Turning my life around...

My name is Heather. I'm 26 years old. 5'8'' and I weigh 336. I have had weight trouble all my life. In high school, we found out I was severely hypothyroid and that my actual thyroid had several tumors on it. I had my thyroid removed in 11th grade.

Starting college, I was still getting used to my new thyroid medication and I was under a lot of stress. I got down to 180. I didn't realize it then, but I looked awesome. Everyone would tell me so, but I still only saw a fat girl. I was very depressed and didn't even get to properly appreciate my new awesome body.

Shortly after college, I started gaining it back. I just got into my relationship with my (now) husband and got comfortable. I also began working in my career choice... Computer Programming/IT... which is a sit-down job. You know how it goes from there... I packed on the pounds.

I've been on this site off-and-on, but now I'd like to take it seriously.... and turn my life around. I deserve it. :) There are so many inspiring stories on here. It's awesome.

Feel free to friend me.


  • pleasehealthme
    Bump! Sounds very similar to my story and thanks for the add!

    Let's keep each other interested and motivated...Having a buddy always helps.

    We both have 100+ lbs to lose and every day is a journey to where we were. WHAT would I give to be back to my lowest college weight? Pfft....a lot, let's just leave it at that :P
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you!

    Here is the thin me from 2008: http://dakd0cjsv8wfa.cloudfront.net/images/photos/850/488/19850488_5347.jpg

    (picture on my profile too)

    I want to find her again. :)
  • ginnyfay27522
    ginnyfay27522 Posts: 2 Member
    I literally had the same moment yesterday. I've been dieting for the past 20 years and have yo-yo'd through the same 60 lbs. The last time I was slim was at 19 when I weighed 150. I thought I was hideous but I'd lost 30 lbs in a month due to bulemia. That was 17 years ago and i want to get back down to 150 but do it the healthy way :o) My biggest problem is that I am such an emotional eater and a mindless eater. That, and I believe I'm hungry every minute I'm awake! I'm so glad to have found this website -- along with others who are on the same road. Best of luck to us all :smile: