Insanity noob here - help

Celebi03 Posts: 310 Member
OK - so I had this idea of starting insanity when I hit my goal weigh, but here I am thinking that I will look flabby if I wait. I've seen people have success, and I want to be a part of them. I have decided to start exercising again. I have the whole dvd set on my laptop :happy: and I just need to know one thing. I weigh 178 5'6 and eat 1200 - is it a good idea to up my calories to 1400 for the program, I have been losing 2-3 pounds weekly, sometimes less. BTW if anyone has done insanity please show me your results it will motivate me even if you lost an inch! thanks!


  • Remember insanity is as much about building and toning muscle as it is about weight loss. You may not see yourself losing weight during insanity (in fact some people gain weight) but you will definitely find yourself more fit and feeling better. Best results come if you do the workout earlier in the day. Also, it may be hard to believe but its not as much about how many calories you eat as it is eating the right types of calories. Lots of protein while you are doing insanity to help rebuild the muscles. In general, you will burn 500-750 calories per workout for the first four weeks and 750-1200 calories per workout the last 4 weeks. So you will burn plenty.

    Last thing, don't lose motivation if you aren't shedding pounds quickly with the program. Like I said, you will build a LOT of muscle. So chances are you may stay pretty constant with weight. If you do the 6 workouts per week and keep a healthy diet, you will see results.

    Hope this helps!
  • kels1152
    kels1152 Posts: 74
    Remember insanity is as much about building and toning muscle as it is about weight loss. You may not see yourself losing weight during insanity (in fact some people gain weight) but you will definitely find yourself more fit and feeling better. Best results come if you do the workout earlier in the day. Also, it may be hard to believe but its not as much about how many calories you eat as it is eating the right types of calories. Lots of protein while you are doing insanity to help rebuild the muscles. In general, you will burn 500-750 calories per workout for the first four weeks and 750-1200 calories per workout the last 4 weeks. So you will burn plenty.

    Last thing, don't lose motivation if you aren't shedding pounds quickly with the program. Like I said, you will build a LOT of muscle. So chances are you may stay pretty constant with weight. If you do the 6 workouts per week and keep a healthy diet, you will see results.

    Hope this helps!

    I agree with ya. My weight has stayed the same for the most part but I'm a bit more toned :)

    I wish I was burning the amount of calories though that you stated. My first month average burn was 250-400 and for the second month my burn has been almost 500. With that said though, I am 5'7 and weigh 142 and have always been an endurance athlete so I know it takes a lot for my HR to get super high.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    1400 still sounds too low to me. I'm guessing that since you have the workouts on your laptop you don't have access to the nutrition guide that comes with the program? Honestly, I'd guess that 1800+ would be closer to ideal for someone your size.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I finished Insanity a little over a month ago. I will give you the best advice I can...

    1 - Throw away your scale!! - I say this because your weight will not move very much, particularly during the first month. It is VERY COMMON for people to gain weight in the first month of this program. GET A MEASURING TAPE! You are going to have to go by inches lost, its' the only way you are going to "see" results.

    2 - If you try to do this on 1200 you are going to wipe yourself out. I know this because I tried it for a few weeks and spent a whole weekend in the bed not having the energy to move. I bumped up to 1550. I'm 5'4" and started the program at 186 (size 18). I finished at 174 (size 12). You need to make sure you are eating enough protein. I didn't follow the meal plan, I used common sense and a 40Car/40Pro/20Fat split. Well I got as close to it as I could.

    3 - DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT attempt to keep up with the people in the videos!!! They have already completed the program and are familiar with the moves as well as conditioning/diet needed to perform the way they do.

    4 - Watch your form. Slow down a little and concentrate on your form otherwise you are likely to hurt yourself or get completely turned off of the program.

    5 - NEVER, NEVER, NEVER try to double up because you missed a day! By double up I mean attempt to do 2 different videos back to back. If you did one at say 8am and then another at say 8pm it MIGHT be ok, depending on how you feel.

    Your first week you are going to be sore as all get out. I mean by day 3 you aren't going to want to brush your hair because it hurts, let alone walk anywhere. You have to (and I hate the whole tag line thing but it's true) Dig Deeper and push through the pain of sore muscles.

    It's never too early to start any kind of program to make yourself stronger/healthier!
  • jodyb23
    jodyb23 Posts: 101 Member
    All of the advice so far is excellent and exactly what I would say too. I'm on week 4 and lost 4 lbs at first then my weight has been at a dead stall since, even gained a lb. today. I have already lost 3 inches off my waist, 1 off each thigh, 1.5 off each arm though even with out any weight loss. Not concentrating on scale weight dropping is hard, but needs to be done. I couldn't imagine doing this workout on 1200 calories, I've upped mine to 1500-1600 and still think I might try going higher in to the next month. It's very hard, but a great work out and I love how even if my weight isn't dropping I feel more fit.
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I'm shedding lbs and inches :) I'm on week 7, very very hard! But so worth it. My fitness has increased 1000% and my resting hr is about 52. I have lost 14 lbs so far and I took measurements after recovery week, 2 inches off my waist, one off my hips, one off my arms, legs stayed the same but they are much more toned. All of my size 18 pants fall down and my 16s are getting loose. I wasn't really sore except for day 3 of month one and day 2 of month 2, but I did Jillian Michaels 30DS in March before I started Insanity so I think that helped ready my muscles for this workout. I'm currently 193 lbs (5'7") and burned between 350-600 cals in month one and 380-750 in month 2. I eat around 1500-1600 cals a day total and was eating about 1400 in month one, losing 2 lbs a week consistently.
  • LLCoolBean
    LLCoolBean Posts: 40 Member
    I only lost a pound and a half on it and 1 in on the waist but... I wasn't even able to do one pushup when I started and now I can do walking push-ups! My arms and shoulders looks awesome! And I have abs! Theres still a bunch of fat on top of them, but they're there. The best thing I got out of it was a much higher endurance for my other exercises and I now feel unstoppable as far as fitness goes. After I finished the first 60 days I have started training for my fisrt half marathon and after about 4 yrs of "running" and never doing more than 5 miles I am now doing 9 and 10 mile runs weekly and this is just in the last 3 weeks that I started back up on the running since finishing the dvd. I can go to the gym and do an hour of cardio no problem and be absolutely killing the machines. Good luck! And yeah I would up the calories to 1400 or else you'll start to feel really weird during the day and not have the energy to do the workout and give 100% just make sure you're eating all the right things
  • Alwayzbeenurz08
    Alwayzbeenurz08 Posts: 7 Member
    I just bought it and am waiting for mine to be delivered the beginning of next week IM SO EXCITED!
  • kricket1214
    kricket1214 Posts: 1 Member
    I too, just started and for as many times as I have seen the crazy infomercial I swore there was NO WAY I would ever do it or could ever get through it! I proved myself wrong to my own huge surprise. I am currently on week 2, but am supposed to be into week 3. As another comment said, I did not follow the nutrition as good as I should and became totally wore out and sick. Mind you, I eat well and was taking the shakeology but found it was not enough at all. That can be very disappointing but I turned it into determination to continue. I am looking to lose a few, but more so tone, get stronger and all around feel better. I try to get at least 1500-1800 cals a day based on which workout I will be on for the day. I am 5'5" 142 lbs. It is somewhat a pain to have to track but I have gotten better and this site sure does help ALOT! I really do hate to love the Insanity...but I do love it and can't wait to get my tshirt. Really a good idea to at least go to the Team Beachbody site. They have a lot of good info and answer too about the workout. I am glad I got it through the site and I have a coach and team members behind me all the time helping with motivation. My coach gave me a check in and pep talk just yesterday and it kicked me to get back to it. It really is an awesome workout!! I really do wish they had the Insanity workout listed in the exercises here..guess I will have to add em!! Good Luck!! I'm with ya!!