Good eating days and bad eating days.......

I can have a really good day where I eat all the right things, exercise, stick to my calories and then its like BAM I feel the need to eat everything in sight. I'm not even hungry, I'm not deprived but its like after 3-4 days of healthy eating I crave junk food and treats.

I know that I could have a little treat every now and then, but its like one single treat triggers a whole "cheat" day for me. The next day I straighten myself out and stick to my goals like I had once before. Its like a never ending cycle and i'm TIRED of it!!!! I have 11 more pounds to go and I'm really looking to keep it off this time. If I stay in these good eating and bad eating cycles i'll fly off the handle.

Any tips for controlling binge eating? Has anyone experienced this before? How do I pull my socks up and really stick to my calorie goal???


  • frankizoy
    frankizoy Posts: 83 Member
    i have the same problems, id say let your self give into some of your cravings, but in small portions :)
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Figure out if you're actually shorting yourself on micros. Body might be trying to fix your diet.

    If not, don't put food in mouth.
  • MusicLover0123
    The same thing happens to me, drink water as soon as you wake up, it kicks up your metabolism! It personally makes me less hungry throughout the day, I also have it before bed so I don't feel hungry.

    To control your cravings, have a cookie or a small chocolate bar every day but keep everything else healthy. Do this for a week then for the next week only have one small chocolate piece a day and in the end of the week, reward yourself with something you've been craving. This way you still get the few extra calories from the snack but you end up getting less calories than eating loads of junk in one day :D
  • HealthyLeeLee
    HealthyLeeLee Posts: 97 Member
    Are you sure your calorie goal is enough? I recently increased my calories from the 1000-1200 (didn't know it was too low til I started reading posts in forums) range to about 1500-1700 range and I don't binge eat anymore. I realized I literally felt hungry often and deprived of "fun foods" so I would sneak a little treat here and there and then it would snowball and I couldn't seem to stop. It's really frustrating, I know :/ So far no weight gain with increasing my calories! Just a thought...
  • fionahay
    fionahay Posts: 44
    How I've recently got past binging is by concentrating on NOT binging as opposed to losing weight. Worked wonders so far! But you just have to have a strong mental mindset in order to stop, I think.
    Oh, and I eat chocolate every day, whether it's in the form of my protein shake, a quest bar or a square of 85% dark choc. Gotta have it somehow!
  • Marley2310
    Marley2310 Posts: 304
    There are several methods to cheat and still lose weight those are my fav

    1) Controlled cheat day or "reefed" by controlled i mean eating from 500 to 1000 calories over your maintenance level and u should be on a 1000 calorie deficit the day before just to make sure it doesn't interfere with your weight loss , .if u are already lean or really close to your goal then have one every week if u still have much to loose then one after 12 or 14 days

    2 ) Cycling Your calories by the week ..its the best way to cheat in my opinion BUT it can lead to a really strong binge cycle lol Ex : if your maintenance is 20000 calories over the week and u want to lose 1 pound a week so 16500 calorie to consume over the week if u had 1500 calories the first 5 days of the week that's 7500 consumed so around 9000 left to consume in 2 days u can have all the things u are craving , its a good method but not healthy at all ..
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I have struggled with this for ages and have still not found a tactic that works.
    But it does not happen as often for me. It is part of my all or nothing personality, I think. Having a treat a day does not really work, as I will still get a day when I want to just go 'sod it' and eat all the things which are not so good to be eating all at once, lol.