PMS, extra calories

I searched through post this morning with PMS but didn't really get my answer, so I apologize in advance if this sounds like a familiar topic.

Do woman require additional calories while menstruating.

I don't get ravenous while menstruating like some people indicate, of course I have the one day were I crave chocolate, more like I NEED to have chocolate and when I eat it tends to be more comfort foods but I don't feel the need to eat everything in sight.

I just wondered if anyone knew if a woman who is menstruating should adjust her calories, less or more.

When I was younger I didn't want to be physically active at all during my periods, now that I am older I realize I feel better when I go for a walk in the evenings when I feel crampy.


  • moosenbratsmommy
    i don't know about the calories, but i suggest if you absolutely have to have the chocolate, have a fiber one bar- yummy! i gave up sweets back in april and i was surprised that i no longer crave chocolate when i'm pms'ing... and mind you i was the type that had a candy bar a day and like 3 king size when i was pms'ing before that lol
  • sazziecee
    sazziecee Posts: 143
    I read once that we burn an extra 200 cals a day when menstruating, but can't remember where I read it, or if it's even true.

    It is usually the week before my TOTM that I crave things anyway, so I wouldn't want to "spend" the extra 200 cals we supposedly burn when menstruating unless I was actuall hungry for them, makes more sense to have a larger deficit towards my weight-loss :)
  • MissMed07
    If that's true about the extra 200 calories burned then thats great to hear! Not only am I ravenous a couple of days before and during that time, but I also crave chocolate. I thought it was just me who was constantly hungry during my period.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I'm just finishing up with "the friend" and I ate everything in sight. I eat a small amount of semi-sweet chocolate chips to curb the chocolate cravings. What sucks is that I usually gain 4 lbs from TOM and it takes at least a week for me to even back up.