What do you do when you feel you have no calories left?



  • mfp116
    mfp116 Posts: 108
    you either just deal with your calorie amount or exercise to bring your calories up
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    600 seems plenty if you are on a 1300 diet and have already made it past breakfast and lunch. When I get close to my allotted calories, I work out to get more. But I also try not to worry so much about individual days and look at calorie goals for the week. And I generally tend to zig zag with my calories so I don't really spaz when I have a high day.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I go by the TDEE and BMR method.... so I give myself 1900 cals/day no matter how much I exercise.... that being said... I have the opposite problem... I think..."man I have 600 more calories... what am I going to have that's healthy but not too filling?"

    But.... when I was doing the ole' 1300 plus workout calories thing I would always preplan the whole day to avoid issues like that... doesn't mean I wouldn't switch stuff around if I didn't feel like eating what I planned on... but that way you can make sure not to run out at dinner time. Good luck!
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    I try not to 'feel' I have no calories left--I look at the numbers (meticulous scale-using measurer) and know that ultimately the math will work. I
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    600 is a pretty good meal ...
    2 cups spinach,(20 cal)
    sliced tomato(15 cal) and chopped cucumber,(10 cal) some olives,(5 of them for abt 50 cal)
    and no need for dressing
    maybe crumble an ounce of queso fresco on it (80 cal oz)
    then swai fillet with garlic and pepper, (140cal for 4 oz)
    2 cups cooked broccoli( 150 cal)
    and maybe 1/2 c brown rice...(120cal)

    portion all that out and look at it ...
    maybe then you wont feel "deprived"