a water bottle on a 3mi run, perhaps a small one that straps to your hand so it's minimally intrusive.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    Thank u!!!! i have a super small bladder so i can drink at night for ill be up all night. i only run 3 miles but it is enough to cause dizziness and headache. I will try to run with a water battle and see if that helps. THANK YOU!

    I have this same problem. I just always drink a glass of water as soon as I get up. I keep trying to remember to bring a water bottle with me. I really need it in the summer!
  • mnstrpc
    mnstrpc Posts: 109
    I normally run first thing in the morning and don't take a water bottle with me on short runs, but do carry a hand-held water bottle for longer runs (generally anything over 6-7 miles in the summer). I don't generally drink much in the morning before I run, maybe 4-6oz at MOST just to wet my whistle, maybe 10-15 minutes before I hit the road.

    I would agree with the poster who suggested you just might not be getting enough hydration throughout the day, though, esp if you're waking up with headache. If you can't drink much before bedtime, I would really strive to make sure you're staying hydrated consistently through the day. I have a desk job and keep a 24oz Camelbak water bottle with me at all times. I try to get through about 3 of those during the workday, and then drink a bit more water at home with dinner.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Maybe try a little camelpak so you can sip rather than swig.
  • jasminetoi
    jasminetoi Posts: 62 Member
    the more water you drink the more your body will get used to the amount...i get up about 3 times a night if i drink near a gallon...but id rather have the weight loss and the health than the convenience and extra 5 min of sleep
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    All you need to do is make sure and stay hydrated really well the day before. This morning I had a glass of water (about 12-16 oz), half a pop tart, and then ran 8 miles with no additional hydration. I wore my fuel belt but didn't need the water because the pace for this was easier today. Take water along if you like but you should be good for 3 miles with just a glass of water if you're staying hydrated the day before.
  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    I drink water constantly... and when I run I wear a CamelBak.. I always have water with me. Definitely make sure you hydrate during the day before.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    If I run in the morning I make sure to have 32oz between 6pm and bedtime. This is generally sufficient for anything up to 6 miles.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I drink a glass of water right before bed, and a glass of water before my run. I don't carry water for shorter runs (less than an hour), but I definitely do for anything longer than that, especially when it's hot!
  • dancerbyday
    dancerbyday Posts: 61
    I am a dancer, just starting to run (yay!), and I have found just the right way to limit my water (for me) while working out so that I don't get side aches. At dance, I take just a couple of sips every once in a while, but I don't drink any water when I run. I drink plenty of water the day before, and then stash my water bottle at the beginning of my run. This way I'm not tempted to stop for water breaks, and I won't get a side ache from drinking while running. Also, it gives me incentive to finish my run, and not be all day about it either, because I know my precious water is waiting for me at the end. ;) Of course, if you are running a fair distance, you may want to consider running with your water bottle, but I am currently only running about 2 1/2 mi. and this plan works very well for me. When you get done, though, just make sure that you don't CHUG your water, or you will probably end up with a side ache. Take sips, and make sure you cool down a little bit. Give yourself time to breath, and then the water will go down better. ;) Hope this helps, and good luck!
  • Sphilips1909
    Sphilips1909 Posts: 30 Member
    Camelback is definitely a recommendation I would make for you if you are dehydrating that bad when running. its easy to run with and keeps your hands free. Look into it... Also you can try adding lemon water to your routine, maybe a glass of lemon water first thing in the am will help.