Looking for a group of supportive friends!

I've been on here since Jan 2012 and I did really well for a while. Let's just say the Freshmen 15 caught up to me and I gained back almost all the weight I lost! I'm back and looking for some new friends! I'm a college sophmore, almost 20, 5'3 and about 166lbs, I'd like to lose 30-40lbs! I'm here everday and would love more friends to join me on this journey! :)


  • kelli702
    kelli702 Posts: 8
    Hi! I am also a college student living at home with an unhealthy family and I totally understand where you are coming from! I am always looking for 'workout buddies' and people to work with for motivation and support! I think you and I also have a lot in common! I hope to hear from you!

    Kelli :)
  • ninarose16
    ninarose16 Posts: 5
    Hey there! :) I'm just starting out on MFP, I've yet to make a whole lot of progress, and I'd love to support you and vice versa! I'm looking to lose about 45-50lbs despite my loving father tempting me with deliciously unhealthy meals everyday lol.