Just joined & Excited!

Just joined but excited. It's so hard to figure out what is the best and healthy way to lose weight. I have started exercising at least 20mins daily and I am making my list of fruits and veggies to get for smoothies, since they seem to be a nice way to add fruits and veggies to my eating habits. Being a foodie this is going to be a real challenge, as I have not been eating healthy at all.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I hope to see what everyone else is doing to reach their goals and find recipes and suggestions for meals and anything else that will help me. Every comment is appreciated. Thank you


  • ActiveJason
    Welcome, I've been on less than a week now, and it is a great site. The people here are wonderful and really supportive. Also I find the food tracking tools a huge help since I hate counting calories. :)
  • ellepribro
    ellepribro Posts: 226 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You have a great attitude for getting started! Keep with the healthy, positive thoughts and you'll do well. :smile:
  • LittleMissJayBird
    Thank you both! I have been reading other message posts and everyone here seems so nice
  • nypa96
    nypa96 Posts: 30 Member
    One of my best tools was looking at other people's food diaries. It gave me ideas on new things to try. Feel free to add me to your friends list.
  • LittleMissJayBird
    Thank you Nypa! That is a wonderful Idea! I will add you now
  • JeanMarieJ
    JeanMarieJ Posts: 53 Member
    Oh girl!! I love smoothies!! I use bananas as a base to nearly all of mine. Just peel and freeze them and its always smoothie time. Easiest is 2 bananas, cup of OJ, little honey, *some Vanilla extract, and poof Orange Julius!
    Hit me up if you want more recipes

    Oops forgot the vanilla (fixed it!)
  • JeanMarieJ
    JeanMarieJ Posts: 53 Member
    Whoa!! How do you look at other peeps food diaries! That would bee awesome!
  • sheshappynow
    sheshappynow Posts: 88 Member
    I've been here since January feel free to add me if you need encouragement:)
  • LittleMissJayBird
    I don't know how to look at diaries yet! lol Ty everyone for commenting. I will send some friend adds if okay:)
  • cfilipi74
    cfilipi74 Posts: 63 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. We all need the support of friends to get us thru this journey. MFP is a great site... good luck!
  • christinealexis
    Welcome to MFP! If I could be of any help please let me know! Add me, my diary is open. :)
  • dinkinaround
    I joined last Friday, and I'm loving it! Never realized how much sugar I had going into my body until now! Time for a change:)
  • angieblizzard
    I have been a member for a while. At first I did not think the message board would be helpful but I have since changed my mind.
  • Tilves2013
    Tilves2013 Posts: 1
    I just joined as well and I am also very excited- Good Luck to all